Statement of Ethics and Good Practices
Journal Forum Sociológico follows the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications and the Core Practices of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The Editorial Board and its scientific reviewers promote equality in scientific publication for all articles and authors that collaborate with the Journal.
The practice of plagiarism, manipulation of citations and manufacturing of data is disapproved by the Journal. All papers submitted for publication will be submitted to a recognized plagiarism detection program. When identifying any type of misconduct, before or after the publication of originals, the Editorial Board will contact those affected to request their response and will follow the COPE guidelines (available here). The confirmation of plagiarism will imply the non-publication of the submitted article as well as other publications for a period of time to be defined by the Editorial Board.
The authors indicated in the original works must meet all of the criteria referred to below : 1) have contributed substantively to the design of the work or to the collection, analysis or interpretation of the data ; AND 2) have contributed substantively in writing or critical review ; AND 3) approve the final version submitted, taking responsibility for all the work done, including its ethical implications. Collaborators who do not fit the authorship criteria should be mentioned in the "Acknowledgements" section. The Forum Sociológico disapproves the attribution of honorary authorship, offered, invited or phantom in the manuscripts proposed for publication. In this context, we follow COPE’s guidelines regarding authorship definitions (available here).
The Journal promotes transparency and integrity in scientific publication in order to combat any conflicts of interest that my arise during the research process, the writting or the publication of a scientific work. In cases where a conflict of interest is identified on the part of the Journal, authors, reviewers, members of the Boards or the editorial team, the Journal will also follow COPE guidelines (available here).
Any allegations of scientific misconduct or the need for corrections, revisions or retractions in originals, these should be addressed in writing to the e-mail address of the Journal ( Furtheremore, all complaints about the Journal, the editorial team, or the Editorial Board should also be addressed in writing to the Journal’s email.
If an article has already been published online, the detection of a violation of ethical principles, the integrity of the scientific research and/or the guiding principles of the journal, may lead to the publication of a complement to the article with an explanatory errata or, in serious cases, the retraction of the article, and an explanatory note.