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Nazi Recycling and the Remnants of Genocide

Anne Berg
p. 108-115


Ook tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog vormde de verwerking van afval voor het lokale en het nationale nazibestuur een uitdaging. Het regime leek zich meer te bekommeren om de vodden die de gevangenen aan hun lijf droegen dan om het welzijn van de gevangenen zélf, merkt professor Anne Berg (universiteit van Pennsylvania) in haar bijdrage op. In ‘Nazi recycling and the remnants of genocide’ buigt de Amerikaanse historica zich over de geschiedenis van nazi-Duitsland als een ‘afvalregime’, dat hard inzette op recyclage voor de oorlogsinspanningen, tot in de getto’s en de kampen toe.

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Ce document sera publié en ligne en texte intégral en avril 2025.

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In the spring of 2023, the conservation laboratory at the Auschwitz Museum began the arduous process of preserving 8,000 children’s shoes currently part of the exhibit. The remnants of genocide, from brittle paper records to decomposing celluloid film, to shoes and rags, to teeth, dentures, and human hair, are slowly but steadily eviscerated by the passing of time. In 2015, a metal conservationist cleaned all the eyeglasses on display at the Auschwitz Museum to slow down inevitable corrosion. At the same time, the museum resolved not to preserve or burry the hair on display, as it was impossible to establish if the owners had been murdered or survived. Eventually, the museum reached the decision to leave the hair be, to let it decay in its vitrine.

Eyeglasses of murdered prisoners discovered at Auschwitz post liberation

Eyeglasses of murdered prisoners discovered at Auschwitz post liberation

© United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Philip Vock

When the Soviet Army liberated Auschwitz in January of 1945, they foun...

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Pour citer cet article

Référence papier

Anne Berg, « Nazi Recycling and the Remnants of Genocide »Témoigner. Entre histoire et mémoire, 138 | 2024, 108-115.

Référence électronique

Anne Berg, « Nazi Recycling and the Remnants of Genocide »Témoigner. Entre histoire et mémoire [En ligne], 138 | 2024, mis en ligne le 15 avril 2025, consulté le 11 septembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Anne Berg

Anne Berg is Assistant Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on waste and recycling, film and cities, racism, war, and genocide. She has authored two books, On Screen and Off: Cinema and the Making of Nazi Hamburg (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022) and Empire of Rags and Bones: Waste and War in Nazi Germany, forthcoming with Oxford University Press in March, 2024. Currently, she is writing a global environmental history of garbage.

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