Índice | Keywords
- abandonment
- abolition movement
- abortion
- abuse
- abuse of older people
- accidents at work
- accountability
- acculturation
- active social policies
- activism
- administrative elite
- administrative reform.
- adolescents and the internet
- adult education
- adult learning
- adult learning and education
- advocacy
- aesthetic cognition
- age homogamy
- ageing
- agency
- aging
- agriculture
- alternative media
- amnesty
- Angola/Portugal
- anti-canonical
- anticipation of old age
- applied research.
- Aragon
- architecture
- art
- art worlds
- arts
- associations
- associativism
- astroturfing.
- attitudes
- atypical forms of employment
- authoritarianism
- automobility
- care
- caregiver
- categorisation
- Catholic Church
- causal analysis
- Cávado
- centrality of work
- challenges.
- change representations of parenting and the family
- changes
- characterization
- child custody
- child marriage
- child poverty
- child protection
- child socialisation
- childhood and guarantee of rights
- children
- children and youth
- Chile.
- Chili.
- Chinese
- Chinese immigrant families
- choice
- chronic depression
- cinema
- circulation
- citizenship
- civic participation
- civil-military relations.
- clandestine abortion
- class
- classical game theory
- classroom ethnography
- climate changes
- clinical guidelines
- closure
- clothing
- collaborative logic
- collective action
- collective identities
- Colombia.
- colonies
- common fears.
- communication
- competences
- competencies.
- competitive logic
- complementary and alternative medicines
- complex societies
- compliance
- conceptual review
- conceptual scheme
- conflict avoidance
- conjugal conflict
- conscience
- conscientious objection
- Constitution
- constitution building process
- coping
- Correio da Manhã
- corruption
- country brand
- coursebooks.
- Covid-19 pandemic
- crime
- criminality
- crisis and migration
- crisis.
- crisis/austerity
- critical realism
- cross-national analysis
- cross-national comparison
- cultural administration
- cultural democratization
- cultural facilities
- cultural heritage
- cultural policy
- culture
- custody
- cyber
- daily life
- daily newspaper
- death penalty
- decentralization
- decision-making processes
- demand
- dementias
- democracy
- democracy.
- democratization
- deregulation
- descendants of immigrants
- designers
- development
- difference in height
- differential morbidity.
- differential mortality
- digital citizenship
- digital divide
- digital education
- digital exclusion
- digital gap
- digital inclusion
- digital media
- digital technologies
- diplomatic relations between Brazil and Portugal
- disabilities
- disability
- disciplinary demography
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- discourse analysis.
- discourses
- discretion.
- discrimination
- dispositions
- distrust.
- diversification of educational pathways
- division of care
- division of labor
- division of labour
- divorce
- DIY.
- do-it-yourself
- domestic violence
- domestic work
- domiciliary support
- domination
- drug trafficking
- Durkheim
- Dutch auction
- early adopters
- early marriage
- economic and social development
- economic crisis
- economic deprivation
- economic recession
- economic sociology
- economics students
- economy
- educare
- education
- education effectiveness
- education efficiency
- education for media
- education of elites
- education policies
- education policy
- education system
- educational achievement
- educational homogamy
- educational inequalities
- educational policies
- educational policies.
- educational reforms.
- elderly person
- elderly persons
- election
- election campaign
- election programmes
- elections
- electoral programmes
- eligibility
- elisionism
- elites
- emergentism
- emigration
- emigration policies
- emotional culture
- emotions
- emotions.
- empire
- employability
- employability skills
- employee experience.
- employment
- employment relations
- endogamy
- energy
- energy dependence
- entrepreneurship
- environment
- environment and quality of life
- environmental policy
- environmental rehabilitation
- environmental sociology
- epistemology
- equality
- equity
- equity in education
- ethics codes
- ethnic awareness
- ethnic tourism
- ethnocultural economy
- ethnocultural production system
- ethnographic method
- ethnography
- EU intra-mobility
- Europe
- Europe.
- European integration
- European intra-migration
- European Union
- European Union.
- European Values Study (EVS)
- Europeanisation
- Europeanisation of education.
- evaluation
- exile
- exogamy
- expertise.
- explanation
- external vote
- fairness.
- fake news
- families
- families with children
- family
- family and gender equality
- family conflicts
- family context
- family disputes
- family dynamics
- family involvement
- family policies
- family practices
- family.
- fanzines
- fear of crime
- fear of crime among university students
- fears
- female expatriates
- female inmates
- female juvenile delinquency
- female labour market patterns
- female teachers
- field
- fields of creative possibilities
- financial crisis
- fiscal crisis
- football
- forced migrations
- formalisation
- Foucault
- frameworks of analysis.
- France
- fraud
- free school
- freedom
- functional analysis
- fuzzy clustering.
- gay and lesbian conjugality
- gender
- gender division of labour
- gender equality
- gender inequality
- gender regime
- gender relation
- gender.
