Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Schlüsselwörter | Palabras claves | Ključne besede (sl) | Ključne riječi (hr) | Ključne reči (sr) | Parole chiavi (it) | klučni zborovi (mk)
- abortion
- absolutism
- abstract entity
- abuse of referendum
- acceptants
- acceptors
- access to public information
- access to the Constitutional Court
- accession of EU to ECHR
- accession to EU
- action
- action assessment
- action guidance
- adjudication
- admissibility of evidence
- affective reason
- affirmative actions in electoral laws
- age discrimination
- agency
- Alchourrón (Carlos E.)
- Alexy
- Alexy (Robert)
- Alf Ross
- alternativas deónticas
- American Convention on Human Rights
- American pragmatism
- analogy
- analytical theory of law
- anarchist
- Ancient Régime
- animal rights
- animal rights law
- animals
- answer search systems
- antecedent
- antidiscrimination law
- antinomies
- antinomy
- appellate court decisions
- applicability
- appropriateness
- appropriateness; proportionality; discrimination; instrumental justification; causality; probability; sufficiency.
- Aquinas (Thomas)
- arbitration
- argument
- argument of precedent
- argumentative practice
- armed conflicts
- artifact theory of law
- assessment of evidence
- asylum seekers
- Atienza (Manuel)
- attempt and consummation
- Augustine
- Austrian constitutional court
- Authority
- authority
- author’s law
- author’s right
- autochthonal minorities
- autonomy
- autonomy of university
- auxiliary cognitive functions
- avoidance
- axiological gaps
- background
- Background
- background context
- balancing
- balancing of rights
- Baltic countries
- basic human rights
- basic liberties
- Basic Norm
- basic norm
- basic principles
- basic rights
- biases
- BiH federation
- bindingness
- bioethics
- biotechnologies
- Bix (Brian)
- bloc of constitutionality
- Bolivia’s new constitution
- Bologna declaration
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- breach of duty
- Bruno Celano
- bullying
- Bulygin (Eugenio)
- capital punishment
- Carré de Malberg
- case law
- causality
- causation
- Celano
- Charter of fundamental rights
- checks and balances
- Christianity
- circulation of legal meaning
- circumstantial luck
- citizen participation
- Citizen-initiated referendum
- citizenship
- civic participation
- civil and political rights
- civil codes
- claim of correctness
- claim to correctness
- clara non sunt interpretanda
- closed legal systems
- closure of legal systems
- closure rules
- codification
- coercion
- coercion thesis
- coerciveness
- cognitive science
- cognitivism
- cohabitation
- coherence
- collision of rights
- common legal grammar
- Community law
- comorbidity of a somatic disease and mental disorder
- comparative law (methodology)
- comparator methodology
- compatibilism
- compensation
- competence
- competitiveness
- completeness
- completness
- compliance error
- compliance luck
- compulsory detention in psychiatric hospital
- concept
- concept and function of rights
- concept of (international) law
- concept of law
- conception
- conceptions of agency
- conceptions of science
- conceptual analysis
- conceptual jurisprudence
- conceptual methodology
- conceptual rationality
- conceptual structure
- conclusion
- conclusive permissions
- conclusiveness
- conditional norms
- conditionals
- Condorcet (Nicolas)
- confiscated property
- conflict resolution
- conflicts of laws
- conformism
- consent
- consistency
- constituency
- constituent peoples
- constituent power
- constituent power; constitution-making; legal continuity; legal transitions; legal orders
- constituent power; dualistic democracy; exceptionalism; Lefort (Claude)
- constituent power; sovereign and post-sovereign constitutionalism; Brexit; Arato (Andrew)
- constituent power; sovereignty; post-sovereignty; Rousseau (Jean Jacques); Arato (Andrew)
- constituent peoples
- constituted authorities
- Constitution
- Constitution for Europe
- constitution-making
- constitutional changes
- constitutional choices
- constitutional complaint
- constitutional complaint (el recurso de amparo constitucional)
- constitutional control
- Constitutional Counsil
- Constitutional Court
- constitutional court decision
- Constitutional Court of RS
- Constitutional Court of Slovenia
- constitutional courts
- constitutional crisis
- constitutional democracy
- constitutional design
