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32 | 2010
L'antiparlementarisme entre continuité et mutations (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles)

Antiparliamentarism between continuity and transformations (18th-21th centuries)
Edited by Jean-Claude Caron

This issue of Siècles deals with the evolution of the antiparliamentarism between the French Revolution and the 20th century in France et Germany. It focuses, through the study of the periods of virulent antiparliamentarism, on the contents of the antiparliamentary rhetoric, the existence of antiparliamentarist people coming from very different circles, the forms taken by the antiparliamentarism, the role of antiparliamentary political parties within the parliament.

Editor's notes

L'édition électronique de ce n° a été coordonnée par Claude Tardif (

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