Guidelines for Special Issues
Journal Forum Sociológico may publish special issues about relevant topics in Social Sciences.
Proposals must be sent to the email of the journal ( and must include the following information :
Proposed title for the special issue ;
Name of Editors and their respective institutional affiliation (University, School/Faculty, Department/or Centre) with ORCID and email contact ;
A short presentation identifying the theme of the special issue, its relevance and articulation with the specific domain of publication of the journal ;
Deadline expected for the publication of the special issue ;
Deadline expected for the reception of proposals ;
Expected number of originals articles to be published ;
All original works submitted on the scope of the accepted special issue must be sent to the journal’s email ( and must follow all Guidelines for Authors and Ethic Guidelines adopted by the journal.
All original articles will be submitted to the journal’s double-blind peer review process. Editors of the special issue will be responsible for the selection of at least two scientific referees per article, subject to approval by the journal’s Editorial Board.
The journal will be responsible for the management of the texts submission, peer review and publication process (i.e., receipt of the proposed texts ; invitations to scientific referees ; sending of proposals to Editors ; etc.).
Editors will be also responsible for the organization and final revision of the accepted works and for writing a short editorial text.
The timing of publication of the special issue will depend on the schedule of the journal established by the journal's Editorial Board.