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120 | 2015
Quel avenir pour la mémoire du génocide des Arméniens ?

Welke toekomst voor de herinnering aan de Armeense genocide?
What future is there for the memory of the Armenian genocide?
Edited by Philippe Mesnard
Couverture Témoigner n° 120, 2015
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190x235mm - 202 p. - 18 € ; Prix de commercialisation du numéro 18 €
ISBN 978-2-84174-701-6

The 1915 genocide of Turkish Armenians still stirs up numerous debates, controversies, declarations of principle, statements and counter-statements, and even negation. However, as we speak, ties are being established more and more openly, bridges are built and bonds strengthened between the Armenian and Turkish communities. Is reconciliation possible?

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