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Facteurs prosodiques et articulatoires dans l’harmonie consonantique et la métathèse en acquisition du français langue première

Yvan Rose and Christophe Dos Santos
p. 77-102


In this paper, we analyze processes of consonant harmony and metathesis observed in the speech productions of two French learners. We articulate our analysis in a framework that considers both phonetic (articulatory) and phonological (representational) factors. We motivate this framework through the variety and distribution of these processes, all of which result from specific factors that we can motivate independently. In some cases, the processes are governed by prosodic constraints (e.g. position of the stressed syllable ; phonological shape of the words produced). In other cases, the processes  enable the child to avoid articulatory sequences that are problematic (e.g. sequences involving the production of Coronal f Dorsal lingual contrasts).

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Bibliographical reference

Yvan Rose and Christophe Dos Santos, “Facteurs prosodiques et articulatoires dans l’harmonie consonantique et la métathèse en acquisition du français langue première”Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes, 35 | 2006, 77-102.

Electronic reference

Yvan Rose and Christophe Dos Santos, “Facteurs prosodiques et articulatoires dans l’harmonie consonantique et la métathèse en acquisition du français langue première”Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes [Online], 35 | 2006, Online since 22 December 2006, connection on 05 November 2024. URL:; DOI:

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Yvan Rose

Department of Linguistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland Canada

Christophe Dos Santos

Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage, CNRS (UMR 5596), Université Lumière, Lyon-2

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