Index | Index by keyword
Index de mots-clés | Index by keyword | Indice de palabras clave
- a-typical schedules
- a-typical work schedules
- academic and industrial research
- academic entrepreneurship
- academic knowledge
- academics
- acceleration
- acceleration of the pace of life
- acculturation
- action goals
- activation
- activities
- activity
- activity conflict
- adjustment
- administrative temporalities
- administrators
- aesthetics
- affective temporality
- affinity relationships
- age
- agenda
- agenda setting
- agendas
- aging
- Alceste
- Algeria
- Algerie
- alienation
- Allenby Bridge
- almanac
- Alps
- Alternate History
- Ancient music
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- Anticipation
- arab revolutions
- arab world
- archaeology
- archeology
- architectonics of time
- archives
- Argentine
- argumentation
- army
- arrangements
- art
- art school
- Artemis Orthia
- articulation
- artistic conventions
- assisted reproductive technology
- asylum
- asylum seekers
- attitudes towards time
- audience
- auto censorship
- autobiography
- automation
- automotive industry
- Autonomy
- autonomy
- availability
- awaiting
- Bangladesh
- bank
- bank employees
- beekeeping
- bees
- Beirut
- belief systems
- beliefs
- Bergsonism
- bifurcation
- bifurcations
- biodiversity
- biographical analysis
- biographical narratives
- biographical temporalities
- biography
- Blanquists
- Bologna
- boom and bust
- border
- Bosnia
- boundary objects
- Brazil
- breach
- breaks
- breeding
- bringing up strategies
- Building Sites
- bullfights
- bureaucratic encounters
- Byzantine art
- cabinet
- Caguán
- Cairo
- calendar
- Calendars
- calibration
- camp
- cancer
- capitalism
- car
- car industry
- care
- care work
- career
- career prospects
- careers
- cashiers
- categories
- catholicism
- Catholicism
- celebrities
- Cereq
- Chance
- changes
- changes in practices
- Charles de Gaulle
- Charles Fourier
- cheese
- chemistry
- Chile
- China
- China (Datong)
- Christine de Pizan
- chronic disease
- chronology
- chronopolitics
- Chronos
- Cigarette Addiction
- cinema
- circular migration
- citizenship
- city
- civil law
- classification
- cleaning ladies
- climate emergency
- cliometrics
- coffee-house
- cohorts
- Cold War
- collective bargaining
- collective identity
- collective memory
- collective resistance
- Colombia
- colonial situation
- commemoration
- commercial time
- commitment
- commodification
- communication
- communicational device
- Communism
- comorian women
- company
- Comparison France-Belgium
- compatriots policies
- compensation
- competition
- completely unemployed persons
- complex risk society
- compressed and contradictory modernity
- compressed Individual
- compressed modernity
- compromise
- Comté
- conceptions
- conceptualism
- conceptualization
- concert
- Confinement
- conflict
- conflicts
- confraternity
- connectivity
- construction of identity
- consultation
- contact Sheet
- contemplation
- contemporary
- contemporary company
- contemporary French literature
- contextualization
- continuing cultural landscape
- continuity
- Contractors
- control strategy
- convention
- coronavirus
- corrida
- counter
- couple
- coupled life courses
- courage
- course
- Covid
- Covid-19
- Covid-19 Pandemic
- coworking
- coworking space
- craft industry
- creation
- criminal law
- crisis
- crisis of politics
- crisis of presence
- criss-crossing of temporalities
- critical instant
- Cronos
- cross sectional analysis
- Cultural differences
- cultural places
- cultural practices
- cultural socialization
- curators
- curialisation
- curve of assimilation
- customer
- customer orientation
- customers
- daily mobility
- de-assimilation
- death
- decadence
- deceleration
- decision
- defeat
- definition of the situation
- delay
