Index | Keywords
- Aby Warburg
- Achille Mbembe
- acting
- action-analysis
- actor
- actor dramaturgy
- actor training
- actor-document
- aerial performances
- aesthetic
- aesthetics
- affects
- Afro performance
- Afro-Amerindian poetics
- Afro-descendant performativities
- Afro-Gaúcha dance
- afro-indigenous cosmoperceptions
- afro-popular cultures
- altered states of consciousness
- alternative pedagogy
- Amerindian perspectivism
- ancestral heritage
- Ancien Régime
- animation theater
- anthropology
- anthropology of performance
- anthropology of the body
- anthropology of theater
- Antonin Artaud
- arcadian theater
- archive
- Argentina
- art
- art and politics
- art of performance
- art theory
- artist who connects
- artistic investigation
- artistic practice
- artivism
- arts
- atelier
- audio-visual
- authorship
- autoethnography
- autotheory
- ayahuasca
- bailado
- bakongo cosmology
- Ballet Stagium
- ballroom dance
- belly dance
- Bertolt Brecht
- Biblioteca de Dança
- black children
- black movement
- Black performance
- black performance
- black poetics
- black theater
- black women
- body
- body arts
- body without organs
- body work
- body-world
- Brazilian theater
- Brazilian theatre
- Buenos Aires
- Butoh
- Campinas
- candomblé Congo-Angola
- cantoria
- capoeira
- Carolee Schneemann
- cartography
- chapbook theater
- child
- child-performer
- childhood
- children
- children and performance
- children’s choirs
- Chinese experimental art
- choreographic creation
- choreography
- choreology
- circus
- circus art
- civil-military dictatorship
- cognition studies
- colonialism
- coloniality
- comicality
- communication
- community musical intervention
- comparative literature
- conduction
- conflict
- conservatory
- contact improvisation
- contemporary anthropology
- contemporary art
- contemporary dance
- contemporary dramaturgy
- contemporary poetics
- contemporary scene
- contemporary theater
- contextual art
- controlling images
- corporeal mime
- corporeal mimesis
- corporeality
- corporeities
- counter-conduct
- court ballet
- court society
- creation
- creation process
- creation processes
- creative process
- creative processes
- creativity
- crisis
- critic
- Cross Pollination
- crossroads body
- cultural history
- cultural performances
- cultural representation
- Damares Alves
- dance
- dance education
- dance history
- dance methodologies
- dance or body games
- dance teaching
- dance treatises
- dance writing
- decline
- decolonial dance
- decoloniality
- decolonized aesthetics
- design thinking
- dialogic discourse analysis
- diasporic poetics
- dictatorship
- Dimenti
- discourse
- documentary
- documentary theater
- drag queen
- drama
- dramaturgy
- Duo Mimexe
- Maestra Iara Deodoro
- Maketank
- Marquis de Sade
- martial art
- Martin Heidegger
- media
- mediatization
- memory
- Mercedes Baptista
- methodology
- Michel Foucault
- mimesis
- modern
- modern dramaturgy
- modern theater
- modern/contemporary dance
- modernism
- modes of production
- monsters
- mural culture
- museum
- music
- music as resistance
- musical
- musical creation
- pain
- pantomime dancing
- Pathosformeln
- pedagogization
- performance
- performance analysis
- performance and painting
- performance and performativity
- performance research
- performance studies
- performances
- performative actions
- performative actions; youths; rights; mediatization; Argentina
- performative atelier
- performative program
- performative programs
- performative research
- performative studio
- performativity
- performer
- performing arts
- performing arts and decoloniality
- performing arts history
- philanthropy
- philosophy
- Philosophy in the Bedroom
- Pigmalião Escultura que Mexe
- poetics
- poetnography
- politics
- popular culture
- practice
- practice as research
- presence
- presence studies
- psychoanalysis
- puppet
- puppet theater
- salsa
- Santo Daime
- scenic space
- screendance
- sexuality
- site-specific
- slam
- slavery
- social innovation
- social labs
- social markers of difference
- social role
- social theory
- sociology of art
- somatics
- songs of tradition
- Soviet school
- spectatorship
- speculative pragmatism
- staging
- stereotypes
- striptease
- subject
- subjectivation processes
- Suzanne Bing
- takarazuka
- teaching-learning
- teachings
- technique
- the 60s
- The Threepenny Opera
- theater
- theater and colonization
- theater education
- theater laboratory
- theater pedagogy
- theater revolution
- theatre
- theatre anthropology
- theatre for development
- theatre in animated forms
- theatre laboratory
- theatre pedagogy
- theatre rehearsals
- theatre studies
- theatrical dance
- theatrical pedagogy
- theatrical reception
- theatricality
- theorexperience
- theories of knowledge
- Thomas Kuhn
- Thomas Ostermeier
- Tombé
- tradition and contemporaneity
- training
- transcorporeality
- transcreation
- transnationality
- travesti