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Foreword: Claude Guérin (1939 – 2016)

Martine Faure
p. 177-182

Texte intégral

Photo 1 : Claude Guérin in July 2009 at National Parc Serra da Capivara

Photo 1 : Claude Guérin in July 2009 at National Parc Serra da Capivara

Piauí, Brazil

1Claude Guérin was born on the 4th September, 1939 (the day that World War II was declared, as he sometimes remarked) at Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon in the Rhône, but he was proud of his family roots in Ardèche. Claude Debussy inspired the choice of his name.

2He completed his secondary school studies at the Collège François Ponsard in Vienne, in the Dauphiné. From his school days he remained in contact with one of his teachers, Gabriel Chapotat, his History-Geography teacher with whom, decades later, he published some papers.

3The elder of two boys, during his youth he was quite solitary, and read a lot, notably Jules Verne’s Voyages Extraordinaires, which doubtlessly fulfilled his need for evasion and which nourished his taste for scientific expeditions, strange animals and aeronautics.

4When he was at college, he read On the Track of Unknown Animals by Bernard Heuvelmans, published in 1955, which confirmed his choice of career as a naturalist. In the years that followed he read all his books and for a long time exchanged scientific and friendly letters with him; he became a member of the International Society of Cryptozoology.

5Passionately interested in Natural Sciences and Palaeontology, he was equally interested in the History of Technology and had an encyclopaedic knowledge of the evolution of cars and aeroplanes.

6He earned his baccalaureat “Series C” and “Experimental Sciences” at Grenoble.

7From 1959 he did his higher studies at the University of Lyon where he obtained his first position as Assistant in Earth Sciences in 1963, at the age of 24.

8A student of Jean Viret, he specialised in Vertebrate Palaeontology, focussing his research energies on the study of Neogene and Quaternary Mammals.

9In 1965, when his elder daughter Isabelle was born, he completed his PhD thesis on a Villafranchian antelope from Europe (submitted in January, 1966).

10From November 1966 to February 1968 he undertook 16 months of active Military Service; he was Lieutenant in the Army Reserve.

11At the time of his studies, the Geology Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences of Lyon was housed in the historic building of the university; then, at the beginning of the 1970’s he participated in the move from the old quarters into the new campus at La Doua in Villeurbanne. It was thus in a brand new construction on a new campus that he started his career as Lecturer (Maître-Assistant). The space given to each teacher-researcher (enseignant-chercheur) was based on rank (and not on the basis of the size of the specimens under study!). Claude always had a taste for large vertebrates, so inevitably, his office was rapidly encumbered with numerous fossils from diverse places.

12For his Doctoral Thesis (thèse de Doctorat d’État), submitted on the 12th of June 1981, he studied the fossil rhinoceroses of western Europe, writing a vast reference work of more than 1100 pages on the Terminal Miocene to Upper Pleistocene Rhinoceroses. To achieve this oeuvre he carried out research in a great number of museums and other establishments which preserve fossils, ranging from the highly prestigious to the very modest.

13In his thesis he proposed a continental biozonation of the Plio-Pleistocene based on mammals, a theme that he continued to work on, contributing to diverse meetings ranging from the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on European Neogene Mammal Chronology, held in Bavaria in 1988, to the International Colloquium of the INQUA-AFEQ “Q5” on « Le Quaternaire, Limites et Spécificités » held in Paris in 2006.

14For many, he was above all a specialist of rhinoceroses. He studied the European ones, then those from all over Africa and Asia, and from all the time periods in which they occur. He defined seven new species. He enjoyed identifying a bronze statuette representing Diceros bicornis, the Black Rhinoceros of Africa, discovered in the Roman ship wreck Port-Vendres III, offshore the Pyrénées-Orientales.

15But he was also interested in several other families of large mammals (Bovidae, Suidae, Hippopotamidae, Camelidae, Toxodontidae, etc.). The list of new taxa that he diagnosed reflects the diversity of his works (see below).

