The management and the editorial bodies of the Revue du droit des religions ensure the scientific quality of the journal in particular through the observance of the following rules of good practice. This document is based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Commitments of the Editorial Board
The Editorial Board is committed to a rigorous and careful selection and evaluation process for article proposals, in line with the peer review process.
After a preliminary check carried out by the journal team to ensure are in line with the scientific and editorial policy, the texts proposed for a thematic dossier or the varia section are subjected to a double blind peer review process: the author does not know the identity of the reviewers and the reviewers do not know the identity of the author. There are at least two reviewers for each article. Articles that do not conform to the editorial policy of the journal may be rejected without a review by the editorial board.
The editorial board is committed to ensuring that the review of articles is carried out in an objective manner and in accordance with the guidelines and rules for reviewers.
Book reviews and chronicles are only evaluated internally by the editorial board.
The journal does not share submission information with anyone other than authors and reviewers. The members of the editorial board guarantee the confidentiality of the peer review process, including the anonymity of authors and reviewers.
The editorial board makes the final decision on the publication of submitted articles. Legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism are taken into account in its decisions. The editorial board reserves the right to check articles using plagiarism detection software (Compilatio), the results of which are critically reviewed. In the case of substantial borrowing from other works without proper citation of the sources, the proposed article will be rejected.
In an author contests the decision, the entire editorial board is consulted.
Authors’ commitment
Authors submit unpublished texts to the journal which, one accepted, may not be submitted to other journals. Authors guarantee that their text is free of plagiarism and that they explicitly cite the work (including their own) and relevant sources from which their text originates. It is their responsibility to obtain any necessary reproduction authorizations.
The Revue du droit des religions accepts to publish articles originally published in other languages and translated into French. In this case, the authors must give the reference of the first publication and provide the authorization of the original publisher.
If an article has several authors, the one in contact with the journal ensures that all authors have agreed to the submission of the manuscript and have approved the final version of the article accepted for publication.
Authors are required to participate in a peer review process for all submitted papers and to follow the publication guidelines.
Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, professional or financial, that may affect their proposed publication. Funding for the research projects that made the study possible should be indicated.
Commitment of reviewers
By agreeing to review an article, reviewers acknowledge that they have the required skills. They must ensure that they submit their review by the agreed deadline. If they are unable to provide their review on time, they must promptly inform the journal.
Reviewers guarantee the confidentiality of the text entrusted to them. They may not use it in any other context or communicate elements of the article before publication.
They must spontaneously declare any potential conflict of interest.
They shall indicate in their evaluation, as far as possible, any borrowing from other research works, whether published or unpublished, whose origin is not mentioned.
Reviewers conduct their review with objectivity and impartiality. They give a clear, reasoned opinion that respects the author and aims to improve the article.