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- Éditorial [fr]
Texte intégral
1The present issue of the Revue de la Régulation. Régulation Review marks a new step in the long history of the ties between Regulationist researchers and Latin America, and at the same time, a new step for the journal itself.
2The crises and their multiplicity of forms over time and space, along with the surprisingly diverse reconfigurations taking place in Latin America, allow us to discover the great variety of capitalisms as well as the power of social and political compromises in the emergence of national regulation processes. The economies of these countries are far from resembling a variant of Fordism. Nor are they making their ways towards a single model, because the patterns of industrialisation and development are often quite original; indeed, some display certain features of a rentier regime exporting raw materials.
3For the Revue de la Régulation. Régulation Review, one of the determinant factors behind this special issue is the very precocious nature of Regulationist studies on several Latin American countries (see the genealogy presented in Robert Boyer’s introduction). The thematic section thus affirms the international implications of Regulationist research, which, in this instance, has entailed the publication of articles in three languages. Thus, one study (that of Julio César Neffa on the wage-labour nexus in Argentina) and an interview with the first-generation Regulationist Carlos Ominami are published directly in Spanish. For us, this decision is also an opportunity to recall that the internationalisation of the academic world does not depend on English alone, even if that language remains an important vehicle. Indeed, the present issue also includes two articles in English, by Demian Tupac Panigo and Pablo Ignacio Chenaand Eliane Araújo, Miguel Bruno and Débora Pimentel, both of which take a macroeconomic Regulationist approach.
4To some extent, this issue is structured around a closer examination of a major hypothesis underlying the studies it includes. Traditionally, analysts tend to characterise the forms of capitalism in terms of their geographic area, but even if the countries of Latin America display certain common features, what is most striking is the contrasting nature of their national trajectories.
5One country study (Mexico, by Julio Lopez) is essentially combined with comparison/contrast approaches: Egidio Luis Miotti, Carlos Quenan and Edgardo Torija Zanecompare accumulation and regularisation in Argentina, Brazil and Chili; Jaime Marques Pereirainvestigates the emergence of a mode of development based on the internal market in Brazil and Argentina; Ilan Bizberg and Bruno Théret draw on the examples of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico to analyse the diversity of Latin-American capitalisms, and Bruno Lautieroffers a comparison of social protection systems in order to re-examine the distinctive nature of the social compromises.
6Beyond the study of the variety of capitalisms and the nature of the crises, these articles help to develop the Regulationist analytical tools. In particular, they lean towards a certain political science approach, where the nature of the social and political configurations tends to prevail over the economic regime conditioning them.
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Référence électronique
« Editorial », Revue de la régulation [En ligne], 11 | 1er semestre / Spring 2012, mis en ligne le 28 décembre 2012, consulté le 17 février 2025. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/regulation/10026 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/regulation.10026
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