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The Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres, published by France Education International, is a French-language journal which provides a comparative approach in the field of educational policies and teaching practices. With more than 1,200 authors published from 120 countries on all continents, the journal has become an encyclopedia of education around the world, as well as a bridge between continents and cultures.
The journal has an international scientific board and an editorial committee, which convene at regular intervals. It publishes three issues a year for an audience of education policymakers and practitioners, as well as academics and researchers from various disciplines with an interest in education. Issues are organised around a central topic an also provide information and documentary resources on education systems.
The journal periodically organises international conferences to reflect upon major ongoing developments in the field of education across the world. These conferences are used to produce a special issue of the journal available in full access on OpenEdition.

Latest issue
95 | avril 2024
L’éducation au développement durable

Education for sustainable development
La educación para el desarrollo sostenible
Edited by Jean-Marc Lange and Angela Barthes

Local education guidelines are supposed to take on board global societal issues and they evolve in line with international policy recommendations. In this interplay of reciprocal influences, the curricula, aims and values of education for sustainable development differ according to the geopolitical positioning of countries, and can be disrupted by local political, social and environmental crises.
Climate emergencies and the erosion of biodiversity have led to social demands for justice in many countries, and to a desire for a transformation of our models of development. These aspirations critically challenge the way education for sustainable development is designed and implemented in education systems.
This comparative dossier presents nine case studies revealing discrepancies, or at least tensions, between local contexts and international recommendations, and highlights specific settings and practices on four continents.

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