- delegation
- democracy
- Democracy
- democratic temporality
- democratic time horizons
- demographic transition
- demography
- department stores
- derangement
- deregulation
- descendants of immigrants
- design thinking
- destructive temporality
- developmental temporalities
- device
- devices
- devotion
- diamastigosis
- Diary
- diegesis
- Diodorus of Sicily
- diplomacy
- discipline
- disconnection
- discontinuities
- discourse
- discourse analysis
- discretionary power
- discrimination
- discursive production
- discursive register
- dissonance
- distance
- diversity of « time cultures »
- divination
- division of administrative labour
- division of labor
- divorce
- Divorce
- domestic gender
- domestic labour
- Domestic spaces
- domestic work
- doping
- Downward Mobility
- dream
- drinking establishments
- durability
- duration of shelter stays
- durkheimism
- dwelling
- dynamics
- dynasty
- dystopia
- early childhood
- East
- ecological crisis
- ecology
- economic ethic
- economic sociology
- edition
- education
- education level
- Egypt
- elected representatives
- elite athletes
- emergency
- Emergency policies
- emerging civil society
- emotional work
- empirical method
- employability
- employees
- employers
- employment policy
- empty times
- encountering information
- end of all times
- energy transition
- engagement
- Enlargement
- entrance fee
- entrepreneurs
- environmental disturbance
- ephebe
- epidemics
- Ergonomics
- Ernst Bloch
- Estonia
- eternity
- ethical suffering
- ethics of care
- ethnography
- etiology
- Europe
- European Neighbourhood Policy
- European Union
- Europeanization
- evaluation
- evening work
- event
- event history analysis
- event-making
- everyday life
- executives
- exhibitions
- exile
- experience
- experimentation
- experimentations
- expert
- expertise
- exposition
- External times
- factories
- families
- family
- family business
- family socialization
- family structure
- Fatum
- favelas
- feasts
- female hospital nurses
- female labor force
- femininity
- feminism
- feminist theory
- fencers
- fertility
- fields
- figures of speech
- film director
- film work
- firms
- first names
- First World War
- flattened temporality
- flexibility
- food system
- football
- football player
- foresight
- forms of identity
- Fortuna
- Foxconn
- fragmentation
- fragmentation of activities
- France
- free time
- freelance work
- freelance workers
- French literature
- french national Front
- French Revolution
- French telephone operators
- French work history
- frequency of contact
- frozen time
- future
- future crisis
- Gambetta
- gambling
- Gauchet
- Gaullism
- geared processes
- gender
- gender inequalities
- gender parity
- gender relations
- gender-based division of labour
- gendered temporalities
- generation
- Generation-Gender Symbiosis
- generationnel approach
- generations
- genesis
- genius
- gentrification
- geographical trajectory
- geohistory
- George Orwell
- Germany
- glass ceiling
- globalization
- gnomonic
- gnomonics
- governmentality
- gradual reform
- grammar
- Greece
- greedy institution
- Guyau
- health
- Health
- health crisis
- health of athletes
- healthcare collective
- Hellenistic
- heritage
- heritagization
- heritagization regime
- heuristic
- hexis
- high-level sports
- High-level sports
- high-skilled employees
- historian
- historic center
- historical awareness
- Historical Break
- historical event
- historical evolution
- historical memory
- historical register
- historical rhythms
- historicity
- historicity regime
- historiography
- History
- history
- History laboratories
- history of art
- history of sociology
- hold
- Holocaust
- homelessness
- hospitality
- hotel
- housework
- housing
- human sacrifice
- human/animal interaction
- humiliation
- humiliation.
