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Instructions for publishing

General information

TIPA articles can be published in French or English. The TIPA is a peer reviewed journal, all the articles are examined by a committee of experts. This committee consists in a permanent and a flexible part. The first is selected by the executive editor and includes experts of different fields of speech and language research. The second is chosen by the guest editor according to the special topic of the current volume.

From now on, the articles will exclusively be published online at the Web platform for journals and book series in the humanities and social sciences


Articles should be directly submitted by email to the following address:


Please kindly send the article in three copies:

    • 1 The required document format is .doc (Word) or other files which are compatible with Word (open sou (...)

    one file in .doc1 including the title, name and affiliation of the author(s).

  • two anonymous files, in .doc and .pdf format

Global text size

Length: Manuscripts are to be between 10 and 20 double-spaced pages (35.000 - 80.000 characters or 6.000 - 12.000 words). We recommend 15 pages on average.

Authors are kindly asked to provide a short abstract (language of the article, between 120 and 200 words) as well as a LONG abstract of two pages (other language: in French if the article is in English; in English if the article is written in French), and 5 bilingual key words (French and English).


The main text should be prepared as sections without any formatting (except the following instructions).

Concerning the phonetic characters, please use « SIL Doulos IPA93 »:

If not possible, please use the SAMPA code:

Please inform the TIPA editors in the case you use a special font.

Figures, Illustrations, Schemes and Tables

Figures, illustrations, schemes and Tables, as well as legends and captures should be inserted within the text at the appropriate positions rather than listing them at the end of the paper. Picture should also be sent in a separate file with a quality of 600 dpi.


Examples of interlinear translation should be presented as a table without border (please use neither spaces nor tabs).


Short citations (less than two lines) will appear in the body of the text by using italics.

Longer citations (more than two lines) will be presented as a separate paragraph, in italics as well.


Number footnotes sequentially. The reference number for the note in the body of the text is a raised numeral, not enclosed in parentheses. Place the note number at the end of a sentence after the punctuation mark. Authors are kindly asked to place the footnotes at the very end of the article.


Author references in the body of the text

The citations of authors in the body should be placed in round brackets, e.g.: (Chomsky, 1995).

Please use the symbol “&” if there are two authors and “et al.” if there are more than two.

Presentation of references

These references should be at the very end of the article.


Chomsky, N. (1995) The minimalist program, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 250 p.

Pimsleur, P. & T. Quinn (1971) The Psychology of Second Language Learning, 2nd International Congress of Applied Linguistics, Cambridge (UK), 8-12 Sept. 1969, London, UK : Cambridge University Press.

Article in a book

Stevens, K.N. (1972) The Quantal Nature of Speech: Evidence from Articulatory-Acoustic Data, in Denes, P.B. & X.C., David (eds) Human Communication: a Unified View, New York: McGraw-Hill, p. 51-66.

Article in a Journal

Flege, J.-L. (1980) Anticipatory and Carryover Nasal Coarticulation in the Speech of Children and Adults, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 31, 3, p. 525-536.


Bolinger, D. (1964) Intonation as a Universal, in Lunt, H.G. (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, MA, The Hague: Mouton, p. 833-848.

PHD Thesis

Feng, G. (1986) Modélisation acoustique et traitement du signal de parole, Thèse de doctorat, Université de Grenoble, 524 p.


1 The required document format is .doc (Word) or other files which are compatible with Word (open source).

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