16In research he disliked routine and found it more stimulating intellectually to study remains which were rare, remarkable, enigmatic, even at times controversial. In that, he had similar tastes to Léonard Ginsburg (who in addition to his palaeontological researches, studied mummified cats from Egypt or bones attributed in the 17th century to a supposed giant Theutobochus), and François Poplin, who also liked to identify remarkable specimens (such as the sculpted whale tooth from Mas-d’Azil, or the heart bones of deer, trophies of the chase). In the same vein, in 1974 Claude defined a new genus and species of Iranothere, Kenyatherium bishopi, a subfamily previously unknown in Africa. Likewise he was interested in Zygomaturus from New Caledonia, in the manatee Trichechus senegalensis from the Neolithic of Mali, in the existence of a third species of hippopotamus (Hippopotamus laloumena) on the Isle of Madagascar, in the small Megatherium laurillardi from Lund, in the discrete Hydrochoerus fossil from the Serra da Capivara, and in prehistoric pendants made from the metatarsals of Mazama from the Serra das Confusões, or the bovines from the Isle of Amsterdam... These questions intrigued him far more than a pile of fragments of common faunas.

17From 1985 he was Senior Lecturer (Maître de Conférences) at the Université Claude Bernard – Lyon 1. Academic honours were never his main preoccupation. When not teaching, he consecrated all his time to research. At that time the university had not introduced restrictive security procedures, so out-of-hours access to the laboratory was not forbidden and researchers used their offices in complete liberty. Claude used to come to his office on Saturdays, during long week-ends, and during the summer and winter vacations, because those days, being free from teaching and with no administration to undertake nor meetings to attend, gave him the peace and tranquillity which let him concentrate entirely on whatever research project he was working on.

18During the 1970’s-1980’s the Lyon “Quaternaristes” worked in a convivial environment in the team led by Pierre Élouard who, when he arrived from a long career in Africa, overturned the usual customs of Lyon university staff. There was no need for a “tea room” nor electronic mail, break took place in Claude’s office on the first floor, where discussions took place over a glass. Regular visitors, like Raymond Combémorel, Gabrielle Latreille and Henriette Méon, were often joined by other colleagues and visiting scientists.

19As for all researchers of his generation, there occurred two major technological developments that impacted on his career : the arrival of computers in the laboratories and the beginnings of access to internet. For younger readers, recall that thirty years ago there was only one computer at the service of a dozen people, who, every week had to plan their hours of access to the equipment housed in a common room.

20For a researcher who had, until then, written the entirety of his academic output using a type writer, the arrival of a computer, with its word processing and spreadsheet functions, was a radical change in the way of working. Claude had compiled a card index of all the Plio-Quaternary localities which he updated regularly. At the end of the 1980’s when the laboratory was equipped with its first computers, he immediately wanted to digitalise the database in order to improve its exploitation.

21Teacher-researcher (Enseignant-Chercheur) at the Laboratory of Geology of Lyon, he was attached to LA 11 of the French CNRS (which became UA 11 then URA 11), before changing to UMR 5565, then ERS 2042, then FRE 2158, followed by UMR 5125 and finally UMR 5276. Despite this waltz of abbreviations, during 50 years of activity, Claude always felt proud to belong to this House.

22While in the laboratory, he willingly took on diverse duties including administration and collective responsabilities. Among others, he was for several years in charge of the Service des Collections de Paléontologie, and was Chief Editor, in collaboration with Henriette Méon, of the journal Géobios published by the Laboratory. He was also advisory geologist in matters related to water and public health (Géologue agréé en matière d’eau et d’hygiène publique) for the Département of Ardèche.

23He undertook an extremely diverse teaching load in geology and palaeontology at all levels from beginners to doctoral students. He taught, among other subjects, Stratigraphic Palaeontology, the History of Life and Earth, Life during the Palaeozoic and in the Mesozoic, and the Geology of France. He even taught the evolution of teeth, jaws and the temporo-maxillary joint in vertebrates to students at the odontology school (UER d’odontologie).