- hybrid activity
- hybrid categories
- Iamboulos
- Iași
- identity
- identity crisis
- Ideology of Progress
- image
- imaginaries
- imaginary
- immanence
- immigration
- impetuosity
- importance of the narrative
- in between time
- in situ experiment
- incunabula
- independents
- individual temporalities
- industrial disputes
- industrial research
- industrial restructuring
- Industrial temporality
- industrial time
- industrialization
- industries
- industry
- inequalities
- inequality
- infertility
- infinity
- information
- information discovery
- inhabiting
- inheritance
- innovation
- Innovation
- institutional change
- institutional temporalities
- institutional time
- institutions
- instruction
- intangible cultural heritage
- intensification
- intensive agriculture
- inter-individual context
- interaction
- Interaction
- interaction analysis
- interaction between past and present
- interactional analysis
- intergenerational temporality
- intergenerational transmissions (family and party)
- Internal times
- international comparison
- international migration
- international relations
- intersecting careers
- intertemporal analysis
- interviews
- irregular warfare
- irreversibility
- Islam
- Island of the Sun
- labor
- labor laws
- labour psychodynamics
- labour temporalities
- language
- lapse of memory
- large-scale surveys
- Last Supper Day
- learning
- learning citizenship
- Lebanon
- Leftism
- Legal deadlines
- legitimacy
- leisure
- length of time
- lesbian
- life course
- life cycle
- life story
- life test
- life-history
- lifestyles
- lift course
- lift cycle
- linearity
- linguistic echoes of the flux of time
- linked lives
- literature
- lived temporalities
- living
- local election
- local memory
- local politics
- local public action
- local services
- local society
- locality
- localized social configurations
- lock down
- Lockdown
- lockdown
- logics of knowledge
- loneliness
- long term
- long-term
- longevity
- longitudinal
- longitudinal analysis
- Louvre
- loyalty
- Lyon
- Machiavelli
- Maghreb
- Malaise in temporality
- malthusianism
- management
- management system
- management systems
- managers
- Manned spaceflights
- Marcel Gimond
- market
- markets
- marriage
- Marseilles
- Mary Daly
- mass strike
- master
- material life
- measure
- measurement
- measuring time
- media
- media coverage
- mediation
- mediators
- medicine
- Mediterranean
- memory
- metadiscourse
- metropolization
- Middle Ages
- Middle East
- middle ranking managers
- migration
- migration memories
- migration project
- Migrations
- migrations
- migratory professions
- militant temporalities
- Militant violence
- military culture
- millennialism
- miracle
- mixed identities
- Mixed Martial Arts
- mobile phone
- mobilities
- mobility
- models of calculable general equilibrium
- modern tragedy
- modernity
- money
- Monique Wittig
- moral order
- Mosaic Familialism
- Mosaic Temporality
- mosaics
- Moscow
- motherhood
- motive
- mottoes
- mountain
- movies
- MPs
- multi-temporality
- multimodality
- multiplicity of genres
- multisite historical sociology
- multispecies temporalities
- museum
- music
- music clubs
- musical radio networks
- Mussolini
- mutation of modernity
- mutiny
- myth and metaphor
- Napoléon
- Napoleonic Empire
- naps
- narrative
- narrative identity
- narrative norms
- narrative temporality
- Narratives
- nation
- national identity
- national transport surveys
- natural resources
- nautical activities
- negotiation
- Neoplatonism
- New Public Management
- new public management
- new socialization
- new times
- news flows
- news work
- newsmen
- night
- night shift work
- night shifts
- night time economy
- night work
- Night-Time Environment
- nightlife
- nocturnal territorialities
- non-linear evolution
- non-standard working hours
- non-Western views of the flux of time
- Nord-Pas de Calais Mining Basin
- Norm
- norm
- normality
- normalization
- norms
- North African immigrant families
- novel
- nuclear sector
- nurses
- nurse’s aides
- objective time
- objects
- Observatory of the nocturnal environment
- occupation
- occupational activity
- occupational health
- occupations
- Oceania
- off-season
- offical time
- officers
- official history
- oppositions
- orality
- ordeal
- ordinary heritage
- organization
- organization by project
- organizational behavior
- organizational change
- organizational fields
- organizational work
- Orthodoxy
- OTMedia
- Ottoman Empire
- ottoman Empire
- outsourcing
- Overseas
- pac
- pace of life
- painting
- Palestine
- Palestinians
- palimpsest
- pandemic
- papers
- paradigm
- parent-child relationships
- parenthood
- parenting
- Paris
- parliament
- Parliament
- part time workers
- part-time
- part-time work
- participation
- participation framework
- passions
- past
- Pastrana
- paternalism
- patient
- patrimonialization
- patrimonializations
- patriotism
- Paul Ricœur
- peace
- perception
- Perestroika
- performance
