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Some semiotic activities in Argentina during 2010
José Luis Caivano

Texte intégral

Argentine Association for Semiotic Studies (AAS) / Argentine Congress on Semiotics

1During 2010 the Argentine Association for Semiotic Studies (Asociación Argentina de Semiótica, AAS), whose president is Ana Camblong, continued with the survey on information about the groups that are doing research work in the frame of semiotics. With that information, a database was built which contains more than 350 researchers and 70 projects in different universities of Argentina. This work had as a result the organization of the 8th National Congress and 3rd International Congress of the AAS, under the title Carthography of semiotic research, which was attended by 250 researchers belonging to 60 groups from different countries: Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Spain, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. The congress was held from 6 to 8 October 2010 in Misiones. The book of proceedings will be available in the website of the AAS.

2In addition, the AAS has defined some pre- and post-congress activities, which consist in teaching six postgraduate courses, within the curricula of the Master in Discoursive Semiotics, at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in the National University of Misiones. The following seminars will be delivered during 2011: “Lo visible y lo enunciable. Formaciones históricas de la imagen”, by Adrian Cangi, 14-16 April; “Retórica y análisis de los discursos sociales”, by Alejandra Vitale, 29-30 April; “Indiviudo, multitud y Estado en ensayistas argentinos entre siglos XIX y XX: aspectos teórico-metodológicos de análisis”, by Jorge Bracamonte, 27-28 May.

3For further information, please contact Ana Camblong (president AAS), aas.misiones(at); see also


4The colloquium on Mediatization, society and sense: dialogue between Brazil and Argentina was held from 18 to 20 August 2010, within the frame of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation Program MINCYT-CAPES 2009-2010, Cod. BR/08/21. The venue was the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of the National University of Rosario. The organization was in charge of the Department of Communication Sciences of that institution, and the chairpersons were Sandra Valdettaro (from Argentina) and Antonio Fausto Neto (from Brazil). In this colloquium 12 works were presented, with the participation of members of the groups of Unisinos (Brazil) and the National University of Rosario (Argentina), and with invited specialists from the University of Buenos Aires. A book with the papers can be read on line at:​facultad/​archivos/​2010/​08/​mediatizacion_s.php

Juan Angel Magariños de Morentin

5During 2010, the semiotic community in Argentina regreated the loss of the recognized semiotician Juan Angel Magariños de Morentin, who passed away at the age of 74. He was professor of semiotics and methodology of research at the National Universities of Jujuy, La Plata and Cordoba. Magariños organized the first semiotic institute in Buenos Aires (ILAE, Institute and Laboratory of Structural Analysis), and created the virtual archive of semiotic research and the forum Semioticians. Among his publications we can mention: El cuadro como texto, La semiótica de los bordes, El mensaje publicitario, Los fundamentos lógicos de la semiótica, and Hacia una semiótica inicial.

Argentine participation in the congress of the IASV

6The 9th congress of the International Association for Visual Semiotics was held in Venice in April 2010. The following Argentine scholars participated presenting papers: José Luis Caivano, Mabel A. López, Elvia Rosolia, Marita Soto, Oscar Steinberg and Horacio Wainhaus. During the congress, the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was elected to host the 10th congress of the IASV in 2012.

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Référence électronique

José Luis Caivano, « Argentine »Signata [En ligne], Chroniques, mis en ligne le 31 décembre 2010, consulté le 20 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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José Luis Caivano

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