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26 | 2015
Les « années 68 » des sciences humaines et sociales

“May ’68” in the humanities and social science
Edited by Olivier Orain
Couverture RHSH 26|2015
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16 x 24 cm - 348 pages
ISBN 978-2-85944-886-8

Approaches to May 68 have changed substantially over the last twenty years. Yet the history of the humanities has described only the obvious division between those for whom the humanities has been utterly transformed, and others for whom this is only froth on the surface of the ocean. The contributors to this issue take seriously the question of the impact of '1968' on the paths of individuals, groups and disciplines belonging to what was not yet called the 'HSS' (humanities and social sciences). The scale varies from article to article: it is micro-historical when places, journals and institutions are examined in their singularity, but it is the scale of the discipline when parallels are drawn between German and French events in geography. This dossier returns to the intense debates and challenges occurring in countless social and professional worlds at the time, a mood that swept over scientists too. It depicts an era passionately attached to collective experience, whether ephemeral or long-lasting, contrary to the hackneyed cliché about individualism that, according to some, our era has inherited from 1968. We have consistently attempted to summon, in the course of general analyses, the power of the Word and the inventiveness of the image, which '1968' in all its forms illustrated so abundantly.

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