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4. Iconicité de l’écriture

The Functions and Toposyntax of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Exploring the Iconicity and Spatiality of Pictorial Graphemes
Stéphane Polis
p. 291-363


L’objectif de cet article est de fournir une description sémiotiquement informée des fonctions et de la syntaxe des hiéroglyphes égyptiens. Une première partie est consacrée à une présentation des principes généraux du système d’écriture hiéroglyphique (Section 1). Dans la deuxième section, la variété des fonctions glossiques remplies par les graphèmes de cette écriture est examinée, et une attention particulière est portée à la relation entre signe graphémique et signe visuel. La toposyntaxe des inscriptions monumentales est étudiée dans les parties suivantes, ce qui comprend : l’organisation spatiale des graphèmes au sein de la ligne d’écriture (Section 3) et l’orientation linéaire des hiéroglyphes (Section 4). La dernière partie est consacrée à des suggestions pratiques en ce qui concerne l’encodage des hiéroglyphes égyptiens dans Unicode (Section 5).

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Notes de la rédaction

Because of the numerous hieroglyphic signs included as images in the contribution, a full-text version of this paper is not available online, but it can be downloaded in PDF format.

Notes de l’auteur

I am very grateful to Orly Goldwasser (Jerusalem), Eitan Grossman (Jerusalem), Jean-Marie Klinkenberg (Liège), Mark-Jan Nederhof (St Andrews), François Provenzano (Liège), Serge Rosmorduc (Paris), and Jean Winand (Liège) for their insightful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. All remaining issues and inconsistencies are solely mine.

Texte intégral

  • 1 See e.g. Rogers (2005, pp. 97–114), Coulmas (2006, pp. 138–142).
  • 2 A fundamental analysis is Schott (1951). See now Morenz (2004), Regulski (2016) and Vernus (2016b), (...)
  • 3 As Fischer (1977c, pp. 3–4) puts it. Note that a single Egyptian verb sS (written with a representa (...)
  • 4 Cf. Fischer (1986).
  • 5 See for instance Coulmas (2002, pp. 170–176) about Egyptian as a mixed system.

1The hieroglyphic writing system figures prominently in many general descriptions of world writing systems1 for at least three main reasons. First, it is one of few original (and one of the most ancient) writing systems, and its origin and development can be described quite precisely based on a sizeable quantity of written evidence.2 Second, there is a ‘unity of art and writing’3 in ancient Egypt, and the figurative dimension of the hieroglyphic signs as well as the essential relationship between the pictorial and linguistic forms of expression are of paramount interest for linguists, art historians, and semioticians alike.4 Finally, the functions of the hieroglyphic signs—that range from purely semographic to strictly phonographic—provide a deep insight into the potentialities of writing systems from a typological point of view.5

  • 6 See especially Fischer (1977b, 1977c), Vernus (2015, pp. 148–150), Meeks (2017). For the central co (...)
  • 7 Throughout this paper, I endorse the definitions provided by Klinkenberg & Polis (this volume) for (...)

2However, two aspects of the hieroglyphic writing systems, which are fairly well studied and understood within Egyptological circles, have failed to attract broader attention: the significant functional flexibility of the hieroglyphic signs as well as the impressive richness and great subtlety of their toposyntax.6 The aim of this paper is accordingly threefold. The first goal is to provide a systematic description of the glossic functions of the hieroglyphic grapheme,7 paying special attention to the formal plasticity of graphemes that can activate both linguistic and iconic significations. Secondly, the main principles that underlie the syntagmatic organization of graphemes within hieroglyphic inscriptions are explored, with the aim of showing how the linear and spatial syntaxes constantly interact within this writing system. Capitalizing on this semiotic account, the third objective is to make suggestions regarding the encoding of hieroglyphs in Unicode, in an effort to bridge the gap between a theoretical account and the practical development of an encoding scheme for this complex writing system. Since the description provided in this paper is an effort to analyze an empirical continuum of visual representations, it cannot not be emphasized enough that exceptions and borderline cases are only to be expected; they are the results of the categories that one needs for intelligibility.

  • 8 See already Champollion (1824, pp. 353–355). A recent and thorough state-of-the art contribution is (...)

