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Instructions to authors

Quaternaire is an international journal published by the AFEQ. Papers on all aspects of Quaternary research are accepted, multidisciplinary studies are recommended. Papers published in QUATERNAIRE represent the opinions of the authors. Manuscripts are submitted to the editor committee and sent to two reviewers. Modifications might be asked to the authors.

Short papers should not exceed 4-6 printed pages (including figures) and long papers should not exceed 15-20 printed pages (including figures). One printed page (size 21 x 29.7 cm) corresponds broadly to 6000 letters and spaces. The authors will be charged for exceeding pages (pages, pictures and tables). Short papers are published quickly i.e. the next author issue, long papers are printed according to the program of the journal.


Quaternaire accepts papers in French or English. Title, abstract, key-words and figure captions must appear in French and English. The text must be typewritten on one side of standard-sized paper (21 x 29.7 cm), double spaced and with a 3 cm left margin. Manuscript should be arranged in the following order: title (informative but brief, in French and in English); author’s name; professional address and e mail; abstract in English and in French (“résumé”); key-words in French and English (“mots-clés”); main text; references; captions of illustrations (in English and in French), in the same file but after the end of the paper. Footnotes are not accepted.


Illustrations should be reducible to a maximum size of 17 x 24 cm. It is recommended that figures be constructed either for the entire width of the type area (17 cm) or for the column width of 8 cm. High-quality files of figures (at least 600 DPI), preferably reduced to the final size, will be provided with the final version of the manuscript. Photographs are to be sharply contrasted, grouped on the same plate and scaled. Colour photographs and illustrations are permitted provided the authors bear the cost. All illustrations (figures, tables and plates) should be numbered in Arab numerals.

When previously published illustrations are used, the author must have got the permission of publication directly with the rightful owners.

Copy of this permission must be send with the manuscript.


All publications cited in the text, the figures and the captions should be listed. References should be presented in alphabetical and chronological order, journal names must not be abbreviated, examples:

BRIDGLAND D.R., & D’OLIER B., 1995 - The Pleistocene evolution of the Thames and Rhine drainage systems in the southern North Sea basin. In R.C. Preece (ed.), Island Britain: a Quaternary perspective. Geological Society Special Publication, London, 96. The Geological Society, London, 27-45.

GIRET A., 1995 - Etude des déformations quaternaires du Roussillon. Quaternaire, 6 (3-4), 121-137.

PUISSÉGUR J.J., 1976 - Mollusques continentaux quaternaires de Bourgogne. Mémoires Géologiques de l’Université de Dijon, 3. Doin, Paris, 241 p.

Modalities of acceptance and printing

A PDF file (text and illustrations) of the manuscript has to be sent to the Editor. After revision authors will send high-quality files of their paper: text in WORD for PC or RTF, tables in EXCEL for PC, illustrations (in 600 DPI) in Adobe-Illustrator, Adobe-Photoshop or EPS, TIFF, PICT. Proofs will be sent to the first author. The author will be charged for changes against the manuscript made by him in the proof. A free PDF file will be provided after publication.

Bibliographic style file of Quaternaire for Zotero/Mendeley :

Bibliographic style file of Quaternaire for Endnote :

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