24Over his long career he supervised a large number of student works (DES, Masters, DEA (at present Master  2), Doctorat de 3ème cycle and Doctorat d’État). Despite his busy schedule, he was always available for students that he had taken on, and never refused to accept students who did not have a classic university background. He was frequently asked to sit on thesis juries or to assess submissions for diplomas.

25In addition, for twenty years he taught the basics of Vertebrate Palaeontology to Archaeology and Prehistory students at the Universities of Lyon 2 and Lyon 3, during which he introduced them to palaeoenvironments of fossil humans, inspiring several of them to develop an interest in Archaeozoology.

26Claude loved teaching; these past ten years, even though he was retired, he continued to be interested in it, often exchanging ideas about illustrations for pedagogic video-projections, or reading the more remarkable content of examination papers.

27He was a member of several scholarly societies and knew how to interact and work with researchers of diverse backgrounds: sedimentologists, geochronologists, palynologists, anthropologists, prehistorians, etc. He created a network of collaborators and close colleagues who over time became his friends.

28Claude was a loyal friend, the list of his palaeontology friends is long, but I think in particular of those who died before him (some very prematurely), among the vertebrate palaeontologists, Michel Beden, Claudio De Giuli, Paul Sondaar and Roland Ballésio.

29He collaborated a great deal with archaeologists, especially with prehistorians. Attracted early to the large extinct faunas, the novels on prehistory by J.H. Rosny-Aîné (notably Le Félin Géant) and the paintings by Joseph Augusta and Zdeněk Burian certaintly fired his imagination. When studying a fragment of bone or tooth from an anthropic context, it was the animal more than the man that interested him. The identification of the species, their evolution, their biogeographic distribution and biostratigraphy were his essential focus of interest.

30When perusing anthropological and/or archaeozoological papers he was sometimes amused by those which contained approximate or even erroneous identifications. Whether the material was from a palaeontological or archaeological site, he considered that the anatomy of the animal, which provides evidence as to its identification, was essential for every interpretation. He took this seriously and deplored the current trend of mediatising everything, especially the tendency to accept the most recent interpretation rather than doing fundamental research.

1- Codirector of diverse excavations in France

31In 1965 Claude began field work in Corrèze, at the Pleistocene sites of Causse Martel, the Abîmes de La Fage (Noaille), then at Jaurens (Nespouls) from 1968 to 1971, which were being excavated by a team from the Earth Sciences Department (Département des Sciences de la Terre) of the University of Lyon and the Museum of Lyon, with technical assistance, notably by Michel Philippe and Robert Vilain. He always remembered the recipes for cleaning and consolidating bones used by Jean Battetta, at the time the preparator at the Natural History Museum of Lyon. These field works stood out at the start of his career as a young Teacher-Researcher (enseignant-chercheur universitaire) and were followed by his nomination as Assistant in 1965 and Maître-Assistant in 1973. This was followed up by his coordination of the publication of the monograph on the locality of Jaurens in several numbers of the elegant journal Nouvelles Archives du Museum d’Histoire naturelle de Lyon (1979, 1980, 1983).

32The vertebrate palaeontologists in the Geology Laboratory of Lyon were contacted by the Municipality of Saint-Vallier (Drôme) and the Saint-Vallier History and Archaeology Association (Association Saint-Vallier, Histoire et Archéologie) to reinitiate excavations at the Villafranchian locality on the Plateau of Montrebut, well known since the researches done by Jean Viret (from 1946 to 1952) and its publication in 1954. In spite of his numerous activities, Claude accepted, and we co-directed the excavations from 1993 to 1999. Following the international round table “Late Plio/Pleistocene Extinction and Evolution in the Palearctic. The Vatera Fauna” which took place in autumn 1999 on the Island of Lesbos (Greece), it became necessary to conduct new reseaches in the Early Pleistocene levels of Senèze at Domeyrat (Haute-Loire). From 2000 until 2006 in collaboration with Eric Delson (City University of New York) we co-directed the excavation and study of this site. Saint-Vallier and Senèze are two exceptionally rich palaeontological localities, and early on they were selected to be the international biostratigraphic reference localities for Plio-Pleistocene mammals. These excavations could not have been done without the support of Monsieur Louis Bombrun, Mayor of Saint-Vallier and his municipal team, and of Monsieur Gustave Courtet, Mayor of Domeyrat, and his team, not forgetting the understanding of the owners of the fossiliferous land.

