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Selection of Texts and Publication Requirements

Text Selection and Evaluation Criteria

Good Practices in Academic Publishing

The journal adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing as described by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), see:

Selection Conditions

Sources publishes either unsolicited submissions covering a theme in accordance with the journal’s editorial line (scientific articles or texts in accordance with the journal’s sections), or a response to a thematic Call for Papers launched by the journal.

Only the scientific value and quality of the manuscript’s written text are evaluated, regardless of the professional or academic qualifications of the author.

Anti-plagiarism policy

The journal adopts a policy of preventing plagiarism and self-plagiarism. It uses plagiarism detection software applied to all submitted articles. The detection of plagiarism or self-plagiarism will result in the rejection of the manuscript.

Peer review

The contributions published by the journal are peer-reviewed.

Each article submitted to the journal’s editorial personnel is forwarded to at least two reviewers as follows:

  • at least one member of the editorial board conducts a single-blind review;

  • at least two experts in the relevant field conduct a double-blind review. Associate editors may be proposed as reviewers (maximum one per article).

The reviewer’ reports and feedback are compiled in a single document entitled an “evaluation report”, which is sent to the authors. The editorial board accepts or rejects the publication of the manuscript based on corrections made by the authors in response to the evaluation report.

Authors may be advised to rewrite certain parts of the text.

The Sources editorial board is committed to ensuring that the evaluations done by the reading committee or external reviewers follow the principles of the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers in its entirety (available here:

Processing Times and Deadlines

The average processing time of the submitted article and a first reply from the editorial board takes three months.

The deadlines for submission of corrected versions are defined by the Editorial Board and the authors; a failure to meet the defined deadlines may result in the non-publication of the article.

Publication Requirements

Authors do not have to pay any publication fee.

Open access publication

All the original content accepted for publication will be corrected, prepared and made available for full and immediate access.

Permission to reproduce and reuse texts / Submission in Open Archive

The journal applies the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 public license to the articles it publishes ( A CC-BY 4.0 license ( is applied upon request of the authors.

Under a Creative Commons license, authors remain the sole holders of the authorizations to reproduce, reuse or adapt the articles, either by themselves or by third parties. These terms apply to the initial version, the version accepted after the evaluation coordinated by the journal and the final version published in the journal.

In accordance with its commitment, the journal acknowledges the right of each author to make his/her text public at any stage of its development (submitted text, accepted text, published text) and at any time, before or after publication.

Nevertheless, the editorial board requires that authors:

  • make their text public primarily via an institutional Open Archive1 and not a commercial platform;

  • mention the bibliographical references of the Sources journal’s article (title, author(s), journal and issue, date of publication, URL) in a new publication or in the final version of the article shared by any other distribution channel. This helps ensure the stability and continuity of the publication’s citation in the Sources journal.

The Journal’s team will upload the final and published version of the article in the HAL-SHS archive on behalf of the authors if they have not done it themselves. This procedure will comply with the article reproduction authorizations given by the author(s).

The articles in PDF version are registered in the following collection:

Third Party Reports of Scientific Misconduct

A reader may inform the editorial team about the scientific misconduct in a journal’s publication. Messages should be sent to:

The messages are directly forwarded to the chief editors and to the person responsible for the publication.

The types of the scientific misconduct could include plagiarism, manipulation or falsification of a citation, reference or credits; a manipulation or falsification of primary data; violation of image rights or personal data…

These messages will be anonymously handed over to the reading committee for consideration. The committee will prepare a response to the reader and take the necessary steps if the scientific misconduct is proven.

Article Removal Conditions

The article may be removed after the authors have been informed about this. However, authors are not required to give their consent if:

  • plagiarism, violation of the moral rights of third-party authors or the article reproduction rights have been identified a posteriori;

  • a person or the group of people whom the text concerns have objected on legitimate grounds to violation of image rights or invasion of privacy or any other legitimate ground a posteriori;

  • unreliable or falsified sources have been identified;

  • any other scientific misconduct has been proven.

A disclaimer will replace the removed text on electronic publication’s website.

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