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Castells, M., The Rise of the Network Society (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).
CBRE <> [consulted 29th October 2019].
CBRE Real Estate Blog ‘London: What are the structural influences on the current property market cycle?’ 21st March 2018, <> [consulted 6th November 2019].
Counter Information Services Your Money and Your Life: insurance companies and pension funds, (London: CIS, Anti-Report No. 7, January 1974).
Cruise, S. & Sims, T., ‘Bankfurt, Paris await Brexit Boom as Banks Stay Loyal to London’, 31st January 2019, <> [consulted 8th November 2019].
Cushman & Wakefield, Brexit & the European Property Investment Market (London: Cushman & Wakefield, July 2016).
Cushman & Wakefield, Winning in Growth Cities 2019/20 (London: Cushman & Wakefield, October 2019).
D’Arcy, E., ‘The Evolution of Institutional Arrangements to Support the Internationalisation of Real Estate Involvements’, Journal of European Real Estate Research, 2(3) (2009), pp. 280-293.
De Magalhaes, C. S., ‘International Property Consultants and the Transformation of Local Markets’, Journal of Property Research, 18(1) (2001), pp. 99-121.
‘Editorial Russell Schiller: an Appreciation’, Journal of Property Research 22: 2-3 (2006) pp. 61-62.
Feenan, R. (ed.), The Honor Chapman Report: London 1991-2021, The Building of a World City, (London: Jones Lang Lasalle, 2012).
Harvey, D., Social Justice and the City (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988).
Houtum, H. van & Naerssen, T. van, ‘Bordering, Ordering, and Othering’, Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 93: 2 (2002) pp. 125-136.
Ireland C., ‘JLL UK’s Property Predictions’ January 2017 <> [consulted 2nd November 2019].
JLL France, ‘Quartier de le Défense : de nouvelles tours pour accueillir les impatriés du Brexit’ 13th November 2017 <> [consulted 2nd November 2019].
Jones Lang LaSalle, JLL and the Business of Cities, 2019 (London: JLL, 2019)
Keogh, G. and D’Arcy, E., ‘Market Maturity and Property Market Behaviour: a European Comparison of Mature and Emergent Markets’, Journal of Property Research, 11 (1994), pp. 215-235.
Lizieri, C., Towers of Capital: Office Markets and International Financial Services (Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley, 2009).
Lizieri, Colin, Reinert, J. and Baum, Andrew, Who Owns the City 2011? Change and global ownership of City of London offices (Cambridge: Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, 2011).
Massey, Doreen and Catalano, Alejandrina, Capital and Land: landownership by capital in Great Britain (London: Edward Arnold, 1978).
Moran, Michael, The Politics of the Financial Services Revolution: the USA, the UK and Japan (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991).
Mortished, C., ‘Consultancy Wars’ Estates Gazette, Issue 9140 (12th October 1991) p. 70.
Nedelsky, J., ‘Law, Boundaries, and the Bounded Self’, Representations, 30, 1990, pp. 162-189
Pearson “Financial Times unveils global refresh” 23rd April 2007, archived at: <> [consulted 22nd October 2019]
Popescu, G., Bordering and Ordering the Twenty-first Century: Understanding Borders (Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011).
Sheppard, F. H. W. (ed.), Survey of London 1980, London: London County Council, vol. 39 pp. 11-12 and vol. 40 pp. 33-35). British History Online <> [consulted 25th October 2019]
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Sowels, N., ‘Brexit and the UK-Based Financial Services’, Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, XXII: 2 (2017).
Sowels, N., ‘Brexit and Financial Services: The Major Sticking Points’, L’Observatoire de la Société Britannique, 24 (2019).
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 2018 Form 10-K Annual Report (Washington: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2019) <> [consulted 27th October 2019]
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, CBRE Group, Inc. 2018 Form 10-K Annual Report, (Washington: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2019) <> [consulted 27th October 2019].
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Cushman & Wakefield plc 2018 Form 10-K Annual Report (Washington: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2019) <> [consulted 27th October 2019]
Zhu, Bing and Lizieri, Colin ‘Connected Markets through Global Real Estate Investments’ <> n.d. [consulted 24th October 2019]
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Sinead Cruise & Tom Sims ‘Bankfurt, Paris await Brexit Boom as Banks Stay Loyal to London’, 31st January 2019 <> [consulted 8th November 2019].
