Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- abortion
- Abu Dhabi
- Academic Field
- academic success
- accident
- action
- Activism
- activist socialization
- activity
- Activity
- Addiction
- Adolescence
- adolescence
- affect
- Affirmative action
- Afrique
- age
- Age
- Ageing
- agency
- agents
- Aging
- Agriculture
- Aide Sociale à l’Enfance
- air transport
- Alceste
- Alcohol
- Algeria
- alienation
- ambivalence
- Among the specific dimensions of the lifestyles of gays classically presented in social science literature
- and it is seen as fostering the formation of educational aptitudes. Moreover
- and on the other hand to open useful perspectives of research in the sociology of homosexualities.
- and their chains. Describing the diversity of the migratory routes of gays allows on the one hand to think of a plurality of modes of subjectivations
- and then describes the shape of the geographical routes according to the number of stages
- animal health
- Animals
- anomie
- Anomy
- Anthropology
- appears that of the migration towards metropolises
- Architecture
- Artisanat
- artistic careers
- artists
- Arts
- association model
- associations
- associative work
- asymmetric social relationship
- at the middle school level. All these elements suggest that the growing schooling competition in the Paris area has an effect on the way in which families invest in children’s leisure activities.
- Authoritarian regimes
- Autonomie
- Autonomy
- autonomy
- Belgium
- Beliefs
- beliefs
- bequest motives
- Bien-être
- Biographical
- biographical trajectories
- Biography
- biologizing social facts
- blog
- Blue-collar workers
- Body
- book
- bosses
- boundaries
- Bourdieu
- Brazil
- Business
- but the mechanisms through which this selectivity works are still to be understood. This study is based on a field research conducted among upper-class families of a gentrified neighborhood in a Paris suburb municipality and on a statistical analysis of t
- Canada
- Cancer
- cancer
- Cannabis
- capital
- capitalism
- Care
- Career
- Careers
- careers
- Carrière
- Categories
- Categorization
- categorization
- category
- catholicism
- champs
- Charisma
- Chicago school
- Childhood
- China
- Christianity
- chronic diseases
- Cinema
- cinema
- Cinematographic space
- City
- class
- class politics
- Class structure
- Class voting
- class voting
- classification
- Climate change
- Cognition
- collaborative production
- Collective Action
- Collective action
- Commitment
- Commons
- Communication
- communism
- communities
- communities of practice
- Community
- Comparison
- competition
- comprehension
- Comprehensive sociology
- configuration
- Conflict
- conflict of conventions
- conflicts
- consensus
- Consumption
- contexts
- continuing professional development
- controls
- controversies
- Controversy
- coordination
- Corps
- corps
- corpus
- Correlation
- Couple
- couples
- Craftsmanship
- Création
- Creation
- credit
- crisis
- Criticism
- critics
- Critique
- Cross-national analysis
- Cross-tabulation
- cultural capital
- Cultural diversity
- Cultural Legitimacy
- cultural legitimacy
- Cultural Participation
- Cultural participation
- cultural politics
- cultural practices
- Cultural Practices
- culture
- Culture
- cutlers
- Dance
- Data
- Death
- debt
- debt collection
- deficit model
- Delinquency
- democracy
- Democracy
- deontology
- department managers
- deviance
- Deviance
- diagnosis
- Dialectics
- dietary guidelines
- diffusion
- digital bookstores
- digital uses
- Diplomacy
- Diplomas
- Disability; Work; Life course; Social policies
- disaffiliation
- disciplinary hierarchies
- Discrimination
- discrimination
- Discriminations
- Disease
- disease
- Dispositions
- dispositions
- dissension
- Distinction
- distinguishing marks
- Diversity
- divine feminine
- Domination
- Downgrading
- Drugs
- Durkheim
- dyslexia
- early childhood
- Economic capital
- economic opinions
- economic sociology
- Economics
- education
- Education
- educational inequalities
- Educational inequalities
- educational norms
- Edward Saïd
- Elections
- elite sport
- Elites
- elites
- emancipation
- emergency
- Emotions
- empirical theory
- employers’ defense
- Employment
- employment
- Employment ; Precarity ; International Comparisons ; Europe
- Engagement
- engineers
- England
- entrepreneurship
- Epistemology
- epistemology of the social sciences
- equality
- Equality
- Estime de soi
- Ethics
- Ethnic Categories
- Ethnic origin
- Ethnicity
- Ethnography
- ethnography
- Europe
- Evaluation
- eviction
- Exclusion
- exclusion
- exercise
- expatriation
- experience
- Experiences
- expert knowledge
- expertise
- Expertise
- explanatory factors
- extracurricular activity
- Family
- family
- family child care providers
- family social environment
- family support
- farmers
- fatherhood support
- feminism
- Feminism
- feminist theory
- fiction
- field
- Field
- fieldwork
- filmmakers
- financialization
- firm
- Firms
- first movies
- flow
- focus groups
- food
- food industries
- Football
- forensic medecine
- Foresight
- France
- Freedom
- French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII)
- French Overseas
- Ideal type
- Ideal Type
- Identity
- identity
- ideology
- Ideology
- Illegals
- Immigrants
- Immigration
- immigration
- immodesty
- implicit code
- in which democracy is considered both as a political regime and a form of social life.