33These works were carried out with the help of faithful colleagues and friends, notably Évelyne Debard, Fabio Parenti and Andrea Valli. Every summer numerous students of all nationalities assisted in the excavations.

34Claude undertook the scientific coordination of several collective works, notably that of the locality of Saint-Vallier in 2004, as well as the publication on the fauna from the aven of Romain-la-Roche (Doubs) in 2010, following the death of Patrick Paupe in 2005.

35Already, twenty years before, following the death of Michel Beden in 1984, he took on the job of completing the research works on the Elephantidae of the Omo Valley (Ethiopia) achieving their publication in 1987 in the Cahiers de Paléontologie.

36It is unfortunate that Claude died before seeing the published results of the Senèze project, intended for the Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology series of New York.

2- Participation in International expeditions

37Claude was very sought after and was frequently invited by scientific institutions and laboratories all over the world; among others the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Chinese Academy of Science, and he was thus able to visit the most celebrated palaeoanthropological sites in Russia and China. For more than 25 years he was a member of the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano in Brazil. He enjoyed amical relations with the Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana, and for many years was a member of the international scientific committee of the Prehistoric Anthropology Museum (Musée d’Anthropologie préhistorique) of the Principality of Monaco.

38But above all he was a field person and participated in expeditions to many countries.

39In Africa

40Claude started work in Eastern Africa in 1973, participating in the International Expeditions to Ethiopia (Omo Valley and the Afar) directed on the French side by Yves Coppens, to which he contributed his expertise on the large mammals notably side by side with Michel Beden and Véra Eisenmann.

41He contributed largely to African Palaeontology with his works on the rhinoceroses and chalicotheres occurring in the faunas associated with Hominidae.

42In Kenya and Namibia he took part in several expeditions directed by Brigitte Senut and Martin Pickford of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle and the Collège de France. Notably he collaborated in the study of the faunas from the Nakali area and the Tugen Hills (Kenya), Napak (Uganda) and Arrisdrift and other sites in the Sperrgebiet and at Etosha (Namibia). Exceptional was the description of the oldest known Black Rhinoceros of Africa (Diceros australis) in Namibia aged about 17.4 million years and the earliest known elasmotherean rhinoceros of Africa (Ougandatherium napakense) dating from 20 million years ago (Napak, Uganda). Brigitte said of him “Claude had the warm and generous contact that old field geologists often have”.

43In Tanzania he collaborated with Mary D. Leakey in undertaking the study of the foot prints and trails of Chalicotheriidae and Rhinocerotidae at the famous site of Laetoli. He was interested in the ichnological works of G. Demathieu and defined several ichnotaxa.

44During the 1980’s, as a member of the Meudon East African Research Team (Équipe de recherche sur l’Afrique orientale) he took part in the expeditions led by Jean Chavaillon in the lower Palaeolithic of Gobaad (Republic of Djibouti) where he co-discovered, excavated and identified several elephant fossils, including a Palaeoloxodon recki butchery site more than a million years old.

45He was always interested in marine mammals (Whales and Sirenians) and when the occasion presented itself, he studied Stellar’s Seacow, the Dugongs of the Persian Gulf, and the manatees of the Neolithic of Mali. At the request of M. Gutierrez, he identified the butchery site of a rorqual (Balaenoptera) which became stranded on the Angolan coast near Baia-Farta in Benguela Province, and was scavenged by Lower Palaeolithic man. While studying this whale, he might have thought of Captain Nemo and the Nautilus Expedition in the southern seas.

46In addition, Claude took an active part in prospecting for sites in Sub-Saharan and Sahelian Africa (Mission N. Petit-Maire), and collaborated in diverse pluridisciplinary studies on the Plio-Pleistocene and/or Holocene, in collaboration notably with Jean Riser and Michel Raimbault in Mali, or with J.P. Roset, in southern Tunisia.

