To be published in the journal
Haut de pageEditorial line
The journal Esclavages & post~esclavages / Slaveries & Post~Slaveries offers a platform for open thinking on the issue of slaveries across the world, from Antiquity to the present day, so as to explore the specificities of ‘situations of slavery and post-slavery’, without however setting aside comparative approaches. Resolutely pluridisciplinary, it draws upon the complementarity of different resources (texts, images, video and audio), all of which shed light on the theme of each issue in various ways.
The journal welcomes previously unpublished articles in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Journal selection process
The double-blind peer review process guarantees the quality of the journal’s contents. Manuscripts should be sent to the editorial board at ciresc.redaction[at] Once sorted out, they are transferred to the head of sections and to the editorial board.
Manuscript are either assessed by a member of the editorial board or one from the international committee. They are anonymized and submitted to an external reviewer selected by the board. An evaluation form assessing the manuscript’s scientific relevance will be completed by the expert. Responding to specific criteria outlined and including more detailed remarks. The reviewer’s identity is not to be known. In cases where the experts’ opinions diverge (with reference to the review template), the board may request supplementary opinions.
An article proposal that does not correspond to the journal’s editorial line and does not fall within its remit may be refused by the editorial board without double-blind peer review taking place.
In parallel, a technical evaluation is also carried out by the publisher to identify if the text can be integrated of the journal. Special attention is given to the consistency of bibliographies, images (quality of files and valid copyright authorization), the quality of the writing, etc.
In the light of the above scientific and technical expert opinions, the editorial board decides whether or not to:
publish a manuscript in its current form (or with slight modifications);
publish a manuscript subject to substantial modifications being made: the definitive decision is thus dependent on the author’s reworking the article in line with the experts’ remarks;
refuse publication: an expert report justifying this decision is sent to the author.
Note to contributors
Preliminary recommendations
To ensure that the editorial process works as well as possible, the editors of the journal Esclavages & post~esclavages / Slaveries & Post~Slaveries draw its authors’ attention to the need to follow the recommendations set out below as closely as possible. A complete article that complies with the following standards will be processed more efficiently by the editorial team.
A submitted article that is either incomplete or does not take these standards into account is likely to be returned to the author to be amended or completed.
Contributions must be submitted to the editorship of the CIRESC (Centre international de recherches sur les esclavages et post-esclavages): ciresc.redaction[at]
A complete article will contain the following:
the text of the article, tables, and illustration/table captions, in separate text files (.doc, .docx, .odt), each accompanied by a control PDF;
illustrations (.tiff, .jpg, .eps, .ai), numbered in order of appearance, in a separate folder. An anonymized version of the article must be included in the submission.
Constitution of the text
The maximum calibrations (including spaces, notes and the bibliography) are as follows:
articles (thematic dossier or varia): 45,000 characters including spaces;
book reviews: 10,000 characters;
research, investigation and archival analysis notes: 10,000 characters;
‘Image- and sound-based research’ and ‘Creations’ sections: 25,000 characters.
The article text must be accompanied:
by a synthesis in French, English, Spanish, and Portuguese, the length of which must not exceed 3,600 characters including spaces;
four to eight keywords in these same languages.
Each article must contain a short title and a subtitle (in these same languages), as well as a final bibliography.
Alongside their surname (in capital letters) and first name (in lower case), the author will indicate:
their institutional affiliation;
their complete contact details (email address and postal address).
Establishment of the text
The text must be typed as simple body text, without formatting or a style sheet. A single font should be used, without columns, page breaks, ‘Keep with next’ paragraphs, or underlining.
Footnotes should be limited in number and length (no more than fifty notes in an article of 45,000 characters). They should be integrated automatically (using the ‘Insert footnote’ function in Word) and be continuously numbered at the bottom of each page. In French-language contributions, footnote cues should be placed before the punctuation mark.