- peripherality
- Perpignan
- personal assimilation
- personal identity
- personal network
- personal networks
- pesticide
- Philippe Pétain
- philosophies of time
- philosophy
- Photography
- physical activity
- physical activity and sports
- Piedmont
- Pierre Joly
- place
- plant
- plastic
- plurality of temporalities
- poetry
- Poland
- polarization
- police
- Police violence
- policy change
- politic sociology of Law
- political anthropology
- political crisis
- Political Ecology
- political essays
- political field
- political profession
- political professionalization
- political time
- Political violence
- politicization
- popular religious
- porch
- porticoes
- positive feedback
- Post-Reform China
- post-socialism
- post-soviet
- post-Soviet countries
- Post-Soviet Migrations
- posted work
- posted workers
- practices
- practices and uses
- pragmatism
- prayer
- Precarious Situation
- precarious work
- precautionary war
- predisposition
- prehistory
- Preparatory Classes for the French leading schools
- Presence
- present
- Present
- present-past-future trilogy (the)
- presentism
- press
- Prevention
- prevention
- prevention of ageing
- preventive war
- printing
- prioritization
- private life and professionnal life
- private property
- Privatization
- Proactive approach
- process
- procession
- producers
- producing
- production of local
- productive temporalities
- profession
- professional autonomy
- professional culture
- professional cycling
- professional gender
- Professional journalists’ identity commission
- professional practices
- professional socialization
- professional training
- professional work
- Professionalisation
- professionalism
- professionnal practice
- professionnal time
- progress
- project
- project accelerator
- project work
- project-based funding
- project-based industry
- projection into the future
- prosperous future
- prostitution
- Protest
- Protestantism
- proximity
- psycho-pathological disorders
- psychoanalysis
- public action
- Public Action
- Public action
- public administration
- public hospital
- public policies
- Public policy
- public policy
- public problem
- public recognition
- public space
- public utility
- publisher’s advertisements
- publisher’s collections
- punctuality
- punk
- rap music
- rational expectations
- rationalization
- reader reception
- reading
- real business cycles
- realism of time
- rebuilding
- recent past.
- recognition
- reconciling
- reconciling work/family
- recording industry
- recovery
- referential memory
- reflective analysis
- reflective experience
- reforestation
- reform
- regime of historicity
- Regimes of action and decision
- regimes of historicity
- regulation
- reification
- reinterpretation
- reinvestissment of resources during crisis
- relation to time
- relational inequalities
- relational resources
- relationship to the past
- relationships between generations
- religion
- religious feast
- religious temporalities
- religious wasteland
- remote schooling
- remote work
- renewal of parliamentary staff
- reparations
- repetition
- replay
- representation
- representation of time
- repression
- republican time
- research fellows
- research interview
- research management
- Research Management
- research workers
- researchers
- residential projects
- resilience
- resistance
- resistances
- resources
- Restoration
- restructuring
- retail
- retail sector
- Rétif
- retirement
- Returnees
- reunification
- reuse
- revisit
- revolution
- rhythms of life
- Rimbaud
- risk
- rite
- rite of passage
- ritual
- ritual flagellation
- rodeo
- role
- Romania
- Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)
- routinization
- Ruhr Crisis
- rule of law
- rural China
- rural modernization
- Russia
- Russian Federation
- Russian migrants
- Russian World
- sacred
- Sanch
- sanction
- Sanitary crisis
- Sanitary measures
- Sarajevo
- scale crossing
- schedules
- scheduling
- school
- Sciences
- scientific career
- scientific network
- scientific research
- scientific work
- sculpture
- Seasonal time
- seasonal workers
- seasonality
- second generation
- secondary school teachers
- secular religions
- selected time
- self-transformation
- semantics
- sense of belonging
- sense of time
- sentences
- sequence
- sequential
- serendipity
- services
- setting up
- Shared physical custody
- shared physical custody
- shift-work
- short term
- simultaneity
- single-parent family
- situation of utterance
- small groups
- small towns
- sociability
- social class
- social conflict
- social consciousness
- social context
- social crisis
- social demands
- social drama
- social emergency
- social ethic
- social exclusion
- social housing
- social inequalities
- social memory
- social network
- social network analysis
- social polarization
- social psychology
- social relations
- social representations
- social reproduction
- social rhythms
- social rules
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Social Security cover
