Sources primaires
1. Sources imprimées
Anon. A Relation to the Glorious Triumphs and Order of the Ceremonies Obserued in the Marriage of his High and Mighty Charles, K of Great Brittaine, and the Ladie Henrietta Maria. London, 1629.
Anon. A Thankesgiuing, and Prayer for the Safe Child-Bearing of the Queenes MAIESTIE. London, 1629.
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Anon. The Great Eclipse of the Sun; or, Charles His Waine over-Clouded by the Evill Influences of the Moon, the Malignancie of Ill-Aspected Planets, and the Constellations of the Retrograde and Irregular Starres. London, 1644.
Anon. The King’s Cabinet Opened; or, Certain Packets of Secret Letters and Papers Written with the King’s own Hand, and Taken in His Cabinet at Nasby. London, 1643.
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Anon. The Sussex Picture; or, An Answer to the Sea-Gull. London, 1644.
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Hinds, Allen B., ed. “Venice: January 1637,” Calendar of State Papers Relating to English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 24, 1636-1639. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1923. p. 118-35. British History Online. (consulté le 23/05/2021).
Lawrence, Richard. The Antichristian Presbyter; or, Antichrist Transformed, Assuming the Nevv Shape of a Reformed Presbyter, as his last and subtlest Disguise to Deceive the Nations. London, 1647.
Lawrence, Richard. The Wolf Script of his Sheeps Clothing; or, the Antichristian Clergy-Man Turn’d Right Side Outwards. London, 1647.
Pierce, Thomas. Caroli Tou Makaritou Palingenesia. London, 1649.
Prynne, William. Hidden Workes of Darkenes Brought to Publike Light; or, A Necessary Introdvction to the History of the Archbishop of Canterbvrie’s Triall […]. London, 1645.
Prynne, William. The Popish Royall Favourite; or, A Full Discovery of His Majesties Extraordinary Favours to, and Protections of Notorious Papists, Priestes, Jesuites, against all Prosecutions and Penalties of the Law Enacted against them. London, 1643.
Pym, John. Ten Propositions Delivered by Master Pimme, from the House of Commons, to the Lords, at a Conference, Iune, 24, 1641. London, 1641.
Rouse, Anthony. Gods Vengeance upon the Rebels in Ireland, being a true Relation how upon the 7, day of December, they Slew Two and Twenty of the Protestants Shepherds […]. London, 1641.
Struther, William. A Looking Glass for Princes and People, Delivered in a Sermon of Thankesgiving for the Birth of the Hopefull Prince Charles. Edinburgh, 1632.
Taylor, John. The World Turn’d Upside Down; or, A Briefe Description of the Ridiculous Fashions of These Distracted Times. London, 1647.
2. Sources matérielles et visuelles
Anon. Henrietta Maria. 1635. Oil on canvas, 2159x1352mm. National Portrait Gallery, London.
Briot, Nicholas. Medal with busts of Charles I and Henrietta Maria and their three children, Charles, James and Mary. 1635. Silver gilt, 30,5mm diameter. The British Museum, London.
Delaram, Francis. Double Wedding Portrait of Charles as Prince of Wales and Henrietta Maria. 1623-1625. Engraving, 345x284mm. The British Museum, London.
Gheeraerts the younger, Marcus. Anne of Denmark. 1614. Oil on panel, 1105x873mm. Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh.
Mytens, Daniel. Charles I and Henrietta Maria. 1630-1632. Oil on canvas, 956x1753mm. Royal Collection Trust.
Passe, Willem van der. Frontispiece to Epithalium Gallo-Britannicum. 1625. Engraving, 425x277mm. The British Museum, London.
Regnier, Pierre. Medal commemorating the wedding of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. 1626. Silver, 21,5mm diameter. The British Museum, London.
Van Dyck, Anthony (after). Henrietta Maria as St. Catherine. 1639. Oil on canvas, 737x623mm. Oxford: The Queen’s College.
Van Dyck, Anthony. Charles I and Henrietta Maria with their Two Eldest Children, Prince Charles and Princess Mary. 1632. Oil on canvas, 3038x2565mm. Windsor Castle, Windsor.
Van Dyck, Anthony. Charles I and Henrietta Maria. 1632. Oil on canvas, 1040x1760mm. Archbishop’s Castle and Gardens, Kroměříž.
Van Dyck, Anthony. Henrietta Maria. 1632-1635. Oil on canvas, 1092x826mm. National Portrait Gallery, London.
Van Dyck, Anthony. Henrietta Maria. 1638. Oil on canvas, 787x660mm. Windsor Castle, Windsor.
Van Dyck, Anthony. The Three Eldest Children of Charles I: Charles, Prince of Wales, Mary, Princess Royal and James, Duke of York. 1635. Oil on canvas, 1338x1517mm. Windsor Castle, Windsor.
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