47During the 2000’s we studied the subfossil hippopotami from Madagascar, as part of the Archaeological and Palaeontological Expedition to the Province of Mahajanga (Mission Archéologique et Paléontologique de la Province de Mahajanga) directed by Dominique Gommery, in collaboration with Beby Ramanivosoa of the University of Mahajanga.

48In the Near- and Middle-East

49During the years 1980-1990, Claude co-ordinated the study of the lower Pleistocene mammals from the site of Oubeidiyeh, South of the Sea of Galilee (Israel) and even co-directed the excavation with Eitan Tchernov of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and with the support of French Research Centre of Jerusalem (Centre de Recherche Français de Jérusalem) at the time directed by Jean Perrot; Claude always appreciated his generosity, and the elegance and simplicity with which he welcomed us while we were in Israel.

50In the Middle East, Claude also undertook the reconnaissance and subsequent excavation of a dugong butchery site discovered by Abel Prieur and Albert Hesse in 1989 on the Isle of Akab, in the lagoon at Umm al-Qaiwain (United Arab Emirates).

51In Brazil

52When our article appeared in 1987 in Géologie de la Préhistoire, an imposing monograph directed by Jean-Claude Miskovsky, the orientation of his research work took a new direction. He was contacted by Niède Guidon, Directrice of the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano, and enthusiastically accepted her proposition to study the megafauna from the Upper Pleistocene discovered by the FUMDHAM at sites in the São Raimundo Nonato region in the south-east of the state of Piauí, fully realising that at the age of 50 he was embarking for a continent about which he had a great deal to learn. His reading of the works of R. Hoffstetter and C. de Paula Couto were the start of 28 years of fruitful collaboration with the FUMDHAM. I joined him from 1991 onwards, and together we went through, identified and studied thousands of fossils, and diagnosed new taxa of Camelidae, Mylodontidae and Toxodontidae. The material, preserved in the Palaeontology Laboratory at the FUMDHAM, today represents one of the most important palaeontological collections from Northeastern Brazil.

53He appreciated the friendship of colleagues encountered during the annual expeditions to São Raimundo. He became very attached to this arid region of Brazil, and always appreciated Niède for having opened the doors to the Neotropical Biogeographic Realm. A project that he held close to his heart was the publication of a Treaty of Palaeontology of the Pleistocene Mammals of South America, but unfortunately he did not have time to complete it.

54Over his 50 years career he published a lot, almost 360 publications, as the sole author or in collaboration with other scientists. He kept a critical eye on the expanding use of bibliometry and was somewhat alarmed by it. Being serious about rigour and exhaustiveness, he could not imagine publishing a study without basing it on detailed anatomical description and comparisons allied to as complete a body of biometric data as possible. He never bluffed and never chose seductive titles, letting the scientific content of the publication speak for itself.

55Claude had a good grasp of German culture and language which he practised since adolescence. He was always opposed to the hegemony of the English language in scientific publications, preferring linguistic pluralism and appreciating the chance to choose. When publishing in a French journal, the use of French was self evident to him.

56He didn’t hesitate to publish in journals with diverse readership, and contributed or co-ordinated works on reference manuals for students (such as the publication with M. Patou-Mathis “Les Grands Mammifères Plio-Pléistocènes d’Europe” published by Masson (1996), or his participation in the work “Le Quaternaire, Géologie et Milieux Naturels” under the Direction of J. Riser published by Dunod (1999).

57He willingly accepted to popularise science, ranging from interviews with the media, to giving talks to scholars and the public, and participating in journals and works aimed at a wide audience. For example, this openness led him to accept the invitation by the artist André Houot, to act as his scientific advisor for two of his comic books. In the same spirit he and his grandson Valentin undertook with pleasure the writing of a children’s book on Dinosaurs and another on the job of a palaeontologist.

