Klub Revus – Centre for Studies on Democracy and European Constitutionality is a non-profit civil society organization, established in accordance with the Slovenian Societies Act. It is registered with the following data (ePRS):
Reg. Number: 2376725000
Tax number: 55485928 (Klub Revus is not subject to VAT)
Bank account: IBAN SI56 2900 0005 5784 945 (Unicredit banka Slovenija, d.d.)
All assets of Klub Revus are being used for the publishing needs of Revus – a peer-reviewed law journal with an international editorial board.
Director of Publication: Andrej Kristan (president of Klub Revus)
Partizanska cesta 6, SI-4000 Kranj, Slovenija / EU
According to the decision of the Ministery of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, the activities of Klub Revus in the field of research are of public interest.