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About the Journal

Established in 1921, the Revue des études slaves is an international journal of Slavic Studies. To its traditional domains of interest — philology, history, theory and history of literature of Slavic countries — have been added new disciplines like linguistics, historical anthropology, ethnology, history of ideas, of literatures, of arts, of cultures and of religions. The scope of the review is “the Other Europe”, which has integrated the European Union in a large part from 2004 onwards, and Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, an area which Europe constantly redefines its relations with.

On a quarterly basis, the Revue des études slaves alternates thematic issues (dedicated to a country, a historical period, a cultural movement, an author, a work, a topic on linguistics, etc.) and varia focusing on present research. Not only original papers are published, but also unpublished documents, historiographical overviews and testimonies, as well as the bibliographical chronicle.

Issues I à LXXXIII (1921-2012) are available on the platform Persée.

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