58Amateur of Louis Aragon, Claude was among those who didn’t believe in heaven, and he preferred the rose to the reseda. He was often ironic and adored satire (he assiduously watched the satirical French television political programme Guignols de l’info) and he was fond of cartoons in the humorous press. Not very sensitive to fashions, the values that were always his were freedom of thought, refusal to compromise, and independance, and as such his preferred weekly was Le Canard enchaîné, of which he was a regular reader.

59He retired from higher teaching in 2005, but never interrupted his research activities, as shown by his publication list. His last expedition to the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano was in July-August, 2015, just a year before his death. During the year he received a letter from the Director of the Laboratory informing him that his access to the laboratory and to a small corner of an office would not be extended beyond the 31st August, 2016; he died on the 22nd August.

60One would need several lifetimes to satisfy his insatiable palaeontological curiosity. “It is not the speed which is at fault, it is the sea which is too wide” (“Ce n’est pas la vitesse qui est trop petite, c’est la mer qui est trop grande!”) lamented Professeur Otto Lidenbrock during his “Journey to the Center of the Earth” (J. Verne, 1864).

61The rhinoceroses of Africa and Eurasia, the Villafranchian antelopes of Europe, the wild boars and peccaries, pygmy hippopotami from Madagascar, tapirs, elephants from Djibouti, dugongs from the Persian Gulf, Stellar’s Seacow, the rorqual from Angola, and Mazama, Palaeolama, Toxodon and giant sloths from Northeast Brazil, together comprise a vast gallery of species which testify to the passion that Claude had for the palaeontology of large mammals.

62The themes chosen for this homage illustrate the breadth (both chronostratigraphic and biogeographic) of his research domain.

63I would like to thank all those who, one way or another, have contributed to this publication. Close colleagues, some of whom were his students, who joined him on excavations in France and expeditions in foreign countries, who met and cemented their friendships in the field, during congresses or while studying in museums and they often debated and published together. A friendly “Thank you” to Martin Pickford for translating this text.

64Thank you Claude for 40 years of palaeontological complicity.

65His works on systematic taxonomy:

66Diagnosis of seven species of Rhinocerotidae, one Diprotodontidae, two Hippopotamidae, one Chalicotheriidae, two Camelidae, one Mylodontidae and one Toxodontidae:

67Diceros douariensis Guérin, 1966

68Dicerorhinus jeanvireti Guérin, 1972

69Kenyatherium bishopi Aguirre & Guérin, 1974

70Dicerorhinus miguelcrusafonti Guérin & Santafé, 1978

71Zygomaturus diahotensis Guérin, Winslow, Piboule & Faure, 1981

72Hippopotamus laloumena Faure & Guérin, 1990

73Palaeolama niedae Guérin & Faure, 1999

74Palaeolama hoffstetteri Guérin & Faure, 1999

75Diceros australis Guérin, 2000

76Ougandatherium napakense Guérin & Pickford, 2003

77Scelidodon piauiense Guérin & Faure, 2004

78Ancylotherium cheboitense Guérin & Pickford, 2005

79Diaceratherium massiliae Menouret & Guérin, 2009

80Hippopotamus guldbergi Fovet, Faure & Guérin, 2011

81Piauhytherium capivarae Guérin & Faure, 2013

82Diagnoses (or rehabilitation) of subspecies or species:

83Rhinoceros sondaicus guthi Guérin, 1973

84Coelodonta antiquitatis praecursor Guérin, 1980

85Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus Groves & Guérin, 1980

86Mammuthus intermedius (Jourdan, 1861) Labe & Guérin, 2005

87Diagnosis of four new genera (one Bovidae, two Rhinocerotidae, one Toxodontidae):

88Gallogoral Guérin, 1966

89Kenyatherium Aguirre & Guérin, 1974

90Ougandatherium Guérin & Pickford, 2003

91Piauhytherium Guérin & Faure, 2013

92Diagnosis of two new subgenera of Rhinocerotidae:

93Alicornops Ginsburg & Guérin, 1979

94Brandtorhinus Guérin, 1981

95Diagnosis of new Ichnotaxa:

