Guidelines to Contributors
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Please submit your articles as a word document (docx), double-spaced in Times New Roman, 12 to the editor-in-chief (currently Line Cottegnies: line.cottegnies(at)
Your manuscript should include the following elements:
- a title and subtitle, and unnumbered intertitles for sections;
- the full name of the author, his/her academic affiliation and email address;
- footnotes, which do not have bibliographical data (we use parenthetical referencing. Ex. Riley 1965, 142).
- two abstracts, one in French and one in English, recommended length is no more than 150 words
- 8 indexable keywords in French and in English
- a short bio in French and in English (200 words).
- a list of works cited at the end. For bibliographical references, we use the MLA Handbook (8th édition, 2016). For the final bibliography, use small caps for the authors’ names.
Ex : Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. Trans. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999.
Bratu, Hansen, Miriam. “Benjamin’s Aura.” Critical Inquiry 24 (Winter 2008): 336-375.
Lanone, Catherine. “Emily Carr’s Controversial Inner Journey: From France to First Nations Totems.” In The Memory of Nature in Aboriginal, Canadian and American Contexts. Ed. Françoise Besson, Héliane Ventura, and Claire Omhovère. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 340-352.
Maldiney, Henri. “La rencontre et le lieu.” In Henri Maldiney. Philosophe, art et existence. Ed. Chris Younès. Paris : Editions du Cerf, 2007. 163-180.
Shakespeare, William. As You Like It. Ed. Michael Hattaway. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Do not use personal style sheets.
Color illustrations and visual documents are accepted and should be inserted in the text proper by the author who will include the adequate caption and credits. Visuals need to be accompanied with their proper authorizations (abiding by existing copyright laws).
Manuscripts will conform to the current MLA Handbook guidelines.
All articles are double-blind peer-reviewed within 3 months.
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a- the duty to submit an original, non-plagiarized article (signature 3)
b- the right to know the Journal rules for authorship (signatures 1- 2)
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Reproduction must necessarily mention the journal name, the author and the document reference. Any other reproduction is strictly forbidden without permission of the author and of Sillages critiques Directors of publication.
All author(s) are asked to sign :
-an author (s) approval ;
-an author(s) agreement of submission, acceptance of responsibility for article content ;
-an author(s) pledge not to plagiarize.
The submission of the article must be exclusive. It should not be published or submitted for publication to any other source. It must be the author (s) original work and must not contain any plagiarism or any libelous or unlawful statements or infringe on the rights or privacy of others.
By signing, all authors agree that the terms are true.
To the Directors of publication, Editorial Commitee of Sillages critiques,
I the undersigned, ……………………………………………………………………………, hereinafter referred to as the “Author,” hereby grant permission to the academic journal Sillages critiques to publish my written article entitled
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We the undersigned,
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The CC-BY-NC-ND acronyms refer to the following legal notions:
- Creative Commons (CC) license: “the baseline right to distribute the copyrighted work worldwide for non-commercial purposes, and without modification”;
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To the Directors of publication, Editorial Commitee of Sillages critiques,
I the undersigned, ……………………………………………………………………………, hereinafter referred to as the “Author,” hereby grant Sillages critiques the non-exclusive rights associated with the article entitled …………………………………………………………….,
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authors warrant that they are the sole authors of their articles and that the articles they submit to Sillages critiques are original, have not been formally published in any other peer-reviewed journal or in a book or edited collection, and are not under consideration for any such publication.
Authors further warrant their articles do not libel anyone, invade anyone’s copyrights or otherwise violate any statutory or common law right of anyone.
In case of plagiarism, authors will be held solely responsible as they are expected to have made all reasonable efforts to ensure the original, i.e. non-plagiarized quality of their articles.
Sillages critiques Directors of publication and Editorial Board are allowed by the author to make whatever slight or very minor changes to articles submitted to ensure clarity, accuracy and reliability. Any other change will be brought to the attention of the author in the reviewing process.
I have read and fully agree with the terms of this agreement,
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Date (dd/mm/yyyy) ……./……./……/
The Author hereby declares that his/her article is entirely original and does not contain any borrowings from another work, regardless of nature (text or image), likely to engage the liability of Sillages critiques.
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The Author specifically declares that the illustrations that are part of the article have copyright permission.
To the Directors of publication, Editorial Commitee of Sillages critiques,
I the undersigned, ……………………………………………………………………………, hereinafter referred to as the “Author,” hereby declare that my article entitled
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I agree that I will take sole responsibility, should any doubt occur.
Signed in ……………………………
Date (dd/mm/yyyy) ……./……./……/