- incarcerated fatherhood
- Individu
- individual
- Individual
- Individualism
- individualism
- Individualization
- industrial relations
- industry
- Industry
- Inequalities
- inequalities
- Inequalities ; Environment ; Justice ; Merit
- Inequality
- Ineractionism
- influencers
- Information
- inspectors
- Institution
- institution
- Institutions
- Integration
- integration
- intellectual trajectory
- Intellectuals
- Intelligence
- Interaction
- Interactionism
- interdependence
- interdisciplinarity
- interest
- Intergenerational relationships
- International comparisons
- International Comparisons
- Internationalization
- Internet
- Interpretation
- Intersectionality
- Interview
- interview
- Intimité
- Investigation
- Investment
- Involvement
- Islam
- Islamophobia
- Italy
- Maladie
- Management
- market
- Market
- Marketing
- Marriage
- Martinique
- Marx
- Masculinity
- masculinity
- massification
- master status
- meaningful work
- Médecine
- Media
- Medicine
- medicine
- Memory
- mental health
- merit
- meso and macro-levels
- metaphors in science
- methodology
- Methods
- micro
- Middle Class
- Middle class
- migration
- Migrations
- mimetism
- mixed methods
- Mixedness
- Mobilizations
- Modelling
- Modernity
- modernity
- Modernization
- Motherhood
- Movies
- Multiculturalism
- Multiple correspondence analysis
- music
- Music
- music industry
- Music learning in conservatories is a socially selective organized children’s leisure activity
- music learning is sometimes directly included in schooling strategies with the aim of reaching selective schools or classes early on
- musicians
- Myths
- Paradigm
- Parenthood
- Paris
- part-time work
- participation
- Participation
- Participatory democracy
- participatory plan
- participatory research
- partnership
- passions
- Path dependency
- peace process
- Pedagogy
- peer groups
- peer-to-peer
- PhD
- Philanthropy
- philosophy
- Philosophy
- planned social mixing
- Play
- polarisation
- police
- police constable
- policy instruments
- political attitudes
- Political communication
- political disaffection
- Political Participation
- Political parties
- politicization
- Politics
- politization
- popular neuroscience
- postcolonialism
- Poverty
- Power
- practices of sociability
- Pragmatism
- pragmatism
- Precariousness
- precariousness
- Prenotion
- preparedness
- Price
- price-setting
- priest
- Prison
- Process
- processual sociology
- profession
- Profession
- professional paths
- professional practices
- professional regulation
- Professional relations
- professional trajectories
- Professions
- professions
- Progress
- project
- psychiatry
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- psychosocial risks
- Public action
- public funding
- Public Health
- public health agencies
- public housing
- public place
- public policies
- Public Policies
- public policy
- Public Policy
- public sector
- Public Service
- Public sociology
- Public space
- publishing
- Race
- race
- racial socialization
- racialization
- Racism
- radicalization
- rare populations
- Rationality
- Raymond Aron
- reactivation
- Reading
- reading
- realignment
- reception
- Reception
- Reciprocity
- Recognition
- recognition
- recovery
- recruitment
- recruitment test
- reflective investigation
- Reflexivity
- reflexivity
- Regulation
- relational work
- Relations
- religion
- Religion
- Religions
- REPONSE survey
- representation
- reproduction
- Research
- research and development
- Residential mobility
- residential socialization
- resources
- Reunion
- reverse mortgages
- revolution
- Rights’ Defender
- Rituals
- Road safety
- Rural worlds
- Rurality
- Sample
- sampling
- Santé
- School
- school
- School achievement
- school culture
- school dropout
- school success
- Science
- science
- science as culture
