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Proposed contributions (articles, research notes, columns and book reviews) should be sent by email to
The texts (in English, French or Spanish) should be unpublished work. They will be anonymously peer reviewed by three reviewers.
The Editorial Board’s decision (acceptance, suggestions for improvements and changes, or rejection) will be
notified within six months of submission.
In accordance with established practice for academic journals, authors undertake not to submit their text to other journals while it is under consideration by the REMI editorial team.

Standards to Be Respected as a Condition for Acceptance of Texts

Articles have a target length of 55,000-70,000 characters.
Research notes have a target length of 30,000-45,000 characters. They aim to highlight groundbreaking, exploratory research, emphasising the diversity of approaches to emerging topics. These have various objectives: to highlight exploratory research and/or a new research device; to develop an original methodology, or analysis of statistical productions; to present a topical issue.
Book reviews have a target length of 6,000-8,000 characters.
Columns (legal, current affairs, statistical studies or portfolios) have a target length of 10,000-20,000 characters.

Each text should include keywords, as well as the main title, in French, English and Spanish.
Articles and research notes should include abstracts in French, English, and Spanish (maximum 1,000 characters each).
The number of characters indicated (with spaces) includes the bibliography, footnotes, figures, annexes and abstracts.

A “checklistsummarising these standards is available on the journal’s website.

Presentation Guidelines

Contact Details

The author should mention their contact details in the following way: Name, Last Name, specialism, professional title, home institution, other institutional tutelage; research laboratory, City, Country; ORCID number; e-mail address.


Text should be typed without tabs (Word or Open Office), in Times New Roman, 12 pt, and footnotes should be in Times New Roman, 10 pt.
Capital letters should be accented (French and Spanish).
Subdivisions should be numbered:
I/ ; I/ 1. ; I/ 1. 1. ; II/, etc.
Numbers under 100 should be written in full.

Texts in English

- The first level of inverted commas should be “xxx” and the second level of inverted commas should be ʻxxxʼ
- Footnotes should be placed after the punctuation mark.
Example: Migration around the world.1
- Punctuation marks must be placed after closing quotation marks, except in the case of direct speech.
Example: It is called “European Migration routes”.
Example: They explained: “
When we go [...].” And they [...].
- The first letter of each word in headings and subheadings should be capitalised (except for definite and indefinite articles, and, as, and common prepositions such as of, to, at, by), e.g., Migrant Children: Legal, Political and Social Issues
Numbers under 100 should be written in full
Thousands are separated by commas, e.g., 4,200 inhabitants
Decimals are separated by full stops, e.g., 2.55 kilometers
Do not insert spaces before punctuation marks : ; ! ? or the % sign
- The two types of
dashes (short and long) are the same as those used in French: the long dash is used for parenthetical material
- Use ordinal numbers and ordinal indicators for centuries, e.g., 19th century
- The article must be written in British English
OR in American English to make sure that the text is consistent
Currencies come before amounts (do not insert spaces), e.g., £20 for 20 British pounds sterling, €20 for 20 euros, $20 for 20 dollars. The geographical origin of the dollars should be added, e.g., US$, C$, NZ$, AS$

Texts in Spanish

- The first level of inverted commas should be Latin inverted commas «xxx» and the second level of inverted commas should be English inverted commas “xxx”
Numbers under 100 should be written in full
Thousands and decimals are separated by full stops, e.g., 4.200 habitantes/1.55 kilómetros
Do not put spaces before punctuation marks : ; ! ? or the % sign
- The two types of
dashes (short and long) are the same as those used in French: the long dash is used for parenthetical material


References should appear in brackets in the following format: (Name, date of publication: pages). If a reference includes three authors or more, the first name should be followed by “et al.”.
Examples: (Papail and Arroyo, 1972: 45-56) or (Lessault
et al., 2015: 10-35)


Only titles referred to in the text can be included in the bibliography.
These references should appear at the end of the text, in the following format:


Surname First Name (date of publication) Title, City, Publisher.
Duchac René (1974) La sociologie des migrations aux États-Unis, Paris, Mouton.

Extract from an Edited Collection

Surname First Name (date of publication) Title of article, in First Name Surname Ed., Collection Title, City, Publisher, pages of article.
Knafou Rémy (2000) Les mobilités touristiques et de loisirs et le système global des mobilités, in Marie Bonnet and Dominique Desjeux eds., Les territoires de la mobilité, Paris, PUF, pp. 85-94.

Journal Article

Surname First Name (date of publication) Title of article, Journal title, volume (number), pages of article.
Simon Gildas (1996) La France, le système migratoire européen et la mondialisation, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 12 (2), pp. 261-273.

Online Article

Surname First Name (date of publication) Title, [online] accessed on... URL: https://… or DOI: https://…
Dujmovic Morgane (2023) Sous la frontière, l’ancrage. Rapports au temps sur les routes des Balkans, Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 39 (4), pp. 67-78, [online] accessed on 30/01/2024. DOI:

Authors must ensure that all hyperlinks are valid before submitting their text and provide the DOI if it has one.

