Texte intégral
1From the outset the Revue de la régulation chose to ensure open access to its content. Our aim has always been both to facilitate the dissemination of the knowledge produced by the community of economists close to the Theory of Regulation (TR) and institutionalism and to demonstrate that an alternative also exists in economics to the system of private scientific publishers who generate substantial income by selling researchers' public output. In this system the universities and laboratories to which the researchers are attached support the cost of the main input to a journal, and are then obliged to take out a costly subscription in order to access the content that themselves financed in the first place. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that university and research centre budgets are extremely tight.
2In this respect the Revue de la régulation is perfectly in line with CNRS policy in recent years, which has been to give active encouragement to the free dissemination of scientific articles. However, the option of unimpeded dissemination would not be possible for us without the support of the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH) Paris Nord, the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (InSHS) and the Sorbonne Paris North University, who have funded the post of our editor for many years. This is an appropriate moment to thank them and also the editor herself, who has been editing the Review since 2016. Her work, her precision and her commitment have been essential to the development of the Review and to the editorial quality of the different issues (including this one). Those colleagues who have had the occasion to interact with her about their articles can all bear witness to her acute sense of professionalism and her competence. We wish her every success in the next phase of her career. It is also appropriate to add here that an OJS platform is about to be launched for the submission and monitoring of articles. Readers will naturally be informed when it goes online.
This issue, No 32, consists mainly of varia articles, namely four original articles, two Opinion and Debate articles on the work of Janos Kornaï, a book review and two thesis abstracts. These varia illustrate the international and interdisciplinary spin-offs of the theory of regulation.
Following in the grand tradition of macroeconomic growth models, Hiroshi Nishi's article recalls that the TR has been exported as far as Japan and that it remains pertinent today in order to challenge the NAIRU concept. The article puts forward an endogenous NAIRU modelization which makes no reference to the aspects of supply that are generally used to justify the concept.
The article by Pierre Girard and his colleagues adapts the regulationist grid to Sub-Saharan Africa and to the specific institutional and demographic development paths found there. It proposes that the social relations of economic activity, rather than the wage-labour nexus, should be considered to constitute the dominant institutional form in these countries.
Samuel Klébaner's article shows the rich potential of an interdisciplinary dialogue between the legal-historical approach of the Max Planck Institute and that of the TR.
Finally, once again in an African context, the article by Novice Bakehe, Jules Mandeng and Rokaya Hassan takes as a starting point an interesting econometric analysis of the case of Cameroun in order to explain how social norms and social networks influence the use of Internet in education.
As was announced in the previous issue, following the death of Janos Kornaï we are publishing the translation of an article by Armatya Sen about Kornaï and also an article by Bernard Chavance. Janos Kornaï's comparative analysis of the socialist and capitalist systems exerted considerable influence on regulationist research on the socialist economies.
This issue ends with a review by Marie Trespeuch of the edited volume Les limites du marché, and abstracts of the theses by Maxime Izoulet and Marion Plault.
We hope you will enjoy reading it.
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Référence électronique
« Editorial », Revue de la régulation [En ligne], 32 | 1er semestre | Spring 2022, mis en ligne le 01 août 2022, consulté le 08 septembre 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/regulation/21330 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/regulation.21330
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