All the cited bibliographic references (and only these references) should be included in a bibliography at the end of the article. The text itself should contain only short-form references, in the following format (note the use of an en dash (and not a hyphen) in the page range):
(author surname YEAR OF PUBLICATION: page range). Example: (Pluchon 1991: 689–710).
Bibliographies should not contain more than 35 entries.
Authors are asked to be extremely vigilant when compiling the bibliography, as verifying and formatting the bibliography entails a significant amount of work for the editors.
Heading levels (of which there will be a maximum of three) should be numbered to avoid confusion: 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1, etc.
Tables should be produced using Word or OpenOffice (not Excel). Tables should not contain footnote cues. However, a system of asterisks may be used (no more than three asterisk cues in each table).
All illustrations and tables must have a call-out in the text: (fig. 1), (tabl. I).
Typographic recommendations
The journal follows the style guidelines of the following reference works:
Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l’Imprimerie nationale (French-language texts);
Orthographe et expression écrite d’André Jouette (French-language texts);
Chicago Manual of Style (English-language texts);
New Hart’s Rules published by Oxford University Press (English-language texts, US English typography);
El diccionario de la lengua española of the Real academia española, RAE [] (Spanish-language texts);
El diccionario panhispánico de dudas de la Real academia española, RAE [] (Spanish-language texts);
Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa Contemporânea, Lisboa, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa / Verbo, 2001 (Portuguese-language texts);
Grande Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa, Rio de Janeiro, Instituto A. Houaiss / Objetiva, 2009 (Portuguese-language texts).
The more care that authors take in applying the style guidelines, the more efficient the editing process will be.
centuries in Arabic numerals, without superscript: 17th century.
No space:
in front of exclamation marks, question marks or semi-colons (! ? ;);
inside quotation marks (“ ” in US English and ‘ ’ in UK English) and around em dashes (—) used in place of parentheses (in US English texts);
in front of units of measure.
Non-breaking spaces:
in dates and centuries, in front of BC/BCE and AD/CE: 18th century;
between an author’s initial and surname: E. Paiva;
between the name and associated number of a monarch: Louis XIV; – after ‘p.’, ‘fol.’ in references: p. 314, fol. 2.
Common abbreviations:
1st for first;
2nd for second;
no. for number;
pp. for page, t. for tome, vol. for volume;
fol. for folio, v for verso;
ed. for editor, dir. for director;
et. al., ibid., op. cit.;
fig. for figure, tabl. for table.
Cardinal points:
in lower case when referring to a direction or a situation, or when used as an adjective: the north–west frontier, in the north of the country, the northern part;
with a capital when referring to a geographic or geopolitical area: the West, South America, etc.
Names of organizations:
upper case on all words except articles and conjunctions: the Royal Air Force, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, National Union of Students;
State is capitalized when it is used in a legal sense, as in the separation of Church and State, but a reference to states in general will be in lower case: EU states. There is no need to capitalize the word government, whether it refers to a particular body of persons or to a general concept.
Isolated numbers representing whole quantities are written in letters: two hundred kilometres, five officers.
Words in a foreign language are written in italics, as are Latin phrases such as a priori, via, ibid., op. cit., supra, etc.
Quotations are placed within quotation marks. Foreign-language quotations placed after a colon are displayed in italics, without quotation marks (however, quotation marks are used if the quotation is integrated into the sentence).
Omissions are indicted by an ellipsis enclosed by brackets: […].
Bibliographic conventions
Following the bibliographic conventions set out below will save considerable time at the editing stage.
The bibliography should be ordered as follows:
list of abbreviations;
The final bibliography (which will not exceed 35 entries) should include only references cited in the text. Conversely, each in-text reference must have a corresponding reference in the bibliography.
References should be ordered by author surname in alphabetical order. References by the same author should be ordered chronologically. In the case of multiple references by the same author in the same year, the references should be distinguished as follows: 2001, 2001b.
Each reference must include the following:
Journal article:
Surname first name, year. ‘Article title’, Journal Title, volume/issue no., page range. Online edition: page URL [last accessed, date].
