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79 | décembre 2018
Figures de l’éducation dans le monde

The world’s leading education figures
Figuras mundiales de la educación
Edited by Jean-Marie De Ketele
Couverture RIES 79
More about this picture
192 p. - 17€
ISBN 978-2-85420-620-3

The 79th issue of the Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres focuses on the great figures who, over the centuries, have changed education and had an influence extending beyond the time in which they lived. The selected authors have striven to present the figures or movements in question to the best of their ability. They situate them with precision in the context in which they emerged and clearly show the dreamlike or utopian dimension of what they conveyed. In the introduction to this dossier, the coordinator of this issue articulates the paths that draw these figures together, potentially invoking links woven over the centuries with other figures or movements that are not covered in the contributions. The introduction thus responds to the objective that informed the development of this issue: to attempt to foreground the chain of events, ideas and ruptures that hint at the future path of education.

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