Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- À une mendiante rousse
- absurd
- actors
- advent
- aesthetics
- Algeria
- alienation
- All Our Wordly Goods
- Alpine literature
- Alps
- ambiguity
- ambivalence
- Amiel(Henri-Fréderic)
- androgyne
- Angéline
- Angot (Christine)
- animal in literature
- annunciation
- anthology
- anthroponyms
- anti-utopia
- antiphilosophes
- Apollinaire (Guillaume)
- appropriation
- Aragon (Louis)
- Aristotle
- Arland
- art
- art criticism
- artifice
- astonishment
- Aurélien
- author/female author
- authorial image
- authority
- auto-reflexivity
- Autobiography
- autobiography
- autofiction
- autogenesis of the text
- bad faith
- Bakhtine (Mikhaïl)
- Bal (Le)
- Balzac (Honoré de)
- banker
- Barbey d’Aurevilly (Jules-Amédée)
- Baroque
- Barthes (Roland)
- Baudelaire (Charles)
- Beauvoir (Simone de)
- Beckett (Samuel)
- Benveniste (Émile)
- Bergamasco (Sonia)
- Bey (Maïssa)
- Bildungsroman
- biography
- Bonnefoy (Yves)
- bookbinding
- book
- Bouquet (Stéphane)
- brevity
- Briséis ou La Colère d’Achille
- Broise (Eugène de)
- Brongniart (Alexandre)
- Bruller (Jean)
- Bui (Doan)
- Cabrera (Lydia)
- Cahier d’un retour au pays natal
- calligram
- Camus (Albert)
- Caribbean
- Caribbean literatures
- caricature
- Céline (Louis-Ferdinand)
- censorship
- Certeau (Michel de)
- Césaire (Aimé)
- Champfleury
- Chant de guerre Parisien
- character
- Chateaubriand
- Chaton (Anne-James)
- Chénier (Marie-Joseph)
- Chéreau (Patrice)
- Chevillard (Éric)
- childhood
- childhood memories
- Chirac (Jacques)
- Chisla
- chronicle
- Class Studies
- Classicism
- climbing
- closure
- Cohen (Marcel)
- Colette
- colonization
- color
- colour
- Combat avec l’image
- commedia dell’arte
- commentary
- commitment
- commonplaces
- conceptual lyricism
- conciseness
- condolences
- confusion of tongues
- conjugal love
- Constance de Pipelet
- constraint
- Consulate
- Consulate Era
- contemporary literature
- contemporary theatre
- Corde (La)
- corpus
- cosmological poetry
- Coup de dés
- coup d’état (18 Brumaire)
- creation
- creative interferences
- Créole language
- Crevel (René)
- crime fiction
- Crime Novel
- critical fiction
- critical reception
- cross-disciplinarity
- crossing of cultures
- cultural experience
- cultural heritage
- Dans la solitude des champs de coton
- Daoud (Kamel)
- darkness
- Darrieussecq (Marie)
- databases
- De Belloy (Jean-Baptiste)
- Decadentism
- decasyllabe
- decennial prizes
- décennie noire
- decline
- Delacroix
- delinearization
- Denisot (Nicolas)
- denomination
- depth
- Derrida (Jacques)
- detail
- dialectalisms
- dialogism
- dialogue
- diary
- digital humanities
- Directory
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- Dognon (Jean-François)
- drafts
- drama
- Dreyfus Affair
- dystopia
- dystopian languages
- editorial stategies
- education
- Éducation sentimentale (L’)
- effect of reality
- Eighteenth century novel
- Einaudi «Sts» collection
- ekphrasis
- empathy
- Emperor’s masks
- Empire
- End of Satan
- engraving
- enumeration
- Epistolarity
- Ernaux (Annie)
- essay
- ethos
- Étranger (L’)
- evangelism
- exclusion
- Exhibition
- exodus 1940
- exofiction
- experience
- expressive power
- extreme
- extrême contemporain
- failure
- falsehood
- Family letters
- fantastic
- father
- Felzen
- female
- female identity
- female socialization
- feminin
- femininity
- feminism
- figurations of the Emperor
- filiation
- First French Empire
- Flaubert (Gustave)
- Forest (Philippe)
- fortune
- fortune en Italie
- francophone literature
- freedom
- French
- French Animal Studies
- French dictionaries
- French Revolution
- Freud (Sigmund)
- Fromentin (Eugène)
- funereal poetry
- Fuzelier (Louis)
- icon
- Idéologues
- Illuminations
- illusion
- illustration
- illustration
- image
- imaginary journey
- imagination
- imitation
- immigration
- imperfection
- impersonal autobiography
- implicit meaning
- impossibility of the couple
- Indian Ocean filiations
- industrial bourgeoisie
- ineffable
- influencers
- Inglese (Andrea)
- innovation
- inquiry
- Institut de France
- intellectual
- interaction
- interdiction
- interdiscours
- interior monologue
- interprétation
- intertextuality
- interview
- interwar French literature
- investigation
- irony
- isotopy
- italian translation
- Labé (Louise)
- labyrinth
- Lamartine (Alphonse de)
- land art
- landscape
- language
- Latouche (Henri de)
- learning
- Lemercier (Népomucène)
- Lemoine (Virginie)
- Leroux (Gaston)
- Les Minutes de sable mémorial
- Les Phares
- Levé (Édouard)
- linguistic ideologies
- linguistics
- lipogender
- lipogram
- literary criticism
- literary field
- literary genre
- literary genres
- literary history
- literary interview
- literary translation
- literature
- literature and politics
- Literature of the French Revolution
- Livre
- love
- Lucan
- lute
- Macchia (Giovanni)
- madness
- Maître des âmes (Le)
- malaise
- male
- Mallarmé (Stéphane)
- Manet (Édouard)
- manuscripts
- Maradan (Claude-François)
- Marivaux (Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de)
- Marmontel (Jean-François)
- Marot (Clément)
- marriage
- marriage in the 18th century
- Martin (Frédéric)
- Martinique
- masculinity
- Material Culture
- materialism
- Maunick (Édouard J.)
