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Territory in Movement is a journal of geography and planning edited by University of Lille and created in 2006. It is a scientific journal published 4 times per year and dedicated to the study off all aspects of geography and planning at international, national and local levels. It publishes original research papers, all of which are peer reviewed, mainly in thematic issues and book reviews. Particular emphasis is placed of the spatial and/or territorial issue of the theorical, conceptual and/or empirical aspects of the papers. Articles involving interdisciplinary approaches and opening towards different disciplines of social or environmental sciences are invited but all contributions must make clear the explicit link between spatial and/or territory dimension of the research.

The issues from 1963 to 2004/2005 (under the title Hommes et Terres du Nord) are available online on Persée

Latest issue
63 | 2024
Jeux sérieux

Serious games
Edited by Anne Dray, Maryvonne Prévot and Alain Schoeny

Editor's notes

Direction du numéro et coordination éditoriale: Anne Dray, Maryvonne Prévot et Alain Schoeny.

Avec la participation de Caroline Norrant pour la coordination éditoriale.

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