Quaderni di Sociologia is published, in three issues a year, since 1951. Born by the initiative of Nicola Abbagnano and Franco Ferrarotti, directed by Luciano Gallino since 1968, it is now directed by Paolo Ceri and Paola Borgna.
Devoted to the analysis of the main changes, crises and innovations of contemporary society, Quaderni di Sociologia fulfil a function of critical reflection on a great variety of sensible topics for the public conscience: from the environmental policies to the partecipation in social movements; from the political communication to the connections among techology, education and employment; from peacekeeping initiatives to Internet innovations; from migratory processes to the eureopean institutions.
The journal is on DOAJ, Google Scholar, Essper, AIDA, ACNP, EBSCO (Historical Abstracts, Political Science Complete, SocINDEX), ProQuest Sociology Collection (Sociological Abstracts), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Complete, Social Services Abstracts, Current Abstracts, Periodicals Index Online.
The journal is rated "A", by the Italian academic research evaluation agency (Anvur), for the following scientific areas: 14 c1 (Sociologia generale, giuridica e politica), 14 c2 (Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi), 14 d1 (Sociologia dei processi economici, del lavoro, dell'ambiente e del territorio).