- Maurois (André)
- mediocrity
- melancholy
- Mémoires
- memory
- memory
- Meschonnic (Henri)
- metadiscourse
- metalepsis
- metamorphosis
- metrics
- Microfiction
- migration
- migration crisis
- mise en scène
- misunderstanding
- modern literature
- modernity
- Molière
- Momus
- money
- monolog
- moralism
- Moretti (Franco)
- morphemes
- mountain sports
- multilingualism
- museum
- Museum
- music
- mutual translation
- Mystère de la chambre jaune (Le)
- mysticism and linguistics
- myth
- mythicization
- pagan sickle
- page layout
- pain
- pamphlet
- papillotage
- parataxis
- paratext
- paratext
- Paris
- Paroles sur la dune
- parrhesia
- Pasquier (Étienne)
- pathema
- peace
- Pêche aux Jacobins (La)
- Perec (Georges)
- perfume
- Périgord
- persecution
- personal narrative
- picaresque novel
- Pion sur l’échiquier (Le)
- Plato
- pleasure
- Pléiade
- poésie
- poetic diction
- poetic discourse
- poetic narrative
- poetics
- Poetry
- poetry
- Poinsinet de Sivry (Louis)
- point of view
- Pope (Alexander)
- Poplavsky
- pornographic pamphlets
- portrait
- post-migration
- Postcolonial Studies
- Poulet-Malassis (Auguste)
- preface
- preface
- prejudice
- present perfect
- Press
- presupposition
- print culture
- propaganda
- prosaicism
- prose poem
- prospection
- prospectus
- Proust (Marcel)
- psychoanalysis
- publishing company
- Rachilde
- rationalism
- re-functionalization
- reading notes
- Realia
- realism
- reality effect
- Receipts
- reception
- rediscovery
- reemployment
- relic
- Renaissance
- retrospection
- Reverdy (Pierre)
- rewriting
- rhyme
- rhythm
- rhythmic rewriting
- rhythmicity
- Rimbaud (Arthur)
- river
- Road trip
- Robbe-Grillet (Alain)
- Robèr (André)
- Robert (Marie-Anne)
- robinsonnade
- Roland (Marie-Jeanne)
- Romantic Literature
- Romanticism
- romanticism
- Rondeau parfaict
- Ronsard (Pierre de)
- Rouge et le Noir (Le)
- Rousseau (Jean-Jacques)
- running
- ruse
- Russian emigration
- Rutebeuf
- Ruth
- Saint-Martin (Louis-Claude de)
- Saisons de Louveplaine
- Sand (George)
- Sansal (Boualem)
- Sapho
- Sappho
- satirical tale
- Second French Empire
- self writing
- self-commentary
- self-criticism
- Self-criticism
- self-portrait
- self-quotation
- self-writing
- semantic evolution
- sensation
- sentimental novel
- sentimentalism
- serial novel
- short stories
- short story
- Siège de Calais (Le)
- silence
- social sciences
- Sociology of tourism
- solidarity
- sonnet
- space
- Spain
- spectres
- specular
- Spleen of Paris (The).
- Staël (Madame de)
- Stendhal
- story
- Straniero (Lo)
- strategy
- Style
- subject
- suicide
- Suite française
- supernatural
- Supernaturalism
- Tadié (Jean-Yves)
- Tartuffe.
- techno-discours
- Tempête en juin
- terminology
- testimony
- textual genetics
- the task of the poet
- theater
- Theatre
- theatre
- theory
- thirties
- threshold
- time
- Tolstoj (Lev L’vovič)
- tombeau
- Torabully (Khal)
- tour of Italy
- tournant des Lumières
- traduction
- tragedy
- transfictionality
- transformation
- translation
- translation by authors
- Translation studies
- translation studies
- transposition
- Travel literature
- treatises of poetics
- Tripode (Le)
- tropology
- trust
- truth
- Turgenev