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3 | 2020
Inscrire l’esclavage dans les humanités numériques

Embedding Slavery in Digital Humanities
Edited by Jane Landers, Jean-Pierre Le Glaunec, Henry Lovejoy and Paul Lovejoy
Couverture numéro 3 : Inscrire l’esclavage dans les humanités numériques
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Credits: Zeeuws Archief, toegang 20 (MCC), inventarisnummer 858

This issue belongs to this digital wave that is sweeping over the history of slaveries in modern times and proposes, at a heuristic level, pathways towards a means of understanding appropriate for a ‘digital creasing of the world’—that is to say using the digital humanities to raise the surface of what was traditionally smoothed over by the sources. It is, we believe, likely to bring those researching the world of slaves and their audiences closer together.

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