102 | 2023
Auctor in aula : la leçon des écrivains
Since the 20th century, the interventions of writers within universities and other educational or scientific establishments have multiplied and accelerated in France, in Europe, after the United States. Either it’s about lectures or literature classes, guest seminars or today writing workshops, the artist becomes a teacher or a kind of mentor which this issue seeks to examine more closely. Auctor in aula, the writer in a lecture hall, is first of all a “guarantor” of competence or alternative knowledge to that of the simple teaching professional, who produces effects on his audience, who also receives them in return. But the lesson of the writer, grafted on the meditation of other vital readings, can also be exceptionally dispensed outside the lecture halls (Auctor ex aula), on a more hostile terrain, nourished by this very displacement (exile) and transmitted to a few witnesses. It is these reciprocal lessons (given or received) over two centuries that this issue gives to read, through the international and polyglot experiences of some European writers transformed into transmitters of literature and writing, thanks to dramatic circumstances (war, economic constraint) or chosen ones (invitation abroad, distinction, promotion). Two interviews with contemporary writers practicing creative writing complete the interaction between personal creation, teaching and critical interpretation.
Avant‑propos [Full text]
Auctor in aula
Auctor in et ex aula
Auctor scribendi
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