Guidelines for Figures (Maps, Tables, Graphs, Images)

- Figures should be numbered as follows: Map 1, 2, etc.; Table 1, 2, etc.; Photograph 1, 2, etc.
- Their placement should be indicated in the text
- Figures should be referred to at least once in the text (cf. Map 1)
- They should be sent as separate files in
standard (JPG, PNG, etc.) and original format (.xls, .ai, etc.)
- The title is placed
above the figure (not integrated into the figure)
- The sources and credits appear
under the figures (they are not integrated into the figure)
- If the author is not the copyright holder,
they must obtain permission to reproduce the image prior to its submission
- The author ensures the readability and the harmony of all figures in the text
- Capital letters should be accented (in French and in Spanish)
- Graphs should not be framed



- They must be sent in a separate file from the text and in a standard format (JPG, PNG, etc.): with a resolution of 300 dpi
- They must also be sent in their
original format (.ai, etc.): text and other map elements must be on different layers
- Portrait format: 120 mm wide (fixed width) and 190 mm high (maximum height)
- Landscape format: 190 mm wide (maximum width) and 120 mm high (fixed height)
- Title is placed above the map in the text (not integrated into the map)
- Sources and credits are indicated below the map in the text (not integrated into the map)
- Sources explain the map data and backgrounds
- Sources indicate the designer and producer. It is also possible to add the name of the software used to create the map (“made with…”)


- Univers LT Std. The use other sans-serif fonts such as Arial or Myriad Pro is allowed as long as they are at the service of the map
- Hierarchy of the legend title and text (bold, normal, italic)
- Legend title: 6 or 7 pt (bold)
- Legend text: between 5.5 and 6.5 pt
- Descriptive notes around the map: between 5 and 6 pt
- Colour of text for notes:
100% black
- A capital letter at the beginning of each element of the legend, accented if necessary


The blue colour is used for seas and oceans in the background: CMJN 41-0-15-0) ou RVB (159-221-226).

Toponyms and Texts

- Country names: first letter in uppercase, accented if necessary, then small caps (if there are no other toponyms, use normal characters for country names)
- Other toponyms: first letter in uppercase, accented if necessary, then lowercase
- If the map is in French, separate thousands with non-breaking spaces (1 000; 350 000), decimals with commas (2,55), and use French quotation marks « … »
- If the map is in English, separate thousands with commas (1,000; 350,000), decimals with periods (2.55), and use English quotation marks “…”
- If the map is in Spanish, separate thousands and decimals with periods (1.000; 350.000; 2.55) and use French quotation marks without non-breaking spaces around the map «…»

Scale and Orientation

- As discreet as possible. For example:

Image 10000201000001A100000068FAF216944AF9E3C4.png

- North is indicated by an arrow only if it is not at the top of the document

Examples of Maps

Carte 1 : Principales routes migratoires à travers la jungle du Darién

Image 10000000000002EE000004A4ECDA54EE8B578060.jpg

Crédit : Fonds de carte : © Contributeurs Open Street Map, 2023 et Observatorio de Territorios Étnicos y Campesinos, Titulación colectiva de comunidades negras, 2023 ; Projection cartographique : WGS84/UTM 18N (EPSG : 32618) ; Conception et réalisation : M. Sarrut et N. Martin (CNRS/Université de Poitiers, Migrinter UMR 7301), 2023.
Sources : Enquêtes de terrain, M. Sarrut, J. Echeverri Zuluaga et S. Valenzuela Amaya, 2019-2023.

Carte 2 : Le trafic de migrants à Djibouti (2018)

Image 10000000000002EE00000273C3978C22644964B0.jpg

Crédit : Fond de carte : ; Conception et réalisation : A. Lauret, 2022 (fait avec Affinity Designer).
Source : Enquête de terrain, A. Lauret, 2007-2020.


- Only horizontal visible borders are accepted. They should delimit the top and bottom of the table, as well as fields and principal subdivisions only. There must be no visible borders between the columns
- Texts in the left-hand column must be left aligned, while texts in all other columns should be centred
- All texts inside the table are in
Times New Roman 10 pt
- Example of a table:

Table 1: Characteristics of the Largest Non-European Foreign-born* Population Groups in the Paris Region

Image 1000000000000615000001E9E667F37CD4F238F4.jpg

* Foreign-born population is defined on the basis of nationality (i.e. including individuals who hold a foreign nationality, or who held this nationality at birth before acquiring French nationality).
Source: INSEE, corresponding censuses.

Photographs and Other Images

- Resolution: 300 dpi
- Portrait format: 120 mm wide (fixed width) and 190 mm high (maximum height)
- Landscape format: 190 mm wide (maximum width) and 120 mm high (fixed height)
- Credits: mention the photographer’s name, the date and place of the shooting
- If the author is not the copyright holder,
they must obtain permission to reproduce the image prior to its submission

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