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Submitting an article

Articles or proposals for articles and more generally all correspondence should be addressed to

We ask authors to please follow these recommendations as closely as possible:

Basic information

Last name and first name of the author and institutional affiliation

Two page abstract of the article outlining the central problematic and findings and a bibliography

Title of the article

If the article is accepted, the author should provide:

A title in English

A two-page abstract in English

5 keywords

The main text

References: in the body of the text the references should follow this format (Dupont, 1835) or (Dupont 1836: 102) , [with :] or when
referring to the work in the main text Dupont [(1835 : 102)] [with : ].

The different sections and subsections should be clearly numbered in the following way 1, then 1.1, then, 1.1.1, if there are three subsections. In addition to numbering, it may be helpful for the author to use titles (Title 1, Title 2, Title 3).

Style formatting

Do not write words entirely in uppercase. Proper names and those of the author should not be entirely in uppercase.

Do not use tabs but indicate a line break with bullet points

Do not use bold

Accent upper case words when necessary (État and not Etat)



Bajoit, Guy 2009, Socio-analyse des raisons d’agir, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval.

Arendt, Hanna [1948] 2002, Qu’est-ce que la philosophie de l’existence ?, Paris, Éditions Payot.

Barrere, Anne et Danilo, Martucelli 2009, Le Roman comme laboratoire, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

Edited books

Chatel, Vivianne et Marc-Henri ,Soulet (dir.) 2003, Agir en situation de vulnérabilité, Québec, Presses Universitaires de Laval.

Journal articles

Bolle De Bal, Marcel 1992, « De l’esthétique sociale à la sociologie existentielle : sous le signe de la reliance », Sociétés, n°36, p. 169-178.

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