- constitutional development
- constitutional history
- constitutional identity
- constitutional interpretation
- constitutional law
- constitutional law-making
- constitutional meaning
- constitutional monism
- constitutional nations
- constitutional order
- constitutional protection of minorities
- Constitutional review
- constitutional review
- constitutional revision
- constitutional right
- constitutional rights
- constitutional supremacy
- constitutional system
- constitutional theory
- Constitutional Treaty of the European Union
- constitutionalism
- constitutionalism; lex/ius; normative power; contingency; constitutional theory; rule of law; state
- constitutional reform
- constitutions
- constitution’s author
- constitutive conventions
- constitutive norm
- constitutive rules
- constraint
- construction
- constructivism
- contemporary society
- context
- contextualism
- contextualism (indexical and non-indexical)
- contingency
- continuity of legal personality
- continuum
- contract labour
- convention
- Convention on the Future of Europe
- conventionalism
- conventionality control
- conventions
- cooperation
- cooperation between public institutions
- coordination conventions
- correlated agents
- correlativity
- correlativity lines
- cosmopolitanism
- cost
- cost-benefit analysis
- council
- Council of Europe
- counter-terrorist measures
- countermajoritarian difficulty
- coup
- Cour de Cassation
- Court of Human Rights
- Courts of justice
- criminal law
- Criminal procedural law
- Criminal Procedure Act
- criminal rules
- criteria of validity
- criterial concepts
- criticism of a functionary
- Croatia
- Croatian Christmas Constitution
- culture of justification
- custom
- David Lewis
- Dayton agreement
- death penalty abolition
- decision-making bodies
- deep conventionalism
- deep conventions
- defamation
- default reasoning
- defeasibility
- deliberation
- Deliberative constitutionalism
- deliberative constitutionalism
- deliberative democracy
- deliberative polling
- democracy
- democratic assemblies
- democratic constitutionalism
- democratic decisions
- democratic erosion
- democratic objection
- democratic representation
- democratic theory
- deontic alternatives
- deontic contradiction
- deontic language
- deontic logic
- deontic modalisations
- deontic oppositional geometry
- deprivation of liberty
- derogability
- derogation
- described and constituted facts
- descriptive conceptual analysis
- desires
- detached statements
- detainees’ legal status
- devolution of powers
- Dewey’s empiricism
- dialogical modelling of judicial decisions
- Dickson
- dignity
- direct encroachment
- direct reference theories
- direction of fit
- directive 2001/29/EC
- disagreement
- discretion
- discrimination
- dissenting opinion
- dolus
- domination (international dimension)
- doping
- double relativisation
- dual nature
- dualist methodology
- duality of spiritual and secular
- due process
- Duguit
- Durkheim (Emile)
- Durkheimian utilitarianism
- duties (moral)
- duty
- Dworkin
- Dworkin (Ronald)
- dynamic hierarchy
- dynamic principle
- easy cases
- ECHR law and national law
- economical
- ECtHR case law
- ECtHR case-law
- ECtHR judgments effect
- Edgar Bodenheimer
- effective legal remedy
- effective remedy
- efficacy
- efficiency
- efficient negligence
- egalitarianism
- election of Constitutional Court judges
- elections
- electoral systems
- elements of a judicial decision
- embodied cognition
- emotions in law
- empirical reductionism
- empiricism
- empirism
- employment relationship
- enabling rules
- enforced disappearances
- enforcement of morality
- entangled hierarchy
- epistemic deference
- epistemological realism
- epistemology
- equality of women
- Erased (the “Erased”)
- error
- essentialism
- essentially contested concept
- essentially contested concepts (Gallie)
- established case law
- Estonia
- ethics
- ethics of principles
- ethics of sports
- EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- EU jurisdiction
- EU law
- EU law primacy
- Europe
- European Community competence
- European Convention of Human Rights
- European Convention on Human Rights
- European Court of Human Rights
- European Court of Justice
- European Court of Justice (ECJ)
- european integration
- European law
- European legal system
- European Union
- evaluation
- evidence
- evidence law
