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35 | 2019
Carrières de femmes

Women’s careers
Edited by Aude Fauvel, Jean-Christophe Coffin and Thibaud Trochu
Carrières de femmes
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16 x 24 cm - 292 pages
ISBN 979-10-351-0529-7

How did women make a career  for themselves in the humanities and social sciences, despite the many hindrances and discouragements they faced? The articles in this issue shed light on the relationship between women, gender representation and the construction of knowledge. No single and straightforward trend emerges from the very varied nineteenth- and twentieth-century situations discussed. Some women manage to pursue careers in male-dominated professions, whereas in other contexts male resistance remains intact for a long time.

The range of disciplinary fields addressed (geography, medicine, literary studies, psychology), sometimes over a long historical period and often encompassing very large populations, highlights the variety of women's situations and career paths, moving on from the heroic discourses on pioneering women and exceptional destinies.

A remarkable set of documents completes this issue: the file assembled by the anthropologist Deborah Lifchitz with a view to appealing against being barred from her profession by virtue of the law of 2 June 1941 defining the status of Jews.

Editor's notes

Le comité de rédaction de la revue tient à remercier tout particulièrement Régine Plas pour l’aide majeure qu’elle a apportée à l’élaboration de ce numéro.

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