- general practice
- generations
- generations.
- Germany
- girls
- global inequalities
- global race
- globalisation
- globalization
- governance
- graduates
- graduates in Sociology
- Great Recession
- Greek fathers
- groups of equals
- habitus
- harassment
- hard data
- hazing
- health
- health administration
- health care
- health indicators
- health inequalities.
- health information and communication technologies
- health iniquities
- health policies
- health status
- health.
- healthy organization
- healthy organizations
- hegemony
- heterogamy.
- heterosexuality
- hierarchical segmentation
- high school sociology
- high-skilled emigration
- Higher Education
- higher education
- higher education graduates
- Hindu Diaspora
- home birth
- homelike settings.
- homogamy
- homosexuality
- hospital
- household labour
- household work
- households
- housing and urbanism
- housing transitions
- human longevity
- human resources
- human rights
- Human Rights in education
- human service organization
- human values.
- ideal type
- identity
- identity coherence
- identity forms
- ideology
- illicit markets
- imaginary
- immigrant
- immigration
- implementation
- income
- income distribution
- income inequality
- independent local lists
- indicators of socioeconomic position
- individual and organizational career paths.
- individual portrait
- individual portraits.
- individual scale
- individualisation
- individualism
- individuals
- Indonesia
- Indonesian sociography
- inequalities
- inequality
- inequality reproduction
- informal learning
- informality.
- information and communication technologies
- information and communication technology (ICT)
- information society
- innovation
- innovative agents.
- institutional change.
- institutional identity awareness
- integration
- intellectuals
- interaction
- interactive power
- interest for politics
- intergenerational relationship
- intermarriage
- internal conversation
- internal mobility
- internally displaced persons
- international career
- international mobility
- international protection
- international schools
- international student mobility
- internationalisation
- internationalization
- Internet
- internet
- internship
- intersectionality
- intervention
- interventionism
- labor force
- labour market
- labour relations
- land banking
- Latin America
- leaders
- learning science
- learning strategies
- left
- left-right perceptions
- legislative change
- legislative initiatives for emigration.
- levelling
- liberal democracy
- life course
- life path
- life style
- lifelong learning
- listed companies.
- literacy
- literary journalism
- literature.
- local educational policies
- local government
- local perceptions
- local policies
- local scale
- localization.
- longitudinal
- longitudinal panel data
- longitudinal study.
- love
- love migration
- low fertility
- Macau
- macroeconomic variables
- macrosocial variables
- management
- managers
- manipulation
- marital homicide
- marital paths
- market
- marketisation
- marriage market
- Marx
- mass incarceration
- massification
- match-fixing
- material living conditions
- maternity
- Matteo Salvini.
- Max Weber.
- media
- media and digital literacy
- media ownership
- media representations
- media systems
- medical profession
- medicalisation
- medicine
- medicines
- mental illness
- meritocracy
- methodological scheme
- methodology
- methods
- metropolis
- middle class
- middle-age
- migrants
- migrants from abroad
- migration
- migration indicators.
- migrations
- migratory flows
- military
- military cadets
- mining
- mobile health
- mobility
- modernity
- modes of regulation
- modes of relational patterning
- money laundering.
- Moodle
- morality
- morphogenesis
- motility
- motivations
- multi-method approach
- multidisciplinarity
- multilevel governance
- multinational companies
- multiple correspondence analysis
- multiple stream framework
- music
- music scenes
- nannies
- national identity.
- national year-4 exams
- nationalism
- nature of work
- neo-Weberianism
- neoliberalism
- network society
- networked knowledge
- new global movements
- new information technology
- new public management
- new sectors of activity.
- non-resident fathers and mothers
- non-use
- Northern Cyprus.
- nuclearity
- nursing
- pandemic
- paradigm shift
- parental leave
- parental mediation
- parental paths
- parental relationships.
- parental responsibility
- parenthood
- parenting profiles.
- parenting time.
- Parity Law
- parties
- paternity
- patterns of labour market integration
- pedagogical relationship
- peer education
- peer review
- penal system
- people of African descent
- people older than 45 years
- perceptions
- performance indicators
- performance-enhancing consumption
- pharmacologisation
- Pierre Bourdieu
- pigs
- PISA scores
- planning region
- plural actor
- police
- police knowledge
- policies
- policy
- policy change
- policy process
- policy program
- political and administrative territorial organisation
- political communication
- political debate
- political history
- political opportunity structure
- political participation
- political parties
- political parties.
- political positioning
- political psychology
- political representation
- political socialization
- political subjectivity
- politics
- politics.
- polytechnic institutions of higher education
- polytechnic subsystem
- popular music
- populism
- Portugal
- Portugal and Europe.
- Portugal Brand.
- Portugal.
- Portuguese Ciganos/Gypsies
- Portuguese Communist Party
- Portuguese Constitution
- Portuguese emigration
- portuguese emigration
- post-2008 globalization
- post-pandemic.
- postmodernism
- postponement
- poverty
- power
- practices
- praxe
- precarious work
- precariousness
- precarity
- predictability
- preschool
- press
- pressure for performance
- prevalence
- prevention of school violence
- principle of equality
- prisons
- production
- profession
- professional associations
- professional background.
- professional groups
- professional identity
- professional insertion
- professional life
- professionalism
- professions
- professions.
- projects and aspirations
- pronomia
- protest
- protest policing
- proximity services
- prudential activities
- PS
- psychological contract
- psychosocial study
- public action
- public administration
- public entrepreneurs
- public expenditure
- public policies
- public policies analysis
- public policies for culture
- public policies theoretical framework
- public policy
- Public Policy Forum
- public sphere
- publication.
- publics
- publishing.
- punk culture
- punk scenes
- radio
- rap and hip-hop
- rationality
- reactions to violence.
- reading
- reading class
- reading culture
- reading practices
- reciprocal adjustment
- reconciliation
- recruitment patterns
- recycling
- redistribution
- referees
- reflexivity
- reforms
- refugees
- refugees.
- regressivity
- rehabilitation
- relational levels
- religiosity
- renewable energies
- reorganization of the rural trade union movement
- repertoire
- representations
- representations.
- reproduction
- reproduction of inequalities
- Republican Party
- reputation
- research
- research agendas
- research ethics
- residence and contact
- resilience
- resistance.
- resistence
- responsible research and innovation
- restructuring
- retirement.
- return
- right
- risk
- risk factors
- risk perception
- risk perceptions
- risks to innovation
- ritual
- ritual violence
- rupture
- rural folk music
- rural protests
- rural strikes
- rural studies
- sacrifice
- same-sex marriage
- satisfaction.
- scapegoat
- scholarly careers
- school
- School Board
- school choices
- school democracy.
- school failure
- school identity.
- school inequalities
- school management
- school organisation
- school peaceful coexistence
- school safety
- school success
- school violence
- school.
- schools.
- science
- science and technology
- scientific documentaries
- scientific journals
- secondary education
- secularisation
- security and justice
- selection
- self-criticism
- self-publishing
- sense of rights
- separation from the family of origin
- service (definition)
- sex work
- sex.
- sexual experience
- sexual orientation
- sexual revolution
- sexuality
- sexuality in Portugal
- shadow education
- shared residence
- shared residence as law
- shift system.
- shopping centres
- single residence.
- singularity
- skills
- slaughterhouse.
- sociability
- social action.
- social attitudes.
- social change
- social class
- social classes
- social construction
- social control
- social democracy
- social ecology
- social health inequalities
- social identity formats.
- social impact.
- social impacts of adult learning and education
- social inclusion
- social inequalities
- social inequalities in participation
- social innovation
- social integration income
- social investment strategy
- social justice
- social model
- social movements
- social movements.
- social networking sites
- social networks
- social order
- social organizations
- social orientations
- social origins
- social policies
- social policy
- social profile
- social programs
- social proofs.
- social protection
- social relations
- social representations
- social resilience
- social rules
- social sciences
- social structure
- social theory
- social welfare
- social work
- social work.
- socialisation
- socialist parties
- socialization
- society
- society and water resources
- socio-professional mobility
- socioacademic inequalities
- sociological canon
- sociological game theory
- sociological methodologies.
- sociological portraits
- sociology
- Sociology
- sociology of culture
- sociology of health
- sociology of materiality
- sociology of professions
- sociology of science
- sociology of sociology
- sociology of the school
- sociology on an individual scale
- sociotechnical controversies
- solar energy
- solidarity
- Southern Europe
- Southern Europe.
- sovereignty
- Spain
- spatial planning
- spinal cord injury
- sport betting market
- standardisation
- standardization
- start-up
- state
- State
- state of mind
- statistics.
- stigma
- strategic business commitment
- structural equation model
- structural power
- structure
- study strategies for science
- subfield of music production
- subjects
- substantial economy vs. formal economy.
- sustainability
- Sweden.
- systems of work
- taxes
- teaching strategies
- technological change
- teenagers
- telemedicine
- telemonitoring
- television
- television and learning
- temporality
- territorial articulation
- territorial policies
- territory
- textuality.
- the activity of work
- the Americas
- the body.
- the law
- the left
- the one-percent
- theater
- theoretical paradigms
- therapeutic cultures
- third sector organizations
- time
- time use.
- time-dynamics
- times of work.
- tokenism
- tourism
- trade unions
- training
- transformations of work
- transgressive paths
- transition to fatherhood
- transition to work
- transnational families
- transnational public sphere
- transnationalism
- transnationality
- travel writing.
- Trump
- Trump.
- trust
- turnout
- type of offenders
- typology