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Notes to authors

Guidelines for authors preparing articles for submission

The following standards are in line with those of the Éditions de la Sorbonne.


No article submitted to Socio-anthropologie may have been previously published, in whole or in part, in another journal, or in any other medium making citation possible.


  • Article title

  • Author’s first name and surname

  • Author biography (specify the institutional affiliation)

  • Summary (maximum 1000 characters, including spaces)

  • Five key words


The article must be between 25,000 and 35,000 characters, including spaces. The layout should be as simple as possible, with Times New Roman font, size 12.


Use the default style of the word processor for the different text levels (e.g.: Title 1, Title 2, etc.)


Footnotes are always included before any punctuation signs. Avoid footnotes in titles, subheadings and headings.



Include short citations in the body of the text, in quotation marks (not italics).


If citations cover more than four lines, they should be in a separate paragraph, indented, without quotation marks.

In a foreign language

In italics, without quotation marks.


Without citation

The reference should be indicated between parentheses in the body of the text as follows: name of author, comma, followed by the year of publication. Several references should be separated by a semi-colon.


  • (Balandier, 2000)

  • (Bromberger and Chevallier, 1999)

  • (Karp et al., 1991, 1992 ; Clifford, 1997, 2013 ; Dubuc and Turgeon, 2004)

With citation

The full reference is included in the footnote as follows:

    • 1 The name of the collection immediately follows the editor’s name, between parentheses.

    Hélias P.-J. (1975), Le Cheval d’orgueil, Paris, Plon (Terre Humaine)1, p. 309.

  • Minchin S. (2012), « La restitution d’une tête maorie à la Nouvelle-Zélande », in Girault Y., Van-Praët M. (dir.), MuséoMuséum. 20 ans d’enseignement de la muséologie au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, OCIM/MNHN, p. 207.

  • Gagné N. (2012), « Affirmation et décolonisation : la cérémonie de rapatriement par la France des toi moko à la Nouvelle-Zélande en perspective », Journal de la Société des océanistes, 134, p. 5.

  • Hennion A., Latour B. (1993), « Objet d’art, objet de science. Note sur les limites de l’anti fétichisme », Sociologie de l’art, 6, Œuvre ou objet ?, p. 21.

For further guidance, refer to the downloadable recommendations for manuscript preparation on the Éditions de la Sorbonne site at the following address:


To be placed at the end of the article.



Name and first name initial followed by the date of publication in parentheses, title in italics, place of publication, publisher, name of the collection in parentheses.


  • Bonnot T. (2014), L’attachement aux choses, Paris, CNRS Éditions.

  • Baudrillard J. (1993 [1970]), La société de consommation, Paris, Denoël (Folio/Essais).

Collective works

Name and first name initial followed by (ed.) the date of publication in parentheses, title in italics, place of publication, publisher.


  • Appadurai A. (ed.) (1986), The Social Life of Things. Commodities in Cultural Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

  • Anstett É., Gélard M.-L. (ed.) (2012), Les objets ont-ils un genre ? Culture matérielle et production sociale des identités sexuées, Paris, Armand Colin.

Contribution in a collective work

  • 2 Always use ‘in’ between the title of the contribution and the name of the publication’s editor.

Name and first name initial followed by the date of publication in parentheses, title of the contribution in quotation marks, in2 Name and first name initial of the publication’s editor followed by (ed.), title in italics, place of publication, publisher, pagination.

  • Kopytoff I. (1986), « The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditizationas Process », in Appadurai A. (ed.), The Social Life of Things. Commodities in Cultural Perspective, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, p. 64-94.


  • 3 We remove abbreviations for volume, issue number and fascicule etc. Compound numbers are separated (...)

Name and first name initial followed by the date of publication in parentheses, title of the article in quotation marks, title of the periodical in italics, volume number3, title of the file in italics, pagination.

  • Kaufmann J.-C. (1997), « Le monde social des objets », Sociétés contemporaines, 27, p. 111-125.

  • Bazin J., Bensa A. (1994), « De l’objet à la chose », Genèses, 17, Les objets et les choses, p. 4-7.

  • Revolon S., Lemonnier P., Bailly M. (ed.) (2012), Techniques & culture, 58, Objets irremplaçables.


Capital letters in names, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in Anglo-Saxon titles are preserved.

For further guidance, refer to the downloadable recommendations for the presentation of bibliographic references on the Éditions de la Sorbonne site at the following address:


1 The name of the collection immediately follows the editor’s name, between parentheses.

2 Always use ‘in’ between the title of the contribution and the name of the publication’s editor.

3 We remove abbreviations for volume, issue number and fascicule etc. Compound numbers are separated by a forward slash; double numbers are linked by a hyphen.

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