3The paper is structured as follows. In Section 1, background information about the hieroglyphic writing system is presented. Although many principles also apply to the ancient Egyptian cursive scripts (so-called cursive hieroglyphic and the hieratic scripts8), the focus here will be on the pictorial hieroglyphic script (Fischer, 1977a). The multifunctionality of the hieroglyphic signs is discussed in Section 2. Section 3 is devoted to a description of the spatial arrangement of hieroglyphs within a line, while Section 4 focuses on the various text orientations. The consequences of the syntactic account provided here as regards Unicode encoding are outlined in Section 5. Section 6 concludes with a discussion of the types of relationships between the linguistic and iconic signifieds within the hieroglyphic system.

1. The hieroglyphic writing system: background information

2. The multifunctionality of the hieroglyphic signs

2.1. Pictograms

[+semographic], [–phonographic], [+autonomous]

2.2. Logograms

[+semographic], [+phonographic], [+autonomous]

2.3. Phonogram

[–semographic], [+phonographic], [+autonomous]

2.4. Classifier

[+semographic], [–phonographic], [–autonomous]

2.5. Morphogram

[+semographic], [+phonographic], [–autonomous]

2.6. Interpretant

[–semographic], [+phonographic], [–autonomous]

3. The spatiality of pictorial graphemes

3.1. Tabulating

3.2. Inserting

3.3. Stacking

3.4. Connecting

3.5. Combining

3.6. Towards a taxonomy: independence of the signs and compositionality of the groups

4. The linearity of pictorial graphemes: orientation and reading order

4.1. Symmetry

4.2. Concordance

4.3. Complex layouts of hieroglyphic texts: Combining text orientations and coping with conflicting factors

4.3.1. Orientation of the signs and reading order: Four basic layouts

4.3.2. Combining line and columns: acrostics and crosswords in hieroglyphic scripts

4.3.3. When ‘orientation’ and ‘reading order’ do not match: Coping with conflicting factors

5. From theoretical semiotics to practical implementations

6. Conclusions

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1 See e.g. Rogers (2005, pp. 97–114), Coulmas (2006, pp. 138–142).

2 A fundamental analysis is Schott (1951). See now Morenz (2004), Regulski (2016) and Vernus (2016b), with references to previous studies. An accessible introduction to the question is found in Winand (2013).

3 As Fischer (1977c, pp. 3–4) puts it. Note that a single Egyptian verb sS (written with a representation of the scribal equipment) means both ‘to write’ and ‘to draw’ or ‘to paint’ (Wb. III, 475,6-476,8). The same kind of polysemy is observed in other languages with figurative writing systems, such as Nahualt icuiloa ‘to write, to paint, to draw, to embroider, etc.’ (Thouvenot, 2008, p. 91).

4 Cf. Fischer (1986).

5 See for instance Coulmas (2002, pp. 170–176) about Egyptian as a mixed system.

6 See especially Fischer (1977b, 1977c), Vernus (2015, pp. 148–150), Meeks (2017). For the central concept of ‘toposyntax’ (as opposed to ‘chronosyntax’), see Klinkenberg (1996).

7 Throughout this paper, I endorse the definitions provided by Klinkenberg & Polis (this volume) for the technical terms pertaining to the semiotic analysis of writing systems.

8 See already Champollion (1824, pp. 353–355). A recent and thorough state-of-the art contribution is Verhoeven (2015).

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Stéphane Polis, « The Functions and Toposyntax of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs »Signata, 9 | 2018, 291-363.

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Stéphane Polis, « The Functions and Toposyntax of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs »Signata [En ligne], 9 | 2018, mis en ligne le 17 décembre 2018, consulté le 18 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Stéphane Polis

Stéphane Polis is Research Associate at the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium). His fields of research include Ancient Egyptian linguistics, Late Egyptian philology and the ancient Egyptian scripts. His work focuses specifically on language variation and language change in Ancient Egyptian – Coptic, and on the publication and analysis of hieratic material from the community of Deir el-Medina. He supervises the development of the Ramses Project at the University of Liège with Jean Winand (, and of the Thot Sign-List (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science and Humanity & University of Liège), and coordinates the semantic maps project Le Diasema with Thanasis Georgakopoulos (
Email: s.polis[at]

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