- science popularisation
- Sciences
- scientific communities
- Scientificity
- scientists’ public engagement
- Second-hand market
- secret
- Secularism
- Ségrégation
- Segregation
- segregation
- self-analysis
- self-exposure
- self-help organisation
- sequence analysis
- seventies
- Sex
- Sexualité
- Sexuality
- sexuality
- Silicon Valley
- Situation
- so as to situate L’esprit démocratique des lois
- sociability
- Sociability
- social actor
- social capital
- Social capital
- Social Capital
- Social Care
- social class
- Social Classes
- Social classes
- social classes
- Social cohesion
- social constraints
- social control
- Social control
- social differenciation
- Social differenciation
- Social disqualification
- Social division of labour
- Social Exclusion
- Social Groups
- social groups reconfiguration
- social housing
- Social inequalities
- social inequalities
- social inequalities in health
- social intervention
- social judgements
- social justice
- Social link
- Social links
- Social Media
- Social mobility
- social mobility
- social movements
- Social Movements
- Social movements
- social network sites
- Social Networks
- social networks
- Social norms
- social norms
- social ontology
- social openness
- social order
- social philosophy
- social player
- Social relationsips
- Social Reproduction
- Social reproduction
- Social security
- Social space
- social space
- Social Stratification
- Social stratification
- social structure
- social structures
- Social theory
- social theory
- Social Work
- social world
- Socialisation
- Socialization
- socialization
- socialization work
- Society
- socio-analysis
- socio-professional classification
- sociological theory
- sociology
- sociology of cultural practices
- sociology of ideas
- sociology of indicators
- sociology of research and higher learning
- Space
- Spain
- Spatial Mobility
- Special needs teacher
- spirituality
- sponsorship
- Sport
- sport
- Sports
- sports coach
- Squats
- State
- statistical surveys
- Statistics
- Status
- stigma
- Stigma
- Stigmata
- stigmatization
- student
- style of sociability
- Subcontractors workers
- Subjectivity
- Suburbs
- Suffering
- Suicide
- supermarkets
- supposed to be anonymous
- Survey
- survival
- Switzerland
- symbolic mediation
- Tastes
- tastes
- teachers
- Technique
- technological change
- temporal autonomy
- temporal dynamics
- Temporality
- temporary youth worker
- Territories
- Territory
- textual analysis
- the article first investigates the choices of localisation at the time of moving from parents' homes
- the wish of being a member of the music academy appears as decisive as the desire of playing music. The music academy is a sought-after institution because of its serious and formal pedagogy
- their localisation
- Theoretical‑empirical sciences
- Theories of practice
- Theory
- Third Republic
- This text looks back on the work of Dominique Schnapper since 1994 and in particular her book La communauté des citoyens
- thus questioning the exclusivity of the archetypical model of “the flight towards the city” (Éribon
- time use
- Tobacco
- tolerant and emancipating. To test this theory
- Tönnies
- tools
- Total institution
- Tourism
- Trade unions
- trade unions
- Trajectories
- trajectories
- trans
- translation
- Transmission
- Transsexualism
- Travail
- Trial
- Tunisia
- Twin studies
- Typology
- we use an online survey to collect more than 3
- Weber
- Welfare
- Welfare State
- whiteness
- Wilson (William Julius)
- Wittgenstein
- Women
- Work
- work
- work management
- Work relationships
- Working Class
- Working class
- Working Classes
- Working classes
- working classes
- Working conditions
- working conditions
- working-class
- working-class neighborhood
- working-class neighborhoods
- working-classes
- Working-classes
- Writers