In border studies, the notion of ‘bordering’ refers to a general understanding of borders as something continually being made. See Henk van Houtum & Ton van Naerssen‘Bordering, Ordering, and Othering’, Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 93: 2 (2002) pp. 125-136.
On global networks see Manuel Castells The Rise of the Network Society (Oxford: Blackwell, 1996).
For a discussion of globalisation’s border processes and the limits of state-territory approaches see Gabriel Popescu Bordering and Ordering the Twenty-first Century: Understanding Borders (Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011).
David Harvey Social Justice and the City (Oxford : Blackwell, 1988)
‘Place-making’ refers to ongoing processes of differentiating social space.
‘Financialisation of real estate’ refers to financial institutions switching from indirect investment through the provision of development finance, to becoming direct investors in property.
Counter Information Services Your Money and Your Life: insurance companies and pension funds, London: CIS, Anti-Report No. 7, January 1974. See also chapter 6 of Doreen Massey and Alejandrina Catalano Capital and Land: landownership by capital in Great Britain (London: Edward Arnold, 1978).
Peter Ambrose and Bob Colenutt The Property Machine (London: Penguin,1975 p. 38)
Ibid. p. 41 This range of actors points to the difficulty of assessing the impact of Brexit on office employment, which goes beyond employment in terms of office occupiers to include employment in development, investment and finance (see the section on Brexodus below).
Ibid. p. 59
For the details of financial sector reform up to and including Big Bang, see Michael Moran The Politics of the Financial Services Revolution: the USA, the UK and Japan (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991)
Coline Lizieri, Jan Reinert and Andrew Baum Who Owns the City 2011? Change and global ownership of City of London offices (Cambridge: Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge ,2011).
Bing Zhu and Colin Lizieri “Connected Markets through Global Real Estate Investments” <> n.d. [consulted 7th November 2019].
Pearson “Financial Times unveils global refresh” (23rd April 2007, archived at <> [consulted 22nd October 2019].
The term most likely has it origins in reference to the Mount Coffee House on Grosvenor Street, the master of which witnessed the signing of leases for the early development of the Grosvenor Estate. Although the Estate Board opposed commercial uses on Grosvenor Street, the location developed as the home of chartered surveying partnerships from 1936, when the partnership Hillier, Parker, May and Rowden received approval for its new premises. Sheppard, F.H.W. (ed.), Survey of London (1980, London: London County Council, vol. 39 pp. 11-12 and vol. 40 pp. 33-35).
DTZ was formed in 1993 by the merger of Debenham, Tewson & Chinnocks (UK), Jean Thouard (France) and Zadelhoff (the Netherlands).
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated 2018 Form 10-K Annual Report (Washington: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2019) <>[consulted 27th October 2019] p. 1.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, CBRE Group, Inc. 2018 Form 10-K Annual Report (Washington: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2019) <> [consulted 27th October 2019] p. 1.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Cushman & Wakefield plc 2018 Form 10-K Annual Report (Washington: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2019 <> [consulted 27th October 2019] p. 3.
The European arms of the research teams of JLL, CBRE and Cushman & Wakefield are headquartered close to the firms’ origins in the coffee houses of the West End of London.
Geoffrey Keogh and Eammon D’Arcy ‘Market Maturity and Property Market Behaviour: a European Comparison of Mature and Emergent Markets’, Journal of Property Research, 11 (1994), pp. 215-235.
D’Arcy, E. ‘The Evolution of Institutional Arrangements to Support the Internationalisation of Real Estate Involvements’, Journal of European Real Estate Research, 2(3) (2009), pp. 280-293. De Magalhaes, C. S. ‘International Property Consultants and the Transformation of Local Markets’, Journal of Property Research, 18(1) (2001), pp. 99-121.
‘Editorial Russell Schiller: an Appreciation’, Journal of Property Research 22: 2-3 (2006) pp. 61-62.
Carl Mortished ‘Consultancy Wars’ Estates Gazette Issue 9140 (12th October 1991) p. 70.
Property research journals include: Journal of Property Research, Journal of Real Estate Research, Journal of European Real Estate Research. Property research is also published in academic journals appealing to a wider audience including: Regional Studies, Urban Studies, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Articulo : Journal of Urban Research, etc.