- evidential law
- evidential reasoning
- evidentiary justification
- exceptions
- exclusionary reasons
- exclusionary rule
- exclusive legal positivism
- exclusive positivism
- existence
- expectations
- experience in law
- experimental jurisprudence
- expert intuition
- expertise
- experts
- explanation
- explicit rule
- expressive (or pragmatic) conception
- expressive conception of norms
- extensional vs. intensional
- external point of view
- externalism
- extra-judicial killings
- fact and law
- factors of comparison
- facts
- fair trail
- fair trial
- fallibility
- false beliefs
- fast and slow mental processes
- faultless disagreements
- faults
- feasibility
- federalism
- female stereotypes
- female subject
- Ferrer Beltrán (Jordi)
- finality
- financial policy
- financing of religious communities
- Finnis (John)
- first — second — third dimension or extension of the Rule of Law
- folk psychology
- Fontevecchia case
- force
- forgiven negligence
- formal and material concepts of legal theory (Pfersmann)
- formal concept and material concepts of the Rule of Law
- formal principles
- formalism
- formalist — anti-formalist — eclectic and pragmatically oriented theory of legal interpretation
- Foundamental Constitutional Rights (personal liberty — ental integrity — dignity — health)
- foundational norms
- foundations and criteria of the rule of law
- four cognitive functions
- France
- free enterprise
- free will
- freedom
- freedom of expression
- freedom of religion
- freedom of science
- freedom of work
- freedom of artistic creation
- French Fifth Republic
- French legal system
- Freud (Sigmund)
- función normativa
- function
- functional analysis
- functional concepts
- functions of dogmatic concepts
- functions of legal scholarship
- fundamental constitutional right of schooling and education
- fundamental human rights
- fundamental human rights and freedoms standards
- fundamental legal concepts
- fundamental principles recognized by the laws of the Republic
- fundamental rights
- fundamental rights protection
- Fundamental Rights View
- H. L. A. Hart
- Habermas (Jürgen)
- Hägerstöm
- Hägerström
- Haidt (Jonathan)
- Hans Kelsen
- harassment
- hard cases
- Hare (Richard M.)
- harm
- Hart
- Hart (H.L.A)
- Hart (H.L.A.)
- Hart (HLA)
- head of state
- health care
- hearing within a reasonable time
- hearing within reasonable time
- Hennette-Vauchez (Stéphanie)
- hierarchy of legal sources
- hierarchy of norms
- higher education
- higher-order duties/rights
- Himma (Kenneth Einar)
- history of medieval ideas
- Hobbes
- Hohfeld (W. N.)
- Hohfeld (Wesley Newcomb)
- Hohfeld (Wesley)
- Holmes
- homosexual marriage
- hospital care
- human being
- Human Dignitas
- human dignity
- human enhancement
- human freedoms
- human rights
- human rights and freedoms
- human rights protection
- human rights and freedoms protection
- human rights treaties
- humanity
- Hume’s law
- Hursthouse (Rosalind)
- hyletic (or semantic) conception
- Icelandic constitutional reform
- idealism
- identification and individuation of entities
- identity
- ideologic constitutions
- ideology
- ideology; three interpretations of the separability thesis
- illegal evidence
- illegal immigration
- illiberalism
- imitation
- immediacy
- immunities
- impairment
- impartiality
- imperative mandates
- imperativism
- implication
- implicit rule
- imputation
- inclusive positivism
- Incompatibility
- incompatibility
- independence
- independent imperatives
- indeterminacy
- indirect victim (ECtHR)
- indirectly evaluative legal theory
- individual norms and definitions
- inequality
- inferentialism
- information-communication technologies
- instantiation
- instantiation conflicts
- institutional artifacts
- institutional concepts
- institutional theory of law
- institutionalization
- institutionalization of fundamental rights
- institutions
- institutions of law
- instrumental justification
- intentionality
- Inter-American Court of Human Rights
- inter-definability
- interdisciplinary and contextual analysis
- intermediary concepts
- internal and external points of view
- internal legal positivism
- internal point of view
- internalism
- International Court of Justice
- international human rights law
- international humanitarian law
- international justice
- international law
- International law
- international private law
- international terrorism
- Internet
- internet
- interpretatio iuris
- interpretation
- interpretation acts
- interpretation of judgments
- interpretative concepts
- interpretative conventions
- interpretative conventions; exclusive legal positivism; deep conventionalism; social practice
- interpretative disagreements
- interpretativism
- interpretive conventions
- interpretive decision STC 155/2009 from June 25th
- interpretive decisions
- interpretive decisions typology
- interpretive formalism
- interpretive reservations
- interpretive scepticism
- interpretive sentence
- inverted pyramid of law and dossier
- is/ought
- is/ought problem
- isomorphy
- ius publicum europeum
- ius/lex
- John Duns Scotus
- judge
- judgment
- judicial creation
- judicial decision
- judicial deference
- judicial dialogue
- judicial law-making
- judicial legitimacy
- judicial process
- judicial protection
- judicial review
- judicial ruling
- judicial supremacy
- Jung's psychological typology
- juridical constructivism
- jurisdiction
- jurisprudence
- Jurisprudence
- jus standi
- just war
- justice
- justice luck
- justice-aptness of law
- justification
- justified normativity
- juvenile deliquency
- Labour law protection
- labour legislation
- Lacan (Jacques)
- language rights
- lapse
- Latvia
- law
- law and mental health
- law and morality
- law and morals
- law and politics
- law and psychology
- law in force
- law of interpretation
- lawmaker
- law’s function
- legal analysis
- legal antinomies
- legal argumentation
- legal argumentation (reasoning)
- Legal artificial intelligence
- legal authority
- legal certainty
- legal community
- legal concepts
- legal constitutionalism; unlawful law; validity; ius; lex; normative conflicts; judicial review
- legal constraints
- Legal disagreements
- legal dogmatics
- legal epistemology
- legal expert systems
- legal formalism
- legal gaps
- legal guarantees
- legal history
- legal ideology
- legal institutions
- Legal interpretation
- legal interpretation
- legal interpretation; speaker’s meaning; legislative intent; conversational implicatures
- legal justification
- legal knowledge
- legal luck
- legal methodology
- legal moralism
- legal norm
- legal normativity
- legal normativity; rules; reasons for action; defeasibility; particularism
- legal norms
- legal obligation
- legal officials
- legal ontology
- legal order
- Legal otherness
- Legal person
- legal person
- legal personhood
- legal philosophy
- legal positions
- legal positivism
- legal post-positivism
- legal power
- legal power-conferring rules
- legal realism
- legal reasoning
- legal relationships
- legal relevance
- legal rights
- legal scholarship
- legal science
- legal source
- legal standing
- legal statement
- legal subjects
- legal system
- Legal system
- Legal System
- legal systems
- legal theorists
- legal theory
- legal theory; neutrality; concept of law; functional concepts; legal positivism; natural law theory
- legal traditions
- legal validity
- legalism (strong and weak)
- legality
- legality of use of forece
- Legendre (Pierre)
- legislation
- legislative function
- legislative politics
- legislative process in EU
- legislator’s self-imposed constraints
- legisprudence
- legitimacy
- Legitimacy
- legitimacy and hierarchy
- legitimate aim
- lenguaje deóntico
- levels of coherence
- Lewis (David)
- lex superior
- lexical meanings
- liberal democracy
- liberal egalitarianism
- liberalism
- libertas
- life in freedom
- life style
- limits of integration
- literal meaning
- Lithuania
- Lizbon Treaty
- lobbying
- local and regional self-government
- local autonomy
- local self-governement
- Lodder’s DiaLaw
- Loewenstein (Karl)
- logic
- logic of norms
- logic of principles
- lógica
- logical duals
- logical positivism
- logical theory of normative systems
- loss
- Lukenda
- Lundstedt
- Machiavelli (Niccolò)
- magistrates
- majoritarian morality
- majority
- male subject
- mandate
- margin of appreciation
- Marmor (Andrei)
- Marušič (Andrej)
- Marx (Karl)
- mayor
- meaning
- media legislation
- medical ethics
- medicine
- members of parliament
- mental health
- mental health law
- mental health legislation
- Merkl
- meta-ethics
- meta-norm
- meta-rules
- metaethics
- metanormative principles
- metaphysical explanation
- metaphysics of law
- methodological anti-positivism
- methodological realism
- methodology
- Millikan (R. G.)
- minorities rights
- minority policy in Croatia
- minority rights
- Miranda
- mobbing
- model of constitutional democracy (monistic — dualistic — foundational)
- models of judicial deliberation
- models of relationships between church and state
- modern constitutional law
- modern natural law
- modest conceptual analysis
- modest versus immodest conceptual analysis
- Montenegro
- moral dilemmas
- moral foundations
- moral intuition
- moral luck
- moral normativity
- moral norms
- moral obligation to obey law
- moral obligation to obey the law
- moral psychology
- moral reasons
- moral right
- moral rights
- morality
- morality’s imperialism
- motivated reasoning
- motivation
- motivation (justification)
- movement/sport activity
- multiculturalism
- National Assembly
- national minority councils and representatives in the self government units
- national — popular — State's sovereignity
- nationality
- natural law
- natural law theory
- natural law; legal positivism; Redondo (Cristina); Aquinas (Thomas); Finnis (John)
- natural rights
- naturalisation
- naturalism
- Naturalism in legal philosophy
- naturalistic jurisprudence
- naturalized epistemology
- naturalizing jurisprudence
- nature of law
- nature of norms
- Nature rights
- Nazism
- necessary connection
- necessary properties of concepts
- necessity
- negligence
- neoconstitutionalism
- neoconstitutionalism; theory
- network of law and databank
- neurosciences
- neutrality
- new casuistry
- new-era minorities
- no cogniscitivismo
- no-fault
- no-right
- noetic vs. dianoetic
- non-cognitivism
- non-linguistic conception of norms
- non-positivism
- nondurable precaution
- Norberto Bobbio
- norm
- norm-formulation
- norm-propositions
- normal conditions
- normalcy
- normative authority
- normative conflicts
- normative fact
- normative facts
- normative function
- normative gaps
- normative hierarchy
- normative legal positivism
- normative nature of law
- normative order
- normative reasoning
- normative system
- normative systems
- normativism
- normativity
- normativity in law
- normativity of law
- norms
- norms and normality
- objectifs of the constitutional value
- objectivity
- obligations
- obstacle-belief
- oedipalisation
- office
- officials
- Olivecrona
- omnia sunt interpretanda
- online searches
- ontological classification of constitutions
- ontological realism
- ontology
- ontology of law
- ordinary language
- Organic Statute on the Constitutional Court LOTC 6/2007 from May 24th
- origins of law
- Orthodox View
- outcasting
- ownership
- Pachamama
- pacifism
- paradigm cases
- parental proxy voting
- parliamentary system
- parliaments
- partial reducibility thesis
- participants
- participation
- particularism
- past and future image of law in Europe
- Paulson (Stanley)
- peace operations
- performance enhancement
- permissive closure
- person
- personal autonomy
- personal freedom
- personhood
- persuasion
- Pettit (Philip)
- philosophical method
- philosophy of international law
- philosophy of law
- pluralism
- pluralistic society
- Pluri-national Constitutional Court
- Plurinational Legislative Assembly
- political authority of the people
- political conception of justice
- political constitutionalism
- political discourse
- political freedom
- political legitimacy
- political party
- political power
- political representation
- political representation of national minorities
- political rights
- popular constitutionalism
- popular controls
- popular initiative
- populism
- positive obligations
- positive obligations of the State
- positive selection
- positivism
- positivism; realism; internal and external points of view; interpretativism; skepticism
- possibility
- post-modern law
- postpositivism
- power conferring norms
- power-conferring rules
- practical and theoretical points of view of practices
- practical philosophy
- practical rationality
- practical reason
- practical significance; concepts
- practice theory of norms
- practices
- pragmatically oriented theory of legal interpretation
- pragmatism
- pre-conventions
- precaution
- precaution plan
- precedents of ECtHR
- predictability
- predictability of legal decisions
- predictive analysis
- predictive codification
- preliminary ruling procedure
- prescriptions
- prescriptive and descriptive language
- prescriptive norm
- President of the Republic
- president of the republic
- President of the State
- presidential election
- presidential immunity
- President’s Council for Bioethics
- presumption
- presupposition
- preventive review of constitutionality
- prima facie permissions
- primacy of EU law
- Prime Minister
- principio de legalidad penal
- principle of democracy
- principle of equality
- principle of intelligibility of the statutes
- principle of penal legality
- principle of proportionality
- principle of sincerity and clarity of the parliamentary debate
- principles
- principles of legisprudence
- principles theory
- priority of avoiding harm
- privacy of communication
- privilege against self-incrimination
- procedural justice
- procedural rationality
- procedural-material theory of legitimacy
- proceedings before the constitutional court
- product and sum of classes
- profound intensional divergences
- prognosis
- prohibition of activities
- prohibition of competition
- projectibility (induction)
- proof
- property
- property confiscation
- property rights
- proportionality
- proportionality analysis
- protected permissions
- protection mechanisms
- protection of rights
- prototype theory
- prototypical theory of law
- psychoanalytical legal theories
- psychological needs of people with a somatic disease
- public health
- public opinion
- punishment
- pyramid of law and code
- Radbruch (Gustav)
- Radin (Max)
- rationalist conception of evidence
- Rationalist conception of evidence
- rationalist tradition
- rationality
- rationality in law
- Rawls (John)
- Raz (Joseph)
- reactive attitudes
- realism
- realistic theory
- reason-based logic
- reasoning
- reasons
- reasons for action
- recidivism
- Redondo (Cristina)
- Redondo (Maria Cristina)
- reductionism
- referendum
- referendum abuse
- referendum democracy
- referendum for independence
- referendum of electoral system
- referendums
- refugees
- reglas de clausura
- reglas que confieren poderes
- regulative ideals
- regulative rules
- regulatory moral idea
- relation
- relationship with national authorities
- relationship with the Government
- relative-to-possibility
- relativism
- relevance
- relevant comparator
- religious communities
- religious liberties
- religious organisations
- reparations
- repeal
- representation
- representation as advocacy
- republicanism
- Republika Srpska
- reputation
- res judicata
- responsibility
- restriction of movement
- resultant luck
- retaliation
- revision of the constitution
- revolution
- right
- right of first divulgation
- right to a legal judge
- right to access information
- right to access the work of art
- right to deliver
- right to freedom and security
- right to integrity
- right to liberty
- right to life
- right to personal property
- right to privacy
- right to remain silent
- rightlessness
- rights
- rights limitation
- rights protection
- risk
- risk of error
- risk regulation
- Robert P. George
- robust deference
- role of the interpreter
- role of the people
- Ross
- Ross (Alf)
- Rousseau
- Rousseau (Jean Jacques)
- royalty
- rule of law
- Rule of law
- rule of precedent
- Rule of Recognition
- rule of recognition
- rule-following
- rules
- rules and habits
- rules and principles
- rules of game
- rules of law
- rules of preference
- safety
- same-sex marriage
- sanction
- Scandinavian legal realism
- Scandinavian realism
- scepticism
- schemes of argument
- Schmitt (Carl)
- science
- science of positive law
- science without values
- scientific and statutory dogmatic concepts
- Searle
- secondary victim (IACHR)
- security retention
- semantic expressivism
- semantic reference
- semántica
- semantics
- semi-presidential system
- sense — reference — context
- Separate opinions
- separation of Church and State
- separation of church and state
- separation of powers
- Serbia
- Serbia and Montenegro
- set theory
- sexual violence
- similarity
- skepticism
- slaves
- Slovenia
- Slovenian independence
- social and cultural rights
- social behaviour
- social constitution
- social contract (trade-off and proxy model)
- social dimension
- social kinds
- social normativity
- social practice
- social rights
- social sciences
- social state
- society and nature
- somatic health
- sovereign liberties
- sovereignty
- speciality
- speech acts
- spirit of sports
- stages
- standard deontic logic
- standards of discrimination
- standards of proof
- State
- state
- state church
- State obligations
- state power
- static and dynamic theory of meaning
- static hierarchy
- static principle
- status function
- statutory interpretation
- statutory regulation
- statutory unlawfulness
- stereotypes
- stereotypes intersectionality
- stochastic tax
- strong and weak permissions
- strong permissions
- Stufenbautheorie
- subjecthood
- subjective legal positions
- subordiscrimination
- subsumption
- sufficiency
- suffrage
- suicidality
- suicide
- supraconstitutionality
- suprastatutory law
- supremacy of EU law
- surrender of judgment
- suum cuique tribuere
- syllogism
- systemic corruption
- systemic discrimination
- systemic legitimacy
- systemic measures
- systemic rights violations
- taking responsibility
- technical protection measures
- television directive
- teoría de normas
- terrorism
- textual constitution
- the argument from intent
- the Background of intentionality
- the bundle theory of legal personhood
- the contribution of experts
- the nature of law
- the principle of the primacy of fact
- theology
- theory
- theory of interpretation
- theory of legal concepts
- theory of legal interpretation
- theory of legal sources
- theory of meaning
- theory of norms
- therapeutic jurisprudence
- thick rights
- thin rights
- time
- time and gravity
- tort law
- tort liability
- Toulmin (Stephen)
- trade-offs
- transfer
- transfer of sovereignty
- translational law
- transnational rule of law
- treaties
- trial within a reasonable time
- Tribunal of Science
- Trinidado doctrine
- Troper
- truth
- truth-telling
- understanding of fundamental rights
- uninormative conflicts
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- universal protection of human rights
- universalism
- university
- univerzality of human rights
- unprotected permissions
- US constitutional system
- US Supreme Court
- US Supreme Court case law
- use of force
- using the rules
- utility