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The Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique is the official journal of the Centre de Recherches et d’Etudes en Civilisation Britannique, the national network of the discipline and has been instrumental in its structuring. It purports to apply one or several of the social sciences to the study of Britain. This includes the empire and decolonization as well as modern and contemporary history. Two to four issues are published every year. Articles are peer reviewed and meet traditional research standards, but the journal is also used for the training of candidates for the competitive examinations leading to the teaching profession in France.

Latest issue
XXIX-3 | 2024
Diplomatic Gifts and Countergifts between Britain and the Muslim East from the Seventeenth Century to the Early Twentieth Century

Cadeaux et échanges diplomatiques entre la Grande-Bretagne et l’Orient musulman, XVIIe – début XXe siècle
Edited by Ladan Niayesh and Stéphanie Prévost
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