Guidelines For Authors
Proposals must be sent via email both to the editorial board, to the following address:, and to the scientific head(s) of the section, whose contact information features in the call for papers.
For sections devoted to a specific theme, authors are requested to first submit a brief proposal of a maximum of 4,000 characters spaces included, indicating the title of the proposal, the theoretical framework, the corpus, the field, and the methodological approach. This summary must also include a bibliography (not included in the 4,000 characters and a bio-bibliography of the author(s).
Documents must be sent in attachment, in Word format (*.doc) or Rich Text Format (*.rtf). It is also possible to attach other documents (tables, graphs, images in jpg, audio or video recordings for the online version).
Authors who send in a proposal commit to withholding from submitting the same proposal to any other publication for as long as they are in connection with the Revue des Sciences Sociales. In case of withdrawal of a proposal, authors must inform the review as soon as possible and submit a justification for their withdrawal.
The contents of published articles are exclusively the responsibility of the authors.
Evaluation of submissions
Submitted articles will be sent for anonymous evaluation to two readers. The readers will give separate evaluations. The copy they receive does not bear the author’s identity, and authors cannot ask to be informed of the identity of their readers. After the readers have given their evaluation, the authors will be informed as soon as possible of the editorial board’s decision by the editors in chief.
Rejected proposals will not be saved or returned.
For articles to be published in the miscellaneous section there is a three-month period between the reception of the article and the notice of acceptance or refusal.
Editorial guidelines
The submission must be anonymous. Authors must send, in a separate file (or on the first page of the submission)
complete contact information : mailing address, email address, phone number ;
titles and/or profession, name of their research institution (university, research center) ;
an abstract of about ten lines in French and English ;
five keywords in French and in English
The text must not exceed 40,000 characters and blanks, notes and bibliography included. It will feature short subtitles, with no more than two levels of subtitles. Quotations in other languages must be translated into English. Notes and bibliographical references must be inserted at the end of the text.
Quotations :
In-text referencing of sources both in the main body of the text and in the endnotes must be placed between parentheses and feature author’s name, year of publication and if possible, numbers of the relevant pages:
… as indicated by J. Dupont (2003a), …
… this question was examined in several studies (Dupont 2003a, Durand 2004, 2007).
The bibliography must be established according to the following guidelines:
for books: Dupont J. (2003a), Title of the book in italics, Place of publication, Publisher.
for chapters from a book : Durand M. (2004), Title of the chapter between quotation marks, in Dupont J. (ed.), Title of the book in italics, Place of publication, Publisher, p. 52-92.
for articles : Durand M. (2007), Title of the article between quotation marks, Title of the periodical or review in italics, Place of publication and publisher if the review is not French, volume, issue number, p. 52-92.