Conferences include: European Real Estate Society Annual Conference (1994 to date), 30th Anniversary Conference of the Society of Property Researchers 2017, Investment Property Forum Inaugural Property Investment Conference 2020.
Chairs and professorships include those created by: ESSEC Business School, Henley Business School, University of Cambridge, Saïd Business School and Cass Business School.
Society of Property Researchers <> [consulted 30th October 2019].
Eric Swyngedouw ‘Neither Global nor Local: “Glocalization” and the Politics of Scale’, in K. Cox (Ed) Spaces of Globalization: Reasserting the Power of the Local (London: Longman, 1997, pp. 137-166).
Colin Lizieri Towers of Capital: Office Markets and International Financial Services (Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley, 2009).
Colin Lizieri and Kathy Pain ‘International Office Investment in Global Cities : Financial Space and Systemic Risk’, Regional Studies 28: 3 (2014) pp. 439-455.
Ibid., p. 446.
Ibid., p. 446.
Ibid., p. 447.
Ibid., p. 447.
Jones Lang LaSalle JLL and the Business of Cities, 2019 (London: JLL, 2019)
Cushman & Wakefield Winning in Growth Cities 2019/20 (London: Cushman & Wakefield, 2019).
CBRE [consulted 29th October 2019]
Jennifer Nedelsky ‘Law, Boundaries, and the Bounded Self’, Representations, 30, 1990, pp. 162-189.
The data analysed in this paper excludes reports commissioned by clients, provided on a subscription basis, and quarterly and half yearly reports which are removed from the archive once they cease to be current.
Prior to the referendum, a show of hands at a meeting of 400 leaders of the property industry found that 80% thought that the UK would vote to Remain in the UK. ‘JLL UK’s Property Predictions’ January 2017 <> [consulted 2nd November 2019].
JLL France ‘Quartier de le Défense : de nouvelles tours pour accueillir les impatriés du Brexit’ 13th November 2017 <> [consulted 2nd November 2019].
Stothard, M. ‘Paris Attempts to Lure Business from London with New Skyscrapers’, Financial Times 22nd February 2017 <> [consulted 2nd November 2019].
‘Passporting rights’ refers to firms operating in one member state having the right to operate in another member state of the European Economic Area (EEA). Many financial services providers in the UK rely on this right to provide products across Europe. Loss of this right would prevent UK-based investment firms providing services to clients in EEA countries. For the impact of Brexit on London’s financial services sector in the immediate post-referendum period up to February 2017 see Nicholas Sowels ‘Brexit and the UK-Based Financial Services’, Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique, XXII: 2 (2017). For the position by late-November 2018 see Nicholas Sowels ‘Brexit and Financial Services: The Major Sticking Points’, L’Observatoire de la Société Britannique, 24 (2019).
Cushman & Wakefield Brexit & the European Property Investment Market, July 2016, London: Cushman & Wakefield.
Ibid. p. 1.
Ibid. p. 14.
Ibid. p. 14.
A noteable example is the work of Honor Chapman of Jones Lang Wootton, founding CEO of Think London and board member of the London Development Agency. For an overview of her work in promoting London in the face of competition from other world financial centres see osemary Feenan (ed.) The Honor Chapman Report: London 1991-2021, The Building of a World City (London: Jones Lang Lasalle, 2012).
CBRE Real Estate Blog ‘London: What are the structural influences on the current property market cycle?’ 21st March 2018, [consulted 6th November 2019].
CBRE ‘Brex and the City?’ <> n.d. [consulted 6th November 2019]
CBRE ‘What Makes a Successful City?’ October 2018, <> [consulted 6th November 2019].
JLL ‘London Calling : UK Capital Top for Real Estate Investment in 2017’, 25th January 2018 <>[consulted 6th November 2019].
Boccara, L. ‘Immobilier : les investisseurs étrangers préfèrent Paris à Londres’, Les Echos, 8th November 2019, [consulted 10th November 2019].
Baum, A. et al. The Influence of Valuers and Valuations on the Workings of the Commercial Property Market (London: Report for the Education Trusts of IPF, RICS and JLL, 2000).
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