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Recommendations for authors

The Revue des études slaves publishes original articles of international interest mainly in French, but also in English and in Russian. A manuscript submitted to the journal must not have been previously published elsewhere. The author agrees to grant the journal total exclusivity of his/her text until acceptance by the Editorial Board (and then until publication). An article published in the journal cannot be reproduced nor translated without the editor’s authorisation. Authors are responsible for the content of their contributions, for the exactitude of their citations and their references, and are required to respect the legal rights on publishing submitted material. To reproduce data protected by copyright, they must obtain written authorisation. The origin of this data must figure in the manuscript.

The texts (rendered anonymous) are submitted to peer-review assessment by at least two experts, members or non-members of the journal’s Editorial Board. The reviewers remain anonymous, the author is informed of their observations by the Editorial Secretariat (acceptance, revision, rejection). Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form and in paper form to the Editorial Secretariat.


  • Revue des études slaves, 9 rue Michelet F - 75006 Paris

The text must not exceed 45 000 characters including spaces for articles, and 9 s000 characters including spaces for book reviews. The title of the article should be followed by the first name and second name of the author, and full address of the scientific institution where the work was carried out. In the case where several authors are co-signers, they will be cited in alphabetical order. Each author will include a cover letter in English and in French of 1000 characters, including title and spaces.

The transcription of Slavic languages follows the international transliteration standards used by Slavists for all names of foreign origin, including those whose use is set in French, for example Lenin and not Lénine etc.

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