Example: Saillant Francine, 2007. ‘L’esclavage au Brésil. Le travail du mouvement noir’, Ethnologie française, no. 38/3, pp. 457–466. Online edition: [last accessed, January 2018].
Multi-author work:
Surname first name, year. ‘Article title’, in editor name, Title, place of publication, publisher, page range.
Example: Heuman Gad J., 1998. ‘Freed Persons’, in Seymour Drescher & Stanley J. Engerman, A Historical Guide to World Slavery, New York/Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 212–221.
Single-author work:
Surname first name, year. Title, place of publication, publisher.
Example: Honychurch Lennox, 2014. Negre Mawon: The Fighting Maroons of Dominica, Roseau, Island Heritage Initiatives.
Thesis or university dissertation:
Surname first name, year. Title of dissertation or thesis, PhD thesis (or master’s dissertation), university, city.
Example: Araujo Ana Lucia, 2007. Mémoires de l’esclavage et de la traite des esclaves dans l’Atlantique sud. Enjeux de la patrimonialisation au Brésil et au Bénin, PhD thesis, EHESS, Paris.
When there are several authors, the two last names are separated by an ampersand: Cottias Myriam, Elisabeth Cunin & Antonio de Almeida mendes, 2010.
When there are several publishers or places of publication, the names are separated by a forward slash: Sillery/Paris, Septentrion/Presses de l’université Paris-Sorbonne.
Illustrations must be provided in separate files:
.tiff or .jpg, with photographs set to a minimum of 300 dpi;
.eps or .ai for Illustrator documents (maps, diagrams, etc.).
Files must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text. Maps must include a scale and orientation.
Multimedia resources
Authors are able, if they wish, to include multimedia resources in their articles, provided that they have obtained all the necessary authorizations to reproduce and feature these resources.
The content must be provided to the editors in the following formats:
MP3 for audio resources;
MP4 (H.264) for video resources.
Content must be limited in duration (no more than 10 minutes long).
The captions accompanying resources (illustrations and multimedia content) must be compiled in a separate text file.
They must contain:
the credits:
title, name of the author or rights-holder, and year (for illustrations);
title, name of the director, name of any visible or audible person, date, place (for multimedia resources);
the source: image still, digital library, museum, database, etc.
The author must include all information necessary to retrieve the source (web link, contact details of the person in charge of authorization requests, etc.).
Authorization requests to reproduce and feature resources
The author must take the necessary steps to obtain the right to reproduce and feature, in physical and digital form, the iconographic and/or multimedia resources that are to be reproduced in their article, or must have taken care to collect copyright-free material (that is now either in the public domain or subject to a Creative Commons licence).
Do not provide photos taken from the internet, which are often in very low definition and subject to copyright.
Authors must take care to obtain the explicit, written consent of people shown in photos, appearing in videos and audible in audio extracts.
Authors must pass on these authorizations to the editorial team in case they may be of use. The journal accepts no responsibility in this matter and reserves the right to refuse resources that may give rise to litigation.
Assignment of rights to reproduce and feature content
Authors who submit an article accept the free and non-exclusive assignment of rights to reproduce and feature content to the journal Esclavages & post~esclavages / Slaveries & Post~Slaveries, in any form whatsoever, including in print. This applies to textual, iconographic and multimedia materials of which they are the author and/or rights-holder.
Authors receive the PDF of their article free of charge.
Contact us
The editors of the journal are available to support authors in their publishing endeavour:
Postal address:
Campus Condorcet
Bâtiment Recherche Sud
5, cours des Humanités
Documents annexes
Note to contributors (EN) (application/pdf – 126k)
Article metadata (synthesis, keywords, title/subtitle) (application/pdf – 81k)
Recommendation to contributors (continued) (application/pdf – 69k)
Author's contract - Licence CC-BY-NC-ND (application/pdf – 202k)
Evaluation form for research articles (EN) (application/pdf – 111k)