96Keckia punctata n. ichnosp. Demathieu, Ginsburg, Guérin & Truc, 1984

97Ronzotherichnus voconcense n. ichnogen. n. ichnosp. Demathieu, Ginsburg, Guérin & Truc, 1984

98Bifidipes velox n. ichnog. n. ichnosp. Demathieu, Ginsburg, Guérin & Truc, 1984

99Sarcotherichnus enigmaticus n. ichnog. n. ichnosp. Demathieu, Ginsburg, Guérin & Truc, 1984

100Pulchravipes magnificus n. ichnog. n. ichnosp. Demathieu, Ginsburg, Guérin & Truc, 1984

101Ancylotheriopus tanzaniae n. ichnogen. nov. ichnosp. nov. Guérin, 1987

102Dicerotinichnus laetoliensis n. ichnog. n. ichnosp. Guérin & Demathieu 1993

103Dicerotinichnus serengetiensis n. ichnog. n. ichnosp. Guérin & Demathieu, 1993

104Some bibliographic references (in chronological order)

105A complete list of his publications is available in the Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève, décembre 2018, 37 (2).

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GUÉRIN C., 1965 - Gallogoral (nov. gen.) meneghinii (Rütimeyer, 1878) un Rupicapriné du Villafranchien d’Europe occidentale. Documents des Laboratoires de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon, 11, 353 p. ; Thèse de 3ème cycle, Faculté des Sciences de Lyon, n°167, 1966.

GUÉRIN C., 1980 - Les rhinocéros (Mammalia, Perissodactyla) du Miocène terminal au Pléistocène supérieur en Europe occidentale. Comparaison avec les espèces actuelles. Thèse de Doctorat d’État ès Sciences, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, n° 81-31, juin 1981 ; Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon, 79, 3 vol., 1185 p.

TCHERNOV E. & GUÉRIN C. (eds.), 1986 - Les mammifères du Pléistocène inférieur de la vallée du Jourdain à Oubeidiyeh. Mémoires et travaux du Centre de Recherche français de Jérusalem, 5. Association Paléorient, Paris, 405 p.

GUÉRIN C., 1989 - Biozones or mammal Units? Methods and Limits in Biochronology. In E.H. Lindsay, V. Fahlbusch & P. Mein (eds.), European Neogene Mammal Chronology, Plenum Press. NATO ASI series. Series A: Life sciences, 180. New York & London, 119-130.

GUÉRIN C. & PATOU-MATHIS M. (eds.), 1996 - Les grands mammifères plio-pléistocènes d’Europe. Masson, Paris, 291 p.

FAURE M. & GUÉRIN C. (eds.), 2004 - Le gisement pliocène final de Saint-Vallier (Drôme, France). Geobios, 37, Supplement 1, S259-S278.

GUÉRIN C., 2007 - Biozonation continentale du Plio-Pléistocène d’Europe et d’Asie occidentale par les mammifères : état de la question et incidence sur les limites Tertiaire/Quaternaire et Plio/Pléistocène. Quaternaire, 18 (1), 23-33.

GUÉRIN C. & MALVESY T. (eds.), 2010 - L’aven pléistocène moyen final de Romain‑la‑Roche (Doubs, France). Revue de Paléobiologie, 29 (2).

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Titre Photo 1 : Claude Guérin in July 2009 at National Parc Serra da Capivara
Crédits Piauí, Brazil
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Référence papier

Martine Faure, « Foreword: Claude Guérin (1939 – 2016) »Quaternaire, vol. 29/3 | 2018, 177-182.

Référence électronique

Martine Faure, « Foreword: Claude Guérin (1939 – 2016) »Quaternaire [En ligne], vol. 29/3 | 2018, mis en ligne le 01 janvier 2021, consulté le 07 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Martine Faure

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ens de Lyon, CNRS, UMR 5276 LGL-TPE, FR-69622 Villeurbanne ; Université Lumière - Lyon 2, UFR Temps et Territoires, 5 avenue Pierre Mendès-France, FR-69676 Bron cedex. E-mail :

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