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Presentation and membership

Founded in 1975, the Société Française Shakespeare (SFS) is a non-profit association and an academic society.


First-rate academics have presided over the Société Française Shakespeare:

  • Henri Fluchère (†), Professor at the University of Provence (Aix-Marseille I)

  • Marie-Thérèse Jones-Davies (†), Professor at the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)

  • Jean Fuzier (†), Professor at the University Paul Valéry (Montpellier III)

  • Richard Marienstras (†), Professor at the University Denis Diderot (Paris VII)

  • Jean-Marie Maguin, Professor at the University Paul Valéry (Montpellier III)

  • Yves Peyré, Professor at the University Paul Valéry (Montpellier III)

  • Jean-Michel Déprats, Lecturer at the University of Paris Nanterre

  • Dominique Goy-Blanquet, Professor at the University Jules Verne (Amiens)

  • Sarah Hatchuel, Professor at the University du Havre, then at the University Paul Valéry (Montpellier 3)

Christine Sukic is the current president of the SFS.


  • President: Christine Sukic (christine.sukic AT

  • Vice-president: Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise ( AT

  • Vice-president in charge of publication: Gilles Bertheau (gbertho AT

  • Secretary: Louise Fang (fanglouise AT

  • Treasurer: Claire Guéron (clairegueron AT

Other committees

  • Editorial committee: Christine Sukic, Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise, Gilles Bertheau, Louise Fang, Claire Guéron.

  • Board of referees: Gilles Bertheau, Yan Brailowsky, Jean-Jacques Chardin, Charlotte Coffin, Line Cottegnies, Louise Fang, Dominique Goy-Blanquet, Claire Guéron, Sarah Hatchuel, Pierre Kapitaniak, François Laroque, Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise, Laetitia Sansonetti, Chantal Schütz, Christine Sukic, Catherine Treilhou-Balaudé et Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin.

  • Liaison with theatres: Jean-Michel Déprats (Paris region), Delphine Lemonnier-Texier (Western France), Florence March (Southern France).

  • Webmaster: Louise Fang.

Becoming a member

Members of the Société Française Shakespeare:

  • can attend the annual conference;

  • are offered special rates for performances (in Paris or elsewhere);

  • can promote their scientific, artistic or other activities;

  • receive the newsletter containing information on the annual conference, as well as calls for papers, publications, and job offers around the world;

  • receive a report on the annual general assembly and information related to the activities of the SFS;

  • can attend and vote during the general assembly which takes places during the annaul conference.

To view the directory of members of the Société Française Shakespeare, click here.


  • Student: 17€ (15€ for those who select automatic membership renewal)

  • Regular: 48.50€ (45€ for those who select automatic membership renewal)

  • Retiree: 37,50€ (35€ for those who select automatic membership renewal)

  • Institutional membership (theatre, academic society, research center…): 60€

First-time membership*

  • Student: 10€

  • Regular: 20€

*fee applicable for the first year of membership only.


The annual membership may be paid:

  1. By cheque: to « Trésorière de la Société Française Shakespeare », c/o Claire Guéron, 2 place de la Gare, 21310 Champagne-sur-Vingeanne. This applies only to members with a French bank account.

  2. By annual wire transfer: please print the form below and follow instructions. This applies only to members with a bank account in the EU-SEPA area.

  3. Through Paypal: this applies to members who do not have a French bank account. To use this solution, please click on the following link which will lead you to the ‘Shakespeare Anniversary’ website which is managed by the Société Française Shakespeare: Please note that this option includes a processing fee. You do not need to have a Paypal account to use this option.


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