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1. Articles submitted for publication must not have previously been published (in any form whatsoever, paper or electronic), nor be offered simultaneously to other journals.

2. Articles can be written in French or in English.

3. The length of the articles can vary between 30,000 and 50,000 characters (including spaces).

4.Articles must be submitted electronically (in .doc or .rtf format) to: They will be read by the journal’s editorial board and, if necessary, submitted to the opinion of outside experts.

5. The articles must be accompanied by a summary of a maximum of 1000 characters (including spaces) and five key words.

6. On the front, the articles must include the author’s postal and email address, the affiliated institution and the position/post occupied.

7. In the foot notes, the references must be in the form of references to a final bibliography, showing the name of the author, the year and the page number(s). Ex.: Halbwachs, 1930, 78-79.

8. The final bibliography must include:

  • For books: surnames, first name initials, date of the edition, the title of the work in italics, place of publication, name of the publisher. 
    Ex. : Halbwachs, M., 1930, 
    Les causes du suicide, Paris, Alcan.

  • For articles: surnames, first name initials, date of the edition, title of the article in quotation marks, title of the periodical in italics, volume, volume or number, first and last page of the article.
    Ex. : Binet, A., 1896, « La psychologie individuelle », Année psychologique, 2, p. 411-465.

  • For contributions in collective works: surnames, first name initials, date of the edition, title of the contribution in quotation marks, in, surnames and first name initials of the editors of the work followed by (ed.), title of the work in italics, place of publication, name of the publisher, first and last page of the article.
    Ex. : Andrews, H. F., 1993, « Durkheim and Social Morphology », dans Turner, S. P. (éd.), 
    Émile Durkheim. Sociologist and Moralist, Londres/New York, Routledge, p. 111-135.

Contributions from the same author are to be filed chronologically.

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