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41 | 2020
Constituent power

  • Maciej Juzaszek
    A challenge to David Enoch’s idea of taking tort liability
  • Adriano Zambon
  • José Ignacio Solar Cayón
    Legal artificial intelligence: new tools and methodological perspectives for lawyers
  • Symposium on constituent power

    Edited by Donald Bello Hutt

    This symposium revolves around Andrew Arato’s The Adventures of the Constituent Power: Beyond Revolutions (CUP 2017). The book is a central contribution to theories of constituent power: it deconstructs the history of constitution-making before and after a number of 18th-century democratic revolutions, it critically scrutinises so-called post-revolutionary processes of constitution-making, and offers a theoretical and normative examination of the kinds of constitutions that are likely to emerge under what Arato refers to as a post-sovereign paradigm. The book and its insights are significant, fruitful and, as the current wave of publications on constituent power show, timely. Accordingly, so is this symposium, which includes essays by early-career and senior scholars with diverse theoretical and geographical backgrounds. While they take their cue from and engage with different aspects of Arato’s project, they also go beyond the confines of The Adventures; these are original articles, not book reviews. Olga Bashkina writes on constituent power and normal and constitutional politics, Roberto Gargarella on constitutionalism and political equality, Aristel Skrbic on multi-stage constitutional change and Brexit, Joel Colón-Ríos on the relations between constituent power and sovereignty, Jorge Baquerizo on the possibility of legal continuity under the post-sovereign paradigm, and Chiara Valentini on the relations between political representation and multi-stage processes of constitution making. Professor Arato will react to these articles in an upcoming issue of Revus.  

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