Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- absolute state
- accent
- acquisition
- activity
- adjectival inflection
- adjective
- adjectives
- adjunct
- agreement
- algebraic syntax
- allomorphy
- ambiguity
- amount definite
- amount noun
- analogy
- antonymy
- Arabic
- argument
- argument control
- argument structure
- articulatory constraints
- aspect
- aspectual adverbs
- aspectual adverbs.
- aspectual deictics
- atelic
- atomicity
- autosegment
- auxiliary HAVE
- case
- Catalan
- causative
- child phonology
- Chinese
- choice-function
- classical arabic
- clitic pronouns
- clitics
- colloquial Hebrew
- Comparative Criterion
- Comparative Grammar-Reconstruction
- comparison
- complementizer selection
- compositionality
- concept
- concepts
- conceptual representation
- concord
- consonant clusters
- consonant harmony
- consonantal root
- consonants/vowels.
- construct state
- Constructional morphology
- contiguity
- contrastive categories
- Contrastive focus
- control
- conventionalization of conversational implicatures
- converse relation
- count
- count/mass distinction
- counterexample
- covert movement
- creole genesis
- cross polarity
- cross-linguistic studies
- cv phonology
- dative
- Davidsonian argument
- deadjectival nominalizations
- deafness
- declension
- default generalizations
- definite
- definite article
- definite description
- definite determiner
- definite generics
- definiteness
- definiteness of ‘indefinites’ correlative scheme
- definiteness/indefiniteness
- degree
- degree expressions
- delayed language acquisition
- derivation
- derivation/evaluation (OT-CC)
- derivational morphology
- derived nomminals
- determiner
- determiners
- diachrony
- Diesing
- differential antonymy
- diphthongization
- distributivity
- double comparatives
- doubling
- DP
- DP typothesis
- dynamic
- early phonology
- edge-feature
- embedded generics
- emergence
- emphatic state
- empty categories
- encore/ancora/zai
- entity denoting
- equatives
- er-nominalization
- etymology
- evaluative verbs
- event denoting
- event internal pluractionality
- event kind
- event nominals
- event repetition
- event unit
- events
- exception
- experiencers
- explanatory force
- iconicity
- identification
- idiomaticity
- impératives
- imperatives
- imperfective
- implicit and explicit learning (phonology vs lexicon)
- incorporation
- indefinite
- indefinite singular
- indefinite singular object
- individuation
- inference
- information structure
- intensive
- interdigitation
- internal marking
- invisible/visible variants
- irrealis
- Italian
- M-scrambling
- Mandarin Chinese
- markedness constraints
- mass
- mass nouns
- meaning-enrichment
- measure phrase
- Metaphony
- metaphysical modal base
- metathesis
- metrical structure
- middle french
- modal quantification
- modality
- modification
- mora
- morpho-phonology
- morphological complexity
- morphologie constructionnelle
- morphology
- morphomes
- morphomicity
- morphosyntax
- movement of the inflectional projection (ΣP)
- natural atomicity
- négation
- negation
- nominal and verbal number
- nominal aspect
- nominal classes
- nominalization
- nominalizations
- non inflecting language
- non-manual markings
- nonaccidentalness
- nonstandard questions
- normality
- Northern Italian dialects
- noun phrase
- noun phrase structure
- noun phrases
- nouns
- NP
- null complementizer
- null objects
- null pronoun
- number
- number marking
- numerals
- NumP
- nursery rhymes
- palatalition
- paradigms
- parameter
- partitive genitive
- perfective
- perfectivity
- person
- phonetic specificity
- phonological development.
- phonological ionization
- phonologie
- Phonology
- phonology
- phrasal rhythm
- pied piping
- pluractionality
- plural
- plurality
- poetic function
- poetry
- position forte
- possesive DP
- possession
- possessive
- possessive HAVE
- possessives
- pragmatics
- prefix RE
- prefixation
- preposition
- present perfect
- presupposition
- preverbs
- principled connections
- probability
- production/perception interface
- progressive
- pronouns
- properties
- proposition
- prosodic licensing
- prosodic morphology
- prosody
- protitypicality
- Proto-Romance
- protoroman
- prototype
- psycholinguistics
- punctuation
- radical
- realis
- reasoning
- reciprocal
- reconstruction
- reduplication
- reference
- relational noun
- relative clause
- remnant movement
- renforcement
- rhythm
- right dislocation
- rogue grammars
- Romance
- Romance languages
- Romance Lenition
- Romance lenition
- root structure
- root-and-pattern morphology
- roots
- Russian
- russian
- Salish
- sandhi
- scalarity
- schwa
- secret languages
- segmentation
- semantic history
- semantic ontology
- semanticization
- semantics
- semelfactive verb
- semitic
- sequences of tenses
- serbo-croatian
- Serbo-Croatian
- set theory
- Shona
- short wh-movement
- sign language
- sign languages
- similarity
- singulativity
- site
- situation aspect
- situation type
- sociolinguistics
- Spanish
- spatiality
- specific interpretation
- specificity
- speech perception
- speech treatment
- split CP
- Split-D
- state inflection
- statives
- stativity
- stem
- sterm truncation
- stress
- stress assignment
- strong quantifier
- structural encoding of nonstandard question interpretation
- subject
- subjectivity
- sublexical composition
- superiority
- superlatives
- surprise-disapproval questions
- syllabic strucure
- syllabification
- syllable
- syntax
- syntax-phonology interface
- syntax-semantics interface
- Tagnawt
- Taqjmit
- Tashelhiyt
- Tashlhiyt Berber
- telic
- telic quale
- telicity
- template
- templates
- templatic morphology
- tense
- Tense-predicate interactions
- text
- third person pronoun-clitic-determiner
- tobler-mussafia
- token
- tone
- topic
- topicalization
- tropes
- turkish
- type
- type-shift
- type-theory
- typographical slide
- typology