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About the journal

Founded in 2009, Revue internationale de communication sociale et publique (RICSP) aims to contribute to the international influence and institutionalization of knowledge produced by francophone research in social and public communication. In pursuit of this objective, in winter 2015, the journal transferred all its editorial content to
RICSP is aimed at international researchers and practitioners with an interest in the fields covered by the journal. It is open to contributions from people from different backgrounds whose research problems relate to any of the journal's fields of interest.

Since 2015, RICSP has been recognized by the Conseil national des universités (CNU) as a qualifying journal in the Information and Communication Sciences (SIC) field - 71st section of the CNU. This list issued by the CNU is particularly useful for recognizing journals that can be valued in applications for qualification and promotion as part of an academic career in France.

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