- social space
- social stratification
- social support
- social temporalities
- social time
- social times
- Social times
- Social Vulnerability
- social workers
- social-ecological dynamics
- socialisation
- socialization
- societies of control
- Socio-professional profile
- sociography
- sociological semantics
- sociology
- Sociology
- sociology of alert and risk
- sociology of fiction
- sociology of finance
- Sociology of justice
- sociology of knowledge
- sociology of public policies
- Sociology of Public Problems
- Sociology of science ; science policy ; project funding ; laboratory study ; biophysics ; interdisciplinary research
- sociology of time
- Sociology of warning
- sociology of work
- Sociology of work
- sovereignty
- soviet rock
- space
- space agencies
- spatial permeability
- spatialities
- spectacle
- speeches
- speed
- sports
- Sports and television
- sports federation
- sports instructors
- spring 2020 lockdown
- St. Petersburg
- stakes
- State
- State intervention
- state-individual relationship
- stationary equilibrium
- statistical analysis
- story
- strategies
- streetlighting
- strike
- strikes
- structural concordance
- structural temporalities
- structure
- sub-universe
- subcontracting
- subjectivation
- subjective resources
- subjective temporalities
- subjective time
- subjectivity
- suicide
- suitcase trade
- Sunday work
- sundial
- sundials
- superstore sector
- surveillance studies
- survey
- Sustainability
- sustainable development
- Sustainable Development
- Switzerland
- symbolic benefits
- symbols
- system of sports
- system transition
- taste
- taxi drivers
- Technical policies)
- technical staff
- Technology and Society (Technical democracy
- television
- telework
- tempo
- temporal analysis
- temporal and situational anchoring
- temporal arrangements
- temporal availability
- temporal borders
- Temporal codification of terms
- temporal competences
- temporal conception of development
- temporal configurations
- temporal contraction
- temporal contradictions
- temporal coordination
- temporal discipline
- temporal ecology
- Temporal Exile
- temporal experience
- Temporal framework
- temporal organization
- temporal pattern
- temporal paucity
- temporal permeability
- temporal quarter
- temporal regime
- temporal regulation
- temporal socialisation
- temporal socialization
- temporal systems
- temporal tactics
- Temporalities
- temporalities
- temporalities of fields
- temporality
- Temporality
- temporality configurations
- temporality struggles
- temporalization
- temporary migrants
- temporary worker
- tensions
- term limits
- ternary structure of the flux of time
- territories
- territory
- Territory
- terrorism
- textual analysies
- the end of religion
- The fifth season
- the irreversible flux of time
- the migrant experience
- theater
- theatre
- theodicy of suffering
- Theology
- theory of democracy
- Theory of distributed action
- theory of evolution
- thick dimension of language
- Thucydides
- time
- Time
- time and subjectivity
- time arrangements
- Time as a general philosophical category
- time at work
- time clock
- time companion
- time configurations
- time constraints
- time control
- time equation
- time experience
- time factor
- time lived
- time management
- time off work
- time parameter
- time perspective
- time prescription
- time pressure
- time regimens
- time strategies
- time vs space
- time-cafés
- time-off
- time-politics
- time-squeeze
- times
- timetable
- Timișoara
- Tinos
- Tocqueville
- Torino
- total institution
- Toulouse
- tourism
- trade
- trade-unionism
- traditional concept of danger
- tragic
- training
- training and learning time
- training methodology
- trajectories
- trajectory
- transcendence
- transhumance temporalities
- Transition
- transmission
- transmission of know-how
- transnational community
- transnational mobility
- transport
- travel
- tropical night
- Tunisia
- turning point in a career
- turning-point
- TV broadcasting
- Two-mode Networks
- uchronia
- Ukraine
- Ulysses
- unavailability.
- uncertainty
- Uncertainty and governance
- underground
- unemployment
- Unesco
- unions
- unmarked foreigner
- uranium
- urban area
- urban ethnography
- urban movements
- urban rhythms
- urban sprawl
- urban time
- urban transportation
- urbanization
- urgency
- usages
- uses of time
- Utopia
- utopia
- wage labour
- waiting
- waiting time
- War
- war
- War of attrition
- war outcome
- war veterans (1914-1918)
- Warsaw
- water town
- way of life
- Weber
- wedding
- withdrawal attitude
- women
- word
- work
- Work activity
- work fragmentation
- work intensification
- Work schedules
- work sociology
- work team
- work time
- work-life balance
- work-life interference
- work/family balance
- worker
- workers
- working group
- working hours
- working time
- world heritage
- World War I
- writing
- writing about oneself
- writing in the present tense