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Editorial Project

The journal’s mission is to analyze relationships between information and communication technologies and society. We invite texts that address issues of communication and focus on their social dimension from a critical perspective. This critical perspective may be understood in theoretical, methodological or epistemological terms. Contributions should integrate an analytic approach based on a well-defined conceptual and methodological framework.

TIC & Société takes after the original journal, each issue dealing with one topic in about half a dozen texts. Each issue is coordinated by one person. Contributors are blind tested by two people. The scientific journal publishes new articles in French though it also publishes abstracts in English and Spanish as long as the abstracts are provided by the authors along with their manuscripts. The members of the scientific committee makes the journal both a French-speaking and an international one.

The journal is digital as production and circulation costs are kept low but also as it get get an international readership. The journal is available at However, we have kept the former format i.e.issues published at a given time. There should be two issues a year.


The last issue of the TIS journal was published in 1997, and the loss was quickly made obvious to professors, researchers and students alike. Consequently, from the late 1990’s on, some, amongst whom Dominique Carré, have felt the need to make the quality texts published in 10 years by TIS available to students. The project has matured since then and is now headed by Abdel Benchenna. With the help from Paris 13 University students, the whole lot of the TIS issues has been digitised and made available on both CD-ROM and the Revues Disparues website at We have also noticed that no other journals along the same line have been launched. This is why we have decided to relaunch this journal.

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