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52 | 2022
La cartographie ecclésiastique 

Héritage patrimonial et innovation géomatique
Church Cartography: Heritage and Geomatics
Edited by Stéphane Gomis and Vincent Flauraud
Cartographie écclésiastique
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Credits: Jean Baptiste Nolin (1686-1762) - Stéphane Gomis et Isabelle Langlois

Today the development of new tools in geomatics has incited historians of religion to revise their methods of collection, documentation, production, visualization and diffusion of historical data. Researchers still rely on archives and heritage maps, but also use new tools to explore and interrogate them, making it possible to redraw former boundaries and derive the strategies and practices of control, thereby analyzing diverse data through the lens of cultural, political, or religious history. The creation of data bases leading to representations in space aided by information systems leads to new questions in terms of the development of research strategies. Scholars must simultaneously maintain the link with previously acquired knowledge and accept a profound transformation of the historical profession, thereby creating the permanent necessity to learn new methods and techniques. These developments are joined by an open, collective, and interactive means of production and diffusion. The primary goal of this volume is to present an overview based on case studies and open new perspectives based on methods that associate the use of sources and geographical information systems.

Editor's notes

L'édition numérique de ce numéro a été réalisée par Camille Meyer.
Les traductions en anglais ont été révisées par Marie Bolton. 

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