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Guidelines for submitting articles

How to submit a paper

1. Eligibility and processing of submission

Submissions are to be sent electronically to the secretary of the journal’s management board, at the following address: signata.annales[at]

The journal accepts either papers which methodological framework is explicitly semiotic, either papers which main topic is semiotics as a discipline.

According these two criteria, the Editorial Secretary undertakes to give an answer on eligibility within two weeks. This answer also applies to acknowledgment.

Once received, the submitted article is subject to a double-blind evaluation, by one or several specialists of the topic – this also applies to authors invited by the Editorial Board or by the director of an issue, in any manner whatsoever. The Editorial Board is apprised of the evaluation and writes a synthesis to the author. The Editorial Secretary undertakes to send the synthesis to the authors within two months after receiving the paper.

The Editorial Board’s decision may be of three kinds: 1) accepted without modifications; 2) accepted with modifications; 3) refused. In case 1), the author’s text is processed for edition; in case 2), the author is requested to take into account the received comments to submit his revised version. This revised version will again be evaluated. In case 3), the journal will not receive a revised version.

2. Submission guidelines

Articles submitted to Signata must include:

■ the text of the article,

■ a short bio-bibliographical note about the author (not to exceed 10 lines), including the e-mail address that the author wishes to publish,

■ an abstract in French (no more than 600 words),

■ an abstract in English (no more than 600 words),

■ at most six keywords in French and in English, chosen within the thesaurus list of the journal.

The board undertakes to furnish the authors with a reply within two months.

3. Formatting the text of the article

In accordance with its editorial policy, the journal publishes articles in French or English.

Length limitation
70,000 characters, including spaces, notes and bibliography.

Character fonts
Times New Roman or Times, 11 point for the text, 9 point for the notes; justified.

No indentation of the first line of any paragraph immediately following a heading; other paragraphs are to be indented 0.8 cm.

Article title
Title in lower case, 14 point, bold, centered.

Author’s name
Underneath the title of the paper in 12 point: author’s first name (lower case), last name (upper case) + author’s university or institution in italics on the line below.
Example :
Université de Liège


  • First level headings (example: 1.): in lower case, 12 point, bold, justified; new line for the body of the text that follows.

  • Second level headings (example: 1.1): in lower case, 11 point, italics, justified; new line for the body of the text that follows.

  • Third level headings (example: 1.1.1.): in lower case, 11 point, italics, justified; the body of the text that follows must be on the same line, separated from the heading by an em dash (—), with a space before and a space after the dash.


Ellipses are signaled with square brackets ([...]). If the beginning of the citation is missing, the first word following the brackets is not capitalized. If the end is missing, the period follows the brackets.

Short quotes (less than three lines)
Short quotes are to be included in the text in 11 point font and placed in English quotation marks (“ ”). For a quote within a citation, use single quote marks (‘ ’). English quotation marks can also be used for terms used in a figural sense, or for terms from which the author is disassociating himself or distancing himself (example: The theoretical “effervescence” of the author’s last book left everyone amazed).
Final punctuation comes after the closing quote marks. (example: She thinks it has a charming allure”).

Long citations (more than three lines)
Long citations are in a separate block of text in 10 point Roman characters with no quotation marks.
Paragraph format: 0.8 cm indentation, left and right.

5. Notes

All notes should be footnotes (no endnotes).
In Times New Roman 9, justified and single-spaced. Notes should begin with a capital letter, preceded by a space. Always use the "insert footnote" function.

The note reference mark in the text should follow the closing quotation mark (if applicable) and precede any other punctuation.

6. Bibliographical references

In-text and footnote references

(Last name date). Or: Last name (date). Or: Last name (date, p.).
Ex.: The concept of allography (Goodman 1968). As Goodman (1968) puts it. As Goodman (1968, p. 99) puts it.

In a note, when the reference is identical to the preceding note’s: Ibid.

When the reference is the same, but the page changes: (Ibid., p.).

In other cases, repeat: Last name (date, p.).

When referring to more than one page, use "pp.".

■ Bibliographical list

The bibliography is listed in alphabetical order by author, under the title "Bibliographical References".

Since the journal attaches particular importance to properly referencing the existing literature, authors are expected to follow instructions on bibliographical references:

  1. The bibliography must be accurate: If in doubt, authors are strongly advised to check their bibliographical entries on the unified catalogs of the libraries of the United Kingdom ( and France (

  2. The bibliography must consist of all references cited in the article and only those references; entries for texts not cited in the article will be deleted from the final bibliography.

To compile the bibliography:

  • Single- and joint-authorship works

Last name, First name (year of original publication), Title, Place of publication: Publishing company.

Last name, First name & Last name, First name (Eds., year), Title, Place of publication: Publishing company.

Example: Beyaert-Geslin, Anne (2009) L’Image préoccupée, Paris: Hermès-Lavoisier.
Example: Greimas, Algirdas J. & Courtés, Joseph (Eds., 1986) Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du langage II, Paris: Hachette.

Repeat the first and last name when citing from multiple works by the same author.
Example: Greimas, Algirdas J. & Courtés, Joseph (1979), Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du langage I, Paris: Hachette.
Greimas, Algirdas J. & Courtés, Joseph (Eds., 1986) Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du langage II, Paris: Hachette.

Always cite the original edition (even if it is foreign), followed by a semicolon and the edition used. In the case of a translation, add: English trans. Title, Place of publication: Publishing company, year.
Example: Greimas, Algirdas J. & Courtés, Joseph (1979), Sémiotique. Dictionnaire raisonné de la théorie du langage I, Paris: Hachette; English trans. Semiotics and Language. An Analytical Dictionary., Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982.

In the case of a new edition, add the elements that have changed: new ed. [optionally Title, Place of publication: Publishing company], year.
Example: Metz, Christian (1977), Le signifiant imaginaire. Psychanalyse et cinéma, Paris: UGE 10/18; new ed. Bourgois, 1984.

  • Articles in collective works

Last name, First name (year), “Title of article”, in Last name (Ed.), Title, Place of publication: Publishing company, p.
Example: Bordron, Jean-François (2003), “La signification des objets (Sémiotique de la contemplation) ”, in Parouty-David & Zilberberg (Eds.), Sémiotique et esthétique, Limoges: PULIM, pp. 235-254.

  • <Journal articles

Last name, First name (year), "Article title", Title of journal, issue(s), pp.
Example: Rastier, François (2004), "Ontologie(s)", Revue de l’Intelligence Artificielle, 8, pp. 16-39.

7. Inserting diagrams and images

Visual material must be centered and separated from the text by two paragraph returns. Images must be no larger than 5000 pixels wide and no smaller than 600 pixels wide. Images must have a minimum definition of 300 dpi. As an author you need to ensure that you have secured the necessary reproduction rights.

Each visual material receives a number (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.), a title, and a legend. The number and the title are placed above the diagram or image; the legend is placed under the diagram or image.

The various factors described in this style sheet will be taken into account in the editorial board’s evaluation of the article. If the instructions are not observed, the article will be returned to the authors, who will be responsible for making the required changes.

As a rule, each text will be read by two referees. The editorial team reserves the right to edit the formal aspects of the text.

How to submit a Theme for Issue

Signata welcomes proposed themes for issues, to be edited by Guest Editors.

In order to submit a proposal for such a project, please send the following information to the secretary of the journal at this address: signata.annales[at]

■ a general argument, comprising about 3000 characters, explaining the problematic underlying the theme;

■ a provisional table of contents, including a division into sections, showing the parts of the problematic; this table of contents must not contain more than 15 article titles;

■ a detailed statement and explanation of the manner in which authors are to be invited to contribute to the theme (call for papers or individual invitations);

■ a work calendar which in case of approval of the project will specify the dates on which articles are to be submitted (first drafts and final versions).
Regarding this last point, the timeline should be as follows:

  • June x: deadline for receiving proposals for a theme for issue

  • January x+1: deadline for receiving final versions of articles

  • Oct./Nov. x+1: Publication

Issue themes are evaluated by the Chief Editors of the journal.

Once a theme proposal has been accepted, each article is separately evaluated, according to the following principles.

■ Contributions to issue themes are evaluated by the Signata Editorial Board, in full cooperation with the Guest Editors. This means that the Editorial Board is in direct contact with the Guest Editors and that the latter are in direct contact with the authors. The Guest Editors copy the Editorial Board (signata.annales[at] for each email regarding the evaluation process. The Guest Editors inform the authors about the evaluation process of the issue. The present Guidelines document is also sent to the authors.

■ After receiving the evaluation, authors should submit a revised version of their paper, including a brief revision note which explains how the author did take the reviewer’s remarks into consideration.

■ The Guest Editors undertakes that the papers have an explicit dialogue with recent works in semiotics.

■ The Guest Editors are responsible for formatting the text according to the journal guidelines. If these guidelines are not respected, the Chief Editors could refuse the publication.

■ The Chief Editors remain the arbiter of the final scientific quality of the published texts.

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