30 | 2023
The Digitalization of Urban Governance in India
Edited by Stéphanie Tawa Lama and Khaliq Parkar
Ideas, Instruments and Practices
The Language of Smart Cities [Full text]Using Discourse Analysis to Study India’s Smart Cities Mission
Social Media as E-governance [Full text]Digital Lives of Indian Municipal Bodies and Smart Cities
Digital Legacies and Distressed Capacities [Full text]Evaluating Platforms of Spatial Governance in Bhubaneswar
Digitalization of Solid Waste Management [Full text]Mapping Shifts in Urban and Sectoral Governance in Mangaluru
AAP, Apps and WhatsApp [Full text]What Digitalization Does to (and Says about) Participatory Governance in Delhi
In Search of a “Social-AQI” [Full text]Democratic Deficits in the Air Pollution Data Regime in Delhi
Exploring the Role of Muslim